Ally's Diary - take two

Ow, got a bruised foot this morning, got trapped between a massive mosh pit and a step. The venue i was in is only tiny and the circle pit took up near enough the whole floor, so i have another injury to add to my gig injury list.
I'm surprised you don't get into mosh pits ;)
I do sometimes but i was already melting in there without the mosh pit haha Though to be honest i get injured without being in a mosh pit, i'd be the poor one they have to pull out with a broken leg or something.
Struggling with sugar cravings again. I'm not going to go over syns again today, i'm at 14.5 but i have a heb left so hopefully a choc orange hifi bar later will help with cravings. Need to make up at least some of the syns from yesterday, though I have a plan so if i don't make them up its not the end of the world and i can "test" my plan.
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Tonight I have discovered I like... Mushrooms.
Breakfast: shape zero peach yogurt, nectarine, hifi bar
Lunch: mixed bean rice salad with feta
Tea: salmon and wild rice, shape mango yog

Hea: feta
Heb: hifi bar

Syns: jaffa cake 2.5, drumstick 3.5, jelly baby 1, gummi bear 0.5, curly wurly 6
Total syns: 13.5
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, 2x plums

Drinks: 2x vanilla tea, 7 glasses water
Body magic: 20 mins walk, 20 mins washing car
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Breakfast: melon, strawberries, raspberries, mango
Lunch: extra light philly and salmon on ryvita, muller light coconut
Tea: southern style jambalaya

Hea: el philly
Heb: ryvita

Syns: milk 0.5, dairy milk mcflurry 17.5, chorizo 2
Total syns: 20
Free snacks: apple

Drinks: 1 tea, 1 vanilla tea, 6 glasses water
Body magic: wii EA sports basic 15 min workout and fast step aerobics 30 mins
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Breakfast: choc porridge, apple
Lunch: southern style jambalaya
Tea: chicken wrapped in bacon and salad

Hea: milk
Heb: porridge

Syns: bournville highlights 2, chorizo 2, extra light philly 4, mini twister 2.5, frazzles 5.5
Total syns: 16
Free snacks: pear

Drinks: 4 glasses water, 1 tea
Body magic: 30 mins cardio 15 mins strength
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Breakfast: all bran, peach
Lunch: ham salad
Tea: chicken chow mein

Hea: milk
Heb: all bran

Syns: haribo 3, Dolly Mixtures 12.5, matchmaker...way to many 25 i think
Total syns: 40 or so
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, plum, apple

Drinks: 1 tea, 9 glasses water
Body magic: 15 min walk, 20 mins calithenic type stuff
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Been fighting cravings all week, i know why, i'm due my period on friday (day i go on holiday booo), i've mostly dealt with it, but to day i i'm going to end up giving in big time, even though i dont want to, i keep telling myself i can go off plan next week not this, but my craving at slowly beating me. I want a loss tomorrow, not a gain!
Not in the house, we haven't bothered stocking up with going away on Friday so there's not much in
Gained 0.5, but considering I have way oversynned 3 times this week, 99% sure I'm due my monthly visitor anytime and I've been the gym 3 times this week for first time in weeks... I guess it's not too bad. Going to stick to plan next 3 days or best i can on our low supplies, then I'm away for a week from Friday. I didn't make my mini holiday target but i am going to try my damn hardest to meet my october one.

Breakfast: choc porridge, mango shape zero yogurt
Lunch: mexican pasta
Tea: cheese and mushroom omelette with salad, ww strawberry yog

Hea: milk
Hea: reduced fat cheddar
Heb: porridge
Heb: chicken

Syns: bournville highlights 2, mayonnaise 3, midget gems 1, gingerbread man 9, 2x humbug 3.5, freddo 5
Total syns: 23.5
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, banana

Drinks: 1/2 mug tea, 6 glasses water
Body magic: 20 min walk
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Stuggling, think its cos I know I won't be on plan for a week from friday, i've lost motivation, just hope I can get it back after the holidays. Went over syns by 10 yesterday, no reason behind it, just did. Am going to do my best to stick to it til tomorrow night, but sure tomorrow we'll be having a chinese and then off plan from friday so it's all downhill from here haha

Breakfast: choc porridge
Lunch: mexican pasta, banana
Tea: chicken thighs, salad, ww yog

HEa: milk
Heb: porridge

Syns: bournville highlights 2 mayo 3, midget gems 2, vice versas 1.5, polo 0.5, humbug 1.5, curly wurly 6
Total syns: 16.5
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, 2x plums

Drinks: 1 tea, 9 glasses water
Body magic: gym (45 min cardio, 15 min strength)
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I used to be the same before my hols, struggling, then gaining on holiday & then back to the same old, same old, but I found starting my own diary helped & I just got fed up of having to pay at class again after having time not paying whilst in target. I'm off again beg Sept & determined not to get in the same cycle.

Just do you're best & deal with it when you get back from hols.
Thats what I am planning on doing, i will probably be mental counting calories rather than synning, but i'm already anticipating i will gain, so i'm just going to enjoy myself, eat what i fancy and try not to worry about my weight for a week. I have done well so far today though, hopefully tomorrow will be semi ok if not completely :)
So today is kinda ee i think but prob off plan slightly. Got on scales this morning and that half a pound i gained has disappeared again. For now. On holiday from tomorrow, and i will be expecting a gain when i return.

Breakfast: honey on toast
Lunch: mexican pasta, apple
Tea: special fried rice from the chinese

Hea: milk
Heb: bread

Syns: honey 1, mayo 3, fried rice 8, midget gems 1, jaffa cake 2.5
Total syns: 15.5
Free snacks: prepacked fruit, banana

Drinks: 1 tea, 4 glasses water
Body magic:
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