After just reading something online I think I know what causes or at least triggered my binge cylce. Be prepared for a long winded post.
So the article give 10 points of stopping sugar addiction and these 2 caught my attention most
"5. Know your true value. While yes, your body may be sugar sensitive, and while, yes, you may gorge on sugar, it’s not “you.” It’s just a coping mechanism: how you learned to care for yourself when life felt painful, overwhelming or scary. This is probably something you learned when you were very small. It’s not your fault.
10. Forgive yourself. I felt very ashamed about my sugar addiction. Releasing that shame was like lifting an enormous weight off my psyche. We’re all imperfect. We all cope with life in messy ways. If you have food issues, offer yourself compassion. Find self-acceptance. All those times you gorged on sugar? Recognize that you were doing the best you could."
The second point i've taken in a different way than it states but its those 2 linked together i think causing the binges.
Basically Ever since primary I have use chocolate as my "coping mechanism" when i was being bullied or whatever else was going on, i'd turn to sugar, sweets, chocolate, same all through school and dealing with an situation I found difficult to deal with. Anyway. This time when my binges started in october it was the day my Nanna died. Having psychic tendencies i get dreams and visions, day she died I knew it was going to happened, i dreamt the night before that I was talking to my Grandad (he was my world, basically another parent) and told him Nanna had been fighting to hold on for too long (for a year or so there were times we'd find her barely alive, she'd forget things, not know who she was etc) and I told him that it was unfair to leave her any longer, he agreed and then i woke up. Less than 3 hours later she died in her sleep. I blamed myself for her dying. Even though the next night I had another dream which if i interpreted it right, showed me she died happy, dreaming of her wedding day. But still I blame myself cos i knew it was going to happen, i know i'm clinging on to the blame when i don't need to. My best guess (being an ex psychology student) is i'm pairing the "coping mechanism" with this event, i'm using sugar as a way to counteract the blame.
I thought I needed to break the sugar addiction, but in reality i need to find the way to stop blaming myself for her death, and i'm fairly sure thats how i'll stop the sugar addiction. I thought i needed to desensitize myself to hate chocolate, but instead of seeing my doctor about hypnotherapy I am actually going to make an appointment with one of my friends who is a fully qualified medium and reiki healer, i think she's the one i need to see, figure out how i can stop the self blame.
If any of that makes sense haha