Ally's Diary - take two

where you off to?
I'm kinda back (will be back properly when I get home later!)

Been to Weymouth for a week then stayed a few nights in torquay

I have eaten pretty much what I want but at same time i have kept track on Mfp, just so I knew how much I was eating, not stuck to SW one bit but I have however been under calories all but one day. Fairly sure I've gained weight but oh well, that's what holidays are for!
Finally home :D
Got on the scales this morning and looks like I haven't gained anything :O Shocked by that one!

Anyway, back to SW today

Breakfast: all bran, nectarine
Lunch: mexican pasta

Hea: milk
Heb: all bran

Syns: mayo 3, 3x toffee 6
Total syns: 10
Free snacks: banana, prepacked fruit

Drinks: 2 glasses water
Body magic:
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I started out ok...then mum got taken from doctors to hospital to "rule out a stroke"...since then i've been eating fudge and toffee. As far as I know shes still at the hospital waiting for blood results, but they don't think its a stroke (she's been getting numbness down her arm, lights infront of her eyes, severe lightheadedness for the last week) they are thinking migraine at the moment. Gym will be packed tonight as it always is on a monday, may go for a walk instead try to counteract some of the sweets!
Looks like i'm not getting my walk either. Hospital are keeping mum in cos they want to do a scan tomorrow. Tea will no doubt end up being from the chippy or something cos we have no food in as mum and dad were going to go shopping today after going the doctors.
So today ended up unslimming worldish, i started with good intentions then it all went wrong. But tomorrow is official weigh in, so start the week anew. Mum's being kept in hospital they want to do a scan make sure she hasn't got a blood clot. Oh and my new monthly friend has decided to make an appearance over a week late. Must have been waiting for me to come off holiday.
And we didn't go chippy, since we only just got in from food shopping, instead I indulged on philly on toast! Haha.
Official weigh in shows a half pound gain, i can live with that! Feeling a bit icky this morning, everything getting to me as usual no doubt.

Breakfast: toast
Lunch: salmon and philly ryvita with salad, plum, nectarine
Tea: steak, bacon, egg and mushrooms

Hea: milk
Hea: 2/3 philly light
Heb: bread
Heb: ryvita

Syns: flora light 1.5, 8x toffee 16, fudge 3
Total syns: 20.5

Free snacks: prepacked fruit, cherry ww yog, 2x plums
Body magic: 25 min cardio, 15 strength
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Bad news...i've gone a little over syns...again
Good news...all my holiday sweets are gone. And Mums out of hospital (gotta go back for a MRI)
Breakfast: apple, ww yog, hifi bar
Lunch: ham salad, nectarine, plum
Tea: prawn and salmon fishcakes and salad

Heb:hifi bar
Heb:hifi bar

Syns: tic tacs 0.5, gummi bears 1, 6x fruit pastilles 6
Total syns: 7.5

Free snacks: prepacked fruit, banana
Body magic: 15 mins cross trainer, 20 min strength (upper and lower), 10 min treadmill, 5 min stairmaster.
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Yay for 100% day, and made up the syns i went over yesterday :D
Breakfast: nectarine, choc porridge
Lunch: salmon and philly on ryvita, apple, shape 0% blackberry
Tea: gammon, pineapple and veg

Hea: philly
Heb: porridge

Syns: options butterscotch 2, sweet chilli snack a jacks 4.5, fruit pastilles 2
Total syns: 8.5

Free snacks: prepacked fruit, nectarine
Body magic: 15 min walk
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Developed a taste for anything sweet chilli at the moment...currently eating sweet chilli snack a jacks!