Abnormal bleeding (sorry tmi)

How did your scan go Shirleen x

Scan went fine no lumps or bumps, couldn't find my ovaries as apparently they tend to disappear after a hysterectomy as there's no structure to hold it, but that was ok she said as anything untoward would be obvious.

Had a smear too results in 2-3 weeks, but no obvious sign of problems!
Thanks for asking xxxx
Scan went fine no lumps or bumps, couldn't find my ovaries as apparently they tend to disappear after a hysterectomy as there's no structure to hold it, but that was ok she said as anything untoward would be obvious.

Had a smear too results in 2-3 weeks, but no obvious sign of problems!
Thanks for asking xxxx

They couldnt find my left overy either x glad to hear everything is fine x
Aww thanks Safia hun - I still think its not necessary but i suppose it rules things out xx how are you?

Not came to my mums and my 10 month old got the norovirus yesterday, than today my 2 daughters, mum, sister have it so now theres only me and my other 2 sisters who dont have it. Been running around like a headless chicken! Think i might tell my husband to pick us up tommorrow x
Its better to be safe than sorry with these things so good your getting checked out x
Oh no sorry to hear that, its the last thing you need hun. I dont blame you for wanting to go back home if your up to it. Hope things pick up soon. I still think my problem is arthritis in my hip, but i guess im not a doctor ( even though i do work with medical stuff every day lol) theyre scanning my ovaries and kidneys to rule out referred pain hey ho we shall see
Safia - congrats! Though fair to say am currently bricking it a lot as am suffering from similar abnormal bleeding 2 1/2 week period that lasted my ENTIRE holiday in mexco - grr) off for those lovely swabs today. On the implant so am thinking pregnant is unlikely though (I devoutly hope!)

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Awww what a shame - not nice but I hope it didnt totally ruin your holiday??

I had my scan this morning I have to ring for the results next week. She did however tell me to ring and make an app as my coil isnt fitted properly its too low grrrrrrr effing doctors
Defo didn't ruin my hols ( maybe ruined part of hubs :) ). The nurse seems to think mine is implant related but I have to wait for results of the swabs. She also intimated my GP wasn't the best to talk to about contraceptives etc!
I once had bleeding that went on and on for 10 weeks! I had swabs and was all clear of any infections or anything else nasty, I even had some tablets that were supposed to stop it but it didn't.

I was referred for ultrasound and I just had an inflamed / irritaed cervix. It eventually stopped a week after and the doc said just lay off sex for a couple of weeks to let everything settle down. Never had any problems since. Was so scary and worrying thought :( Hopefully others experiencing similar things will be something equally trivial.
Before I had my 1st coil fitted - I bled non stop for 33 days. Doc wanted to take me into hospital on new years eve - I asked would it be for treatment, he said no bed rest, so I said im doing that at home, im not going into hospital as i wont rest. My gynae probs have gone on for years they just wont do a hysterectomy as they say my womb is healthy