Thanks my lovelies! I hope I'll get to Club 10 on Monday but the scales are all over the shop this week so I'll just cross my fingers, stick to plan and hope for the best.
Think maybe I'm just too tired to be digging the exercise this week. OH's working 5 til 5 this week instead of 9-5, which is great for him as it's overtime and he'll earn more etc., but since I don't get in from work 'til gone half five I don't see him on an evening. So when he gets in at 5am and comes to bed, I'm all like 'rabbit rabbit rabbit' and end up awake from then on. Which is pretty unusual for me, usually I just turn over and ignore him when he gets in from work!!
And I do like my sleep

Thursday - green
Breakfast - banana and pear mid-morning
Lunch - leftover pasta and veg sauce, 2 babybel lights (HexA)
Snack - fibre plus (HexB)
Dinner - quorn sausages (fried in oil - HexB!), a mountain of mashed potato, peas and gravy (3 syns)
bag of chocolate buttons (4 syns)
fat free fromage frais with sweetener and honey (2 syns?)
Total syns: 9
Dragged myself to Aqua aerobics tonight. Wasn't very inspired by the gum-chewing teenager taking the class, but I did like these dumbells they had that are made out of float material (polystyrene stuff) - light as a feather but really tough to move around under the water!
Didn't feel it was much of a cardio workout but hopefully it's done some good for the bingo wings!
Right, I'm off to bed, thank goodness it's nearly the weekend and time for a lie-in...