Hi Why-D, that's really good going - I gained 5lbs over Christmas and am trying to get rid of it as soon as possible!
Gobolino - my course is a level 2 NCFE qualification and lots of people on it are starting businesses (or already have!). We have done lots of different things from covering a cake / stacking cakes to sugar models, bows etc. and are moving on to flowers this term. I prefer flowers personally (well, I don't have kids so there's not much use for cartoon character cakes) but there's something for everyone and the teacher is pretty flexible about us working mainly on things we enjoy.
The course is 6-9.30 on a Monday evening for 30 weeks, so a whole school year. It's just at the local college and is £199 for the year, which I think is pretty good. I know that specialist cookery schools charge a fortune for courses so it might be worth just looking at local authority-run adult education courses?

Friday - green
Breakfast - rice pudding (HexA) with banana
Lunch - leftover macaroni cheese (HexB for cheese)
Dinner - apple, tangerines, Solero (5 syns)
Maybe cheese on toast (HexA + HexB) later...
Well, couldn't be bothered making risotto after all. Had a stressful day at work which was made ten times worse by someone in my office coming over to ask me something when I was having my lunch and saying 'Are you eating AGAIN??!' and 'there's LOADS there! Are you not eating tonight or something?' which quite frankly made me feel like crap. I know it's just a little comment but for some reason I found it really upsetting. And it was a bit mean as well, making a comment to insinuate how greedy I am in front of an office full of people