Alex's JUDDDDing Ways

yoga84 said:
Great UD so far

Maccy D sausage egg muffin, hash brown and cappuccino for breakfast 625 calories!!!!

Lunch on the run so WW crisps and WW biscuits - 160 cals

2 x chocolate digestives 170 cals

3 satsumas - 60 cals

Dinner will be fresh cheese ravioli with tomato chilli and pancetta sauce OMG so nice - cant wait to eat it!! With a glass of wine and 2 caramel snack a jacks 761 cals

Grand total = 1778 cals (bang on Dr Js recommended - and sooooo much food for my money!!!)


I truly feel like a runner tonight!!! Despite it absolutely peeing down I still went for my 30 minute run - came back soaked to the skin but feel so proud of myself and just think life is fabulous lol!!!! :-D

The endorphins must have kicked in at last - this is what everyone has being trying to convince me about for years :-D I love running, I love JUDDDD and I love life!!!!!! :-D

Where is the real Alex and what have you all done with her :-D yay!!!!

Awww! *raises glass* Cheers to u A, my lovely happy, healthy friend! Enjoy every mouthful of ur yummy dins, u deserve it. What a great well planned days eating. I just woke up from nap and still feel a bit odd, and also food hasnt gone diwn enough. See how i feel 7.30 which is latest i can leave for run. If i say im just doing 2miles i usually do more, but that alone would prob blow the cobwebs away a little xxx
Caroline_Louise said:
Awww! *raises glass* Cheers to u A, my lovely happy, healthy friend! Enjoy every mouthful of ur yummy dins, u deserve it. What a great well planned days eating. I just woke up from nap and still feel a bit odd, and also food hasnt gone diwn enough. See how i feel 7.30 which is latest i can leave for run. If i say im just doing 2miles i usually do more, but that alone would prob blow the cobwebs away a little xxx

Thank you Hun - I just can't explain the difference in my mindset this week :-D It's like a switch has clicked in my head - the world just seems a better place :-D

Now you know better than to go for a run if you feel yucky... It's your body telling you to rest so listen to it! Here endeth the lecture lol! You know I love ya xxx
Morning everyone :-D

DD today :)

Nothing so far... Just a diet coke :)

Will have some fruit througout the day, the WW lasagne and salad for dinner and 2 caramel snack a jacks for a snacks tonight :)

Plus my usual 2+ litres of water

Total = 449 calories :-D

Still feeling great and positive :-D
Morning everyone :-D

DD today :)

Nothing so far... Just a diet coke :)

Will have some fruit througout the day, the WW lasagne and salad for dinner and 2 caramel snack a jacks for a snacks tonight :)

Plus my usual 2+ litres of water

Total = 449 calories :-D

Still feeling great and positive :-D

Riiiight mrs positive pants, I am totes stealing/copying your day! I massively can't be bothered to think of what to have to its off to the shops later for that lasagne (that was always my fave ww meal, woop!)

What are the caramel snackajacks like? Talk to me! They are BOGOF in tesco atm so was planning on purchasing some more choc ones, but might be craaaazy and mix it up a bit! xxx
I've never eaten a snack a jack - might have to give them a go. How many cals are they, & are they normal biscuit size?

Souns like a great DD A! :)

One of my pals on here (missie) introduced me to chocchip ones on monday and they are lovely! Bigger than a normal biccy, and 62cals. i won't lie and pretend it is exactly as good as eating a choc hobnob etc but its a pretty good alternative!
Caroline_Louise said:
Riiiight mrs positive pants, I am totes stealing/copying your day! I massively can't be bothered to think of what to have to its off to the shops later for that lasagne (that was always my fave ww meal, woop!)

What are the caramel snackajacks like? Talk to me! They are BOGOF in tesco atm so was planning on purchasing some more choc ones, but might be craaaazy and mix it up a bit! xxx

No problem - glad to be of service as ever :)

WW lasagne only 250 calories and yummy :)

OMG if you haven't tried caramel snacksjacks then you are missing out!! I love them even when not dieting... Big caramelly and 50 calories :-D buy some and try xxxxx

Have a fabulous day wifey ;-) xxx
I am going to invest in lasagene and caramel ricecakes today as a priority! In fact I may get 3 lasagnes! 1 for todaya nd then 1 each for me and the mamatron as we r spending day together tomoz. I heart lasagne so no problemo eating two days in a row. Muvva is also on a DDD as she has loads of social eaty stuff this wkend and she overdid her UD yesterday so tis good to have a partner in crime :) xxx
Caroline_Louise said:
I am going to invest in lasagene and caramel ricecakes today as a priority! In fact I may get 3 lasagnes! 1 for todaya nd then 1 each for me and the mamatron as we r spending day together tomoz. I heart lasagne so no problemo eating two days in a row. Muvva is also on a DDD as she has loads of social eaty stuff this wkend and she overdid her UD yesterday so tis good to have a partner in crime :) xxx

Just about to have my lasagne - smells gorgeous :-D
DDD has gone great - so chuffed with myself and my new positive mindset!

However... My oldest friend (we've know each other 35 years) is getting married in December and I was being bridesmaid.

In the past she has always been the thin pretty one and I was the less attractive but clever mate - I'm sure you know what I mean.

In recent years my friend has put on a lot of weight but then so have I :-( so she remained the thinner prettier one! And this was the case when she asked me to be bridesmaid at Xmas.

However, I have now lost 3.5 stone and look better than I have done in many many years and she has got even bigger (contentment of a new relationship I imagine)

So today I get a text (not even a face to face conversation) saying that she no longer feels she can have me as her bridesmaid as the bride is meant to be centre of attention and as there will be lots of people there who haven't seen me in years my weight loss will detract from her. She went as far as to say that I'd done it on purpose as I was jealous she was getting married and I was single :-(

I'm really upset and have yet to reply to her! I dont want to throw away years of friendship (she has been great during my divorce etc) but I'm shocked tbh that she could say of all of that and to do it by text rather than coming round for a coffee has shocked and upset me :-(

My sister says that my friend is struggling with the changing roles - that I'm now the slim one... but I can't understand why she's not just chuffed for me... If it was the other way round I would support her all the way not put her down.

Am I over reacting? Should I just say fine? Or what? I'm at a loss for what to say... And trust me that's unusual! I just don't want to say something I'll regret later :-(

O - M - G! I am lost for words, Alex. So, so sad.

Off to read what happens next (as I'm about three days behind everyone else!)

P xxx
Paulinegin said:
O - M - G! I am lost for words, Alex. So, so sad.

Off to read what happens next (as I'm about three days behind everyone else!)

P xxx

Not much else happened tbh P... I just sent her a reply saying "Fine" and I've heard nothing since! I'm not making the next move... That's down to her xx
Paulinegin said:
Oooh, me either. But I would say it's sublime ...... am I the only person in the world who thinks the "Golden Arches" are the home of the Devil?! :eek:

P x

I love my Maccy Ds whoops! I guess that's why I was fat... I used to limit my sons takeaways but not mine! X
Muvva is also on a DDD as she has loads of social eaty stuff this wkend and she overdid her UD yesterday so tis good to have a partner in crime :) xxx

Gasp .....! Mrs CL, you are 'sacked' as JUDDD leader .... ;)

Joking, of course, just glad you're human (rather than super human!) :D

P x
Not much else happened tbh P... I just sent her a reply saying "Fine" and I've heard nothing since! I'm not making the next move... That's down to her xx

You are much more generous than me, Al. I'd have deleted all numbers then (in a wine-induced moment! ;)), re-traced my steps to find said numbers and sent inappropriate, over emotional, "world-as-we-know-it-ends-now-never-liked-you-anyway" text messages. Ha!! ;)

P x
Paulinegin said:
Oooh, me either. But I would say it's sublime ...... am I the only person in the world who thinks the "Golden Arches" are the home of the Devil?! :eek:

P x

*rubs eyes*
P, is that really u?! YAY!!
How the devil r u, has it stopped raining?!!
R u having fun? Have u played 'eye spy' a billion times yet?!!

Re maccy D's i hae to say i only ever eat it when v v drunk! Or perhaps when v v hungover and therefore still slightly drunk! I am just deeply suspicious of what goes in that stuff (aside from all the grease!)

Look at what our lovely alex has been through yet she is still miss smiley fairy, LOVE her!!! And yes i am v much human...and naughty lol! 1st day of DDD is proving fine, i stole A's menu and have just tweaked slightly and i think having a hot dins at the end of the day as oppose to cottage cheese and gherkins could prove to be the shining light :)

hey i hope u dont mind if i follow ur diary :) ur doing really well xxx