Thank you! I don't think I could have pushed myself back on plan if I hadn't seen the numbers on the scales!

Thursday - green, day 3 100%
Breakfast - banana and apple
Lunch - gingered sweet potato soup (HexA for milk in it), 1 scan bran with philidelphia (Was meant to be 5 for a HexB+A but was stuffed, and I'd forgotten how bad scan bran truly are

Going to say 3 syns instead - oh my goodness, I'm actually using syns on scanbran, yuck)
Snacks - 3 tangerines, apple, Weetabix oaty bar (HexB)
Dinner - roast peppers stuffed with brown rice, carrot, celery, onion, mushroom and a bit of cheese melted on top (HexA)
Curly wurly (6 syns)
Slendertone done, will do arm exercises later when the cat gets off my lap - I think he's taken up being more friendly as his new year's resolution. Either that or he just doesn't like his bed any more because I unpicked the cover and washed it last week so it doesn't stink any more.
Got a slice of cheese on toast (HexA+B) in mind for later on if I get the munchies, or fromage frais and sweetener if I fancy something sweet