Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Hello Bren ... starting to feel twitchy about this evening. Thank goodness my son is staying over at the moment so I'm not completely on my own.

Hope the stiffness eases soon... :)
Good luck tonight Susie! :)
Thanks Bren!

Well apart from sirens and lots of shouting from about 1 until 3-ish it was fine. The local pubs and shops boarded up their fronts and shops closed early. It feels very like 'mob rules'. I can't figure out the police's strategy - I'm assuming they have one.

Have gained a pound - no idea why - but can't face adding it back to my ticker! lol

yesterday I ate:

B - Atkins shake
L - small chicken caesar salad with a couple of spoons of mince (odd combo I know but it was a serve yourself buffet!)
D - 1 egg, 2 slices of pancetta, 2 mushrooms, and a cup of mixed cabbage, celery, plus a small piece of cheese melted over
S - coffee with cream

Hope today is less crazy! :)

Morning Di,

I agree, I can't figure out the strategy either, certainly back in my Army days in NI, we wouldn't have been just standing there watching them. I find it very odd and unsettling watching the police line stand there and do nothing!
I'm sure they will unpick the rationale to death once it all quietens down again - and then share the blame around as they usually do.
Ah yes, everyone is to blame except the rioters I bet
That is so true Jim!
Morning Di

So glad you're OK, love. We had a bit of excitement (see my diary) but Orbit kept her cool :) Just hope it stays calm now.

And don't worry too much about the pound - keep an eye on your cheese consumption and maybe cut it out for a week or so.

You're right Susie! I might try and get a copy of the old Atkins book - might be worth stripping back to the original for a while.

Glad you survived last night - I replied on your post!

Take care

Di x
Hate these unexplained blips with the weight, drives you crazy doesn't it. Hope yours goes away as fast as it came! xx
Thanks Bren! Its really great that you've been there and done that - as I really know you know what it's like!

I've not had much change on the scales for a while and it does become a bit of a weighting game! lol x
Thanks Alpa! I'm learning to have lots of patience :)
That's so true Bren! :)
Would be delighted to share ... How are you feeling Susie - how's the police and looters? :)