Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

:) Tuesday - EE

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - leftover tuna pasta bake, pear, tangerine

Snack - 2 tangerines, Weetabix oaty bar (HexB)

Dinner - lasagne and salad and garlic bread (HexB for oil, HexA for cheese, 8 syns for garlic bread)
3 Tesco lindor rip-offs (6 syns?)
Pint and a half of lager....

Went to the pub as initially planned for last Tuesday. Had a nice time with some of the girls from my college course, which was really nice as I don't know that many people in the town where I now live, my friends live all over the place and I don't get to see them as often as I'd like. Another day off plan, but too bad! My 'mediterranean vegetable lasagne' turned out to be a mince lasagne, but I can never be bothered to send it back, since by the time they bring you what you asked for everyone else has finished their meals!
Glad you had a nice night - and at least you tried to be good... you could quite easily have gone for pie and chips - so give yourself credit for that! And only a pint and a half of lager... that is admirable!

Have you got much time off for Christmas?
Now I'm back in (although still not feeling great), I've only got tomorrow, and Thursday. We shut lunchtime Friday and I've got all of next week off - bliss!
Hi Sarah, tomorrow is Thursday! So you only have a day and a half to go (plus the rest of today...). Hope you're not feeling too ropey. At least you should be over the worst of it by Christmas which is one plus point...

I have taken Christmas Eve off so I'm in tomorrow then off until January 4th! WOOHOO! I dread to think how full my inbox will be by then but I will try not to think about it until the time comes!

Getting excited now :)
Pah can you tell my brain isn't working today!!
Don't worry about your inbox - surely lots of other people will have time off too so won't be around to email you (that's what I'm hoping anyway)
Yay to time away from work!
:) Wednesday - green

Breakfast - apple, banana

Lunch - tomato pasta mugshot, pear, tangerine

Snack - 2 scan bran (part of HexB...), marmite, 2 tangerines

Dinner - grilled haddock with cauliflower cheese (HexA for milk, HexB for cheese, 3 syns for cornflour) and BNS chips
Chocolate orange (syns???? too many!)

Haven't done any exercise since Sunday and didn't do any all last week either. Am feeling sluggish and really tired on an evening - it's probably a viscious circle though, that the less I do, the more sluggish I feel, so the less I want to do...
Managed to demolish an entire chocolate orange though last night. I just have no stop mechanism that tells me enough is enough. I always keep going until the pack is empty :(
Scales were saying 177 this morning :(
Might try to get back on track earlier than the 4th Jan because at this rate I will be half a stone heavier and that's two months of SW for me to get rid of that!!!
I bought myself a popping candy chocolate orange!! Not opened it yet though because I too would scoff the lot. Just can't help it with chocolate :eek:
My plan was to try and at least keep most meals SW's not going very well *sigh*

Hope you have a lovely Christmas though dude.xx
Just checking up on you and see how you're doing. Know what you mean about the gym...definately hoping to go 2-3 times this week!!!
Hope you had a nice holiday and happy new year!
Hi Prawn - Happy New Year, get your bum back on here (if you've had a syn-erific Xmas then you can join our club) xx
Hello hello hello,

Thank you to all of you who popped in to check on me over Christmas. I was very much AWOL...
Much chocolate was consumed, and cake and biscuits and crisps. It was all delicious and I enjoyed stuffing myself like a turkey.

The bad news is I gained 5lbs!!

The good news is, I had a read through of my SW welcome pack last night (from 2008 but hey) and did a thorough menu plan for this week and am feeling MOTIVATED.

I know that sticking to plan during the day is fine, especially with my routine at work I can slip back onto plan pretty easily. My weak point is the evenings, and with the chocolate-cramming that has taken place over the past few weeks I know it is a habit to binge on an evening and this habitual behaviour is more than likely to make me stray over the next few weeks as I get back on track.

I have therefore stocked up on free SW munchables to try and curb that chocolate craving on an evening. I have mugshots on standby, plenty of fruit, and can make some quichy bites if needed. I also have fromage frais and frozen berries for the sweet fix, or oaty bars as a HexB.

I might be mad, but I am going to try and go completely syn-free until the weekend, to try and break the chocolate habit. I guess I can spend my syns on other things, but I do tend to use them on treats like chocolate or ice cream. The way things are at the moment though I will open a box of chocolates and not exhale before they're all gone! SO cold turkey it is.

I might not make it to the gym this week as I hurt my leg there on New Year's Eve and am hobbling round at the moment (I didn't even go out on NYE as I couldn't really walk then!), but will try some gym ball this evening and the slendertone.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you - 2011 is going to be a great year, I can feel it!!

Here's to being healthier and happier (and thinner...) by next Christmas :)
Welcome back!!
Good plan going cold turkey with the chocs - only you know what will work for you...
You might want to think about using your syns for something else though - extras in your meals maybe or more healthy extras? Probably better than not using them at all...

You sound really motivated! I haven't found my planning hat yet... and it feels very strange not knowing what I'm eating this week. Care to share your menu plan for the week? Might inspire me!

Think I'm going to copy your idea and make some mini quichy bites to keep me going in the evenings too, fruit in the evenings never seems to quite cut it for me.

Happy New Year xxx
Here's my plan!

Planned lunches (green):
Tues: Gingered Sweet potato soup (from slow cooker recipe book!)
Wed: leftover tuna pasta bake (from Monday night)
Thurs: Soup
Fri: Soup
Sat: Scrambled egg on toast

Planned dinners (all green except Wednesday):
Tues: quorn sausage, sweet potato mash, sugarsnap peas
Wed: spicy prawn fishcakes with stirfry veg
Thurs: Jacket potato with beans and cheese
Fri: Stuffed peppers with rice, carrot, celery, maybe chickpeas
Sat: quorn spag bol

I could never stick to plan if I didn't plan every bite I eat! I need to have my menu to look forward to to stop me caving during the day (or even on the way home - I'm so weak-willed!).
Got lots of comments about looking better over Christmas and I know I have done well so far and am about halfway to where I want to be. I really do not want to mess it all up now and regain all that weight. I am hoping the Christmas poundage will come off quite quickly as it went on so quickly, and then it will be onwards and downwards as scheduled!
Good plan!
Those fishcakes sound yummy, I'm thinking of trying another fishy week in a couple of weeks too to try and give me a bit of a boost if my losses are slow.
I'm the same - I usually plan all meals and snacks down to a tee - don't always stick to it, but at least it makes me feel in control!
This week I'm just going to go with the flow I think! Eek

Well done on all the positive comments - that must have felt fab!! You really have done so well so you deserve it. And you sound so positive!
I feel positive - at least for the moment!! This evening will be a real test to how motivated I am. If I fall at the first hurdle I will be quite cross with myself!

The prawn cakes are from a SW recipe book - I've not made them before but will post recipe and feedback if they are any good :)

I hope you get exactly what you want this year Sarah - even if a bubba might scupper the weight loss for the time being, it would be be well worth it :)
Thank you hun.

Mmm hope the prawncakes are good - I look forward to pinching the recipe!
:) Tuesday - 100% green day

Breakfast - banana mid-morning

Lunch - Gingered sweet potato soup (HexA for milk in it)
apple, tangerine

Snack - Weetabix oaty bar (HexB), tangerine

Dinner - sweet potato and normal potato mash, quorn sausages, gravy (2 syns)
Half a toffee (1.5 syns)

Done my slendertone session and my arm exercises. Going to give the gym ball a miss as my leg is still sore today from NYE!

If I get peckish later on I have leftover pasta bake in the fridge. OR I will cook up some rice pudding, or have fromage frais.....I WON'T have chocolate!!!

Back in the zone :) :)
Good for you going cold turkey - I packed away all the xmas chocolates first thing this morning so that i wouldn't be tempted at elevensies!!!! Then meg and her friend asked to make fairy cakes, thankfully apart from putting cakes in/out of oven i didn't have to get involved but they smelt divine!

me too hoping the prawncakes are delicious - i need to eat more fish, that 5lb will fall away, hope your injury goes away quickly donna x