Alex's JUDDDDing Ways

fizzyfluff said:
Maybe is she stressing out loads and needs a reality check? Maybe she's trying to proportion responsibility into that, when it's about something else?

But if she has retracted it, show up anyway looking sublime!

15 lost : 52 to goal

I don't think so... She constantly tells me how blissfully happy she is etc and how her fiancé just loves her curves ;-)

Oh trust me I will :) x
Wow , I can't believe that your friend sent you that text, I don't know where to start, my best friend and I have been swapping bteween the thin one and the fat one since school but we have always been supportive of each oither, I can imagine that she may well feel insecure as she obviously thinks you are looking fab right now (and rightly so) and she is not at her best, but if it were me I would be so lost in the fact that I was marrying the man I was so in love with I would be oblivious to everyone else, I know thats how I felt on my wedding day anyway. I really wouldn't want to respond to be honest ?? But if thats how she really feels then you may well be better off without her ?
bajoleth said:
Wow , I can't believe that your friend sent you that text, I don't know where to start, my best friend and I have been swapping bteween the thin one and the fat one since school but we have always been supportive of each oither, I can imagine that she may well feel insecure as she obviously thinks you are looking fab right now (and rightly so) and she is not at her best, but if it were me I would be so lost in the fact that I was marrying the man I was so in love with I would be oblivious to everyone else, I know thats how I felt on my wedding day anyway. I really wouldn't want to respond to be honest ?? But if thats how she really feels then you may well be better off without her ?

I do wonder why she's so bothered about me at a time like this? All brides are beautiful on their wedding day no matter their size - if they are happy and glowing nothing can detract from that :)

I'm not relying until I've thought of a civilised response lol! X
Aww, that's a really awful text. Weddings are always really stressful, so she may have sent it without really meaning, but it's still no excuse. I hope she realises how out of order it is & makes it up to you, it's so sad when old friendships are lost for stupid reasons.

Keep up the positivity, you're doing so well! I just wish everyone could be happy for you - you deserve it girl!
emmster said:
Aww, that's a really awful text. Weddings are always really stressful, so she may have sent it without really meaning, but it's still no excuse. I hope she realises how out of order it is & makes it up to you, it's so sad when old friendships are lost for stupid reasons.

Keep up the positivity, you're doing so well! I just wish everyone could be happy for you - you deserve it girl!

That's why I'm holding off replying - hoping to talk to her face to face at the weekend and sort it out :) If I can't at least I know I've tried my best :)

And thank you - I've had a tough few years with everything and I really think my life is back on track now :-D xx
Just reading about your friend, hope you can work things out, if not but I'm sure you're right & you don't need people to detract... Wish I had your mentality and positivity sometimes! :)
DeeCe said:
Just reading about your friend, hope you can work things out, if not but I'm sure you're right & you don't need people to detract... Wish I had your mentality and positivity sometimes! :)

Thank you :) But trust me it's taken me a good few years to get my head right and if I can do it anyone can :) I've just started to put me first Abd realise its not selfish to do that... If I can't believe in me and put my needs first then it means I'm relying on others to provide my happiness for me and that's so unhealthy!

As you might know I'm a believer in self-help books (my dating advice is changing lives lol !) and one of the best is "Feel the Fear... And do it anyway" - it has helped me change my thinking about so many things! I would recommend it to everyone :-D
Good evening :) very well done on your double DD! As for your friend she's obviously insecure and maybe wants to lose weight too but doesn't know where to start? It doesn't excuse what she said tho :( maybe you can suggest she joins you on judding? It'll either offend her almost as much as she offended you or help her admit she wants to look as good as you at her wedding ;) x
Thank you :) But trust me it's taken me a good few years to get my head right and if I can do it anyone can :) I've just started to put me first Abd realise its not selfish to do that... If I can't believe in me and put my needs first then it means I'm relying on others to provide my happiness for me and that's so unhealthy!

As you might know I'm a believer in self-help books (my dating advice is changing lives lol !) and one of the best is "Feel the Fear... And do it anyway" - it has helped me change my thinking about so many things! I would recommend it to everyone :-D

My lovely judddery friend! If only you (and my other mims pallies) knew how much I use your advice etc on a day to day basis, i carry it about in a lil imaginary bag to wup out in times of need! Your fantastic attitude and positive nature means ul never be short of people who love you and care about you. I'm sure bridezilla will see sense and be giving herself a palm to the head with a massive 'DOH' soon enough.. Friends like you don't come around often, I hope she realises what she'd be losing before its too late. We've read 'the book' maaaanand we don't take no crap no more!
scarlett2020 said:
Good evening :) very well done on your double DD! As for your friend she's obviously insecure and maybe wants to lose weight too but doesn't know where to start? It doesn't excuse what she said tho :( maybe you can suggest she joins you on judding? It'll either offend her almost as much as she offended you or help her admit she wants to look as good as you at her wedding ;) x

That's a good idea... I might buy her a copy of Dr Js book lol! ;-) xx
Caroline_Louise said:
My lovely judddery friend! If only you (and my other mims pallies) knew how much I use your advice etc on a day to day basis, i carry it about in a lil imaginary bag to wup out in times of need! Your fantastic attitude and positive nature means ul never be short of people who love you and care about you. I'm sure bridezilla will see sense and be giving herself a palm to the head with a massive 'DOH' soon enough.. Friends like you don't come around often, I hope she realises what she'd be losing before its too late. We've read 'the book' maaaanand we don't take no crap no more!

Oooh thank you C that's just lovely :-D Youve made me well up ;-) I'm so glad to be of service and I am always here to support you and our lovely P and anyone else who needs a bit of support or life advice - its my job don't ya know lol!

I really hope she does come to her senses but if not then I guess she's not a true friend :-(

Have a fabulous day everyone - I'm up up and awaying today (well up to 1780 calories anyway!) Starting with my Maccy D breakfast in about 45 mins on my way to work :-D
yoga84 said:
Oooh thank you C that's just lovely :-D Youve made me well up ;-) I'm so glad to be of service and I am always here to support you and our lovely P and anyone else who needs a bit of support or life advice - its my job don't ya know lol!

I really hope she does come to her senses but if not then I guess she's not a true friend :-(

Have a fabulous day everyone - I'm up up and awaying today (well up to 1780 calories anyway!) Starting with my Maccy D breakfast in about 45 mins on my way to work :-D

Morning pretty polly!
Just wishing u a gorgeous yummy up up and away day! Do u know i have never had a maccy d's brekfast?!! Scandalous!
Anyway, enjoy and chat later. Big kiss xxx
Thank you :) But trust me it's taken me a good few years to get my head right and if I can do it anyone can :) I've just started to put me first Abd realise its not selfish to do that... If I can't believe in me and put my needs first then it means I'm relying on others to provide my happiness for me and that's so unhealthy!

As you might know I'm a believer in self-help books (my dating advice is changing lives lol !) and one of the best is "Feel the Fear... And do it anyway" - it has helped me change my thinking about so many things! I would recommend it to everyone :-D

I might have a wander to the library and see if they stock this book.. my boyfriend forever is telling me I put others first too much & that's why I am more than not miserable! I find you guys on here so inspiring!! :D all so positive even though you have things thrown at you and not unhappy even if you're dieting!! ;)
DeeCe said:
I might have a wander to the library and see if they stock this book.. my boyfriend forever is telling me I put others first too much & that's why I am more than not miserable! I find you guys on here so inspiring!! :D all so positive even though you have things thrown at you and not unhappy even if you're dieting!! ;)

I'd completely recommend it and another one called "What colour is your parachute" is also a great starting point :) xx
Great UD so far

Maccy D sausage egg muffin, hash brown and cappuccino for breakfast 625 calories!!!!

Lunch on the run so WW crisps and WW biscuits - 160 cals

2 x chocolate digestives 170 cals

3 satsumas - 60 cals

Dinner will be fresh cheese ravioli with tomato chilli and pancetta sauce OMG so nice - cant wait to eat it!! With a glass of wine and 2 caramel snack a jacks 761 cals

Grand total = 1778 cals (bang on Dr Js recommended - and sooooo much food for my money!!!)


I truly feel like a runner tonight!!! Despite it absolutely peeing down I still went for my 30 minute run - came back soaked to the skin but feel so proud of myself and just think life is fabulous lol!!!! :-D

The endorphins must have kicked in at last - this is what everyone has being trying to convince me about for years :-D I love running, I love JUDDDD and I love life!!!!!! :-D

Where is the real Alex and what have you all done with her :-D yay!!!!