Prepare for a rant
So been doctors, told him about the disease that spreads through my family, and got the usual "i have no idea what that is" look which isn't unusual since it effects 2 in 100k people, said he didn't think it was that cos I don't have leg spasms, except I know damn well it doesn't start with spasms, it starts with bad cramps (which i get in my feet), pains, tripping over, loss of balance (so score 4 out of 5 on that one for me). So anyway he felt it, asked the usual questions, checked for infection... Then came to the conclusion it could be my PCOS, so is sending me for an ultrasound scan. And then when writing the referral he put i had normal periods, despite not even asking if they were normal (if he'd asked i could have told him I haven't had one since June last year after I came off the last lot of meds). So yeah told me to take pain killers and getting a scan to boot. Going to go back to my usual doc to get results, might get some sense out of her.