Advice for the PrawnchopSuey

Mmmm, I love custard but tastes the best with a big massive dollop of apple crumble! x
Had fun at college tonight - we're focusing on sugar flowers this term which I think look beautiful. Made a nice big white rose... Now have to try not to eat it ;)

Oh wow are you doing sugar craft? I just think cake decorating is amazing (and so hard). I've given it a super amatuer go with my kids birthday cakes but I get cake rage ;) as its so difficult. I'd love to do a class in it. Sorry a bit o/t there but I was browsing your food diary and this lept out at me.
Mmmm.... apple crumble....

Hi Red, welcome to my diary! Yes, I do an evening college course in Sugarcraft. Just as a hobby really, it's good fun. I don't think I'm the most gifted though! We made figurines of Snow White and the Seven dwarfs last term, mine looked very amateur!

:) Tuesday - green

Breakfast - banana

Lunch - tomato soup, 2 scan bran and 28.5g approx) philidelphia (HexB)

Snacks - 2 apples, 3 tangerines

Dinner - 2 quorn burgers in a wholemeal bap (HexB) with cheese (HexA) and rocket, SW chips and sweetcorn
Rice pudding (HexA for milk) with Chocolate (5 syns)

Slendertone done and will do arm exercises before bed :)
Happy New Year!! Bit late, I know ;)

Congrats on the 3lb loss. That is awesome! Really pleased for you :D

Sucks about the custard. SO annoying when you make a mistake like that. But at least it wasn't too disastrous!

Looks like we're on very similar levels on getting to target! Before Xmas I had just under 2st to go. I haven't been weighed since before Xmas so I don't actually know how bad it is, lol. But hopefully I'm not too far over 2st to go.
Be great if we both get to target around the same time.
That would be fab! I'm hoping to make it by Christmas (but hopefully sooner...;) )

:) Wednesday - green

Brunch - rice pudding (HexA) with honey (2 syns) and banana

Snacks - 2 scan bran (last of the pack - hoorah) with about 30g philidelphia (HexB), apple

Dinner - veg curry (onion, potato, pepper, broccoli, peas, passata and spices) with brown rice
Custard (9 syns)

Late night snack - cheese (HexA) on toast (HexB) :)
Hi Donna, no still no wreath, think it's dispatching 21st (as I ordered some valentine's stuff too and am too stingy to pay for two lots of postage!). Chocolate is beginning to get worryingly thin on the ground in our house now though, so I hope it hurries up ;)

The custard was lush, but the tin is gone now so temptation mostly gone - although there is a second unopened tin in the cupboard as it was on offer.

On the upside, I finished the last of the scanbran I bought in bulk last year. Thank goodness ;) Bring on the ryvita, I never used to like it, but compared to scan bran it tastes like a naughty treat!!

Rice pudding for breakfast again today - diet, what diet??! :)
Urgh, I've just chomped through 3 scan brans for my breakfast (with kiwi and yogurt) it really is minging, glad you've used it all up xx
Mmm I'm going to have to try rice pud for brekkie - will save a HEXB then!
When do you make it, and do you eat it hot or cold?
I've only ever had it straight after cooking it...

I'm going to pick up some ryvita too, been really fancying it after seeing so many people eating it on here!

Oh and I swear we've got all the same cook books - I noticed your dinner is from the 'best ever' book - I've got that one too!
Either that or I've really got too many books (Hmm that'll probably be why my hubby rolls his eyes everytime I bring home a new one!)
Hee hee, I think I have too many cook books as well! I have four of the big hardback SW ones (Free foods, 30-min dinners, Best Ever and Curry Feast), and two little SW ones from when I went to group (100 green recipes and saucy secrets) for starters!
I like the 200 Hamlyn ones and also the little GoodFood 101 ones - cheap but never too faffy as I get put off straight away if the ingredients list takes up a whole page!

I made a batch of rice pudding on Tuesday evening (4 servings), so take a portion to work in a little tub, cover in chopped banana and zap in the microwave till it's warm. The banana goes all mushy as well (but it's definitely only warmed not cooked - I'm not synning it ;) ). YUM! But I'm far too lazy too cook fresh every day, the rice seems to be simmering for AGES before it goes soft - says 15-20 minutes in the recipe but I find more like 25-30...
That's better than me - when I've cooked it I've done it in the oven and it's taken 1-2 hours!!! Well I think I'll be trying that, especially on extra easy days.
Have you tried it cold?

I love those good food books 2 - I think I've got speedy suppers and spicy (or something like that). I've got a ridiculous amount of recipe books though... as well as magazines! So now I feel completely guilty that I never use them, I vow to cook at least 3 brand new recipes next week!
Most of mine just gather dust....

:) Thursday - green

Breakfast - rice pudding (HexA) with banana

Lunch - leftover veg curry and rice, apple

Dinner - Luxury macaroni cheese (HexB for cheese) from Best Ever SW recipe book
Curly wurly (6 syns)

I've eaten loads today, and I know it's all on plan but still feel quite guilty. Slendertone done.
It doesn't look as though you've eaten that much... Unless your portions were huge lol!

How was the mac cheese?
those good food books are great, been using them for years! love the one pot one, some great recipes that are easy enough to SW friendlify - i swear by the bacon and tomato risotto
I always have rather generous portions! And they were probably even bigger than usual yesterday. But then I had a lot less fruit as snacks so I don't know which is better (maybe larger portions of carbs & veg and less fruit since fruit is quite sugary?!).
Anyway, bizarrely, the scales were kinder to me this morning than they have any morning this week... let's hope I can keep it there until Monday!

Well, I got home late last night after a manic afternoon at work, and realised we didn't have any macaroni or fusilli or anything. And cos it was lateish and OH has to go to work at 8.30 I made the macaroni cheese with spaghetti! But it was really nice and really cheesy too considering it was just one HexA of cheese per portion. Got leftovers for lunch and I'm looking forward to it already :)

That's spooky Why_D - guess what I'm having tonight? Only bacon and tomato risotto!! Was planning on tryng the beetroot risotto from the latest mag but couldn't find precooked beetroot in Tesco (probably looking in the wrong section) and haven't got round to going to another supermarket, so tomato it is :)
How are you getting on? Do you have a Christmas gain to shake off??
That's spooky Why_D - guess what I'm having tonight? Only bacon and tomato risotto!! Was planning on tryng the beetroot risotto from the latest mag but couldn't find precooked beetroot in Tesco (probably looking in the wrong section) and haven't got round to going to another supermarket, so tomato it is :)
How are you getting on? Do you have a Christmas gain to shake off??

hehe after typing that up i also got it in my head that i wanted it, but going out for dinner tonight, so may whip up a batch tomorrow.

did the pork, celeriac and orange thing for new year (along with a load of other things) as i had a load of people round and had a bit of a fork buffet going on and it went down a storm! def one to consider and not that high in points when you portion it out and get rid of the oil etc, lol

i'm going good, plateaued a bit Oct/Nov but Dec ended up being quite a good month and although i had a slight gain boxing day (my WI day) i'd lost it again come the new year, lol
Hey PrawnChopSuey

Good looking menus for this week and what a fab loss this week too. I'm sure you'll be on track for a great loss this week too.

He he - I'm really interested in doing a cake decorating course too! Last year I made a football cake for a little boy and an enchanted house for my neighbours little girl. They turned out really well and I surprised myself! I then got thinking about getting a qualification and looking at cake decorating as a business, BUT, when I looked at courses they were all for sugar craft flowers..... I dont just want to do flowers !!! What was the name of your course ? Do you get a qualification at the end ? The one I was looking at was also pretty pricey :(
Hi Why-D, that's really good going - I gained 5lbs over Christmas and am trying to get rid of it as soon as possible!

Gobolino - my course is a level 2 NCFE qualification and lots of people on it are starting businesses (or already have!). We have done lots of different things from covering a cake / stacking cakes to sugar models, bows etc. and are moving on to flowers this term. I prefer flowers personally (well, I don't have kids so there's not much use for cartoon character cakes) but there's something for everyone and the teacher is pretty flexible about us working mainly on things we enjoy.
The course is 6-9.30 on a Monday evening for 30 weeks, so a whole school year. It's just at the local college and is £199 for the year, which I think is pretty good. I know that specialist cookery schools charge a fortune for courses so it might be worth just looking at local authority-run adult education courses?

:) Friday - green

Breakfast - rice pudding (HexA) with banana

Lunch - leftover macaroni cheese (HexB for cheese)

Dinner - apple, tangerines, Solero (5 syns)

Maybe cheese on toast (HexA + HexB) later...

Well, couldn't be bothered making risotto after all. Had a stressful day at work which was made ten times worse by someone in my office coming over to ask me something when I was having my lunch and saying 'Are you eating AGAIN??!' and 'there's LOADS there! Are you not eating tonight or something?' which quite frankly made me feel like crap. I know it's just a little comment but for some reason I found it really upsetting. And it was a bit mean as well, making a comment to insinuate how greedy I am in front of an office full of people :(
Try and forget about it - they're just idiots who probably go home and eat a sausage roll and half a pack of biscuits when they get home from work and think they're eating well!
I know it's horrid hearing comments like this but YOU know the plan works so sod them x