Well apart from sirens and lots of shouting from about 1 until 3-ish it was fine. The local pubs and shops boarded up their fronts and shops closed early. It feels very like 'mob rules'. I can't figure out the police's strategy - I'm assuming they have one.
Have gained a pound - no idea why - but can't face adding it back to my ticker! lol
yesterday I ate:
B - Atkins shake
L - small chicken caesar salad with a couple of spoons of mince (odd combo I know but it was a serve yourself buffet!)
D - 1 egg, 2 slices of pancetta, 2 mushrooms, and a cup of mixed cabbage, celery, plus a small piece of cheese melted over
S - coffee with cream
I agree, I can't figure out the strategy either, certainly back in my Army days in NI, we wouldn't have been just standing there watching them. I find it very odd and unsettling watching the police line stand there and do nothing!