Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Thanks Di, all quiet on the south eastern front - in a weird way it's like it never happened!

Orbs is happy she can go out when she feels like it, and I was just happy to get to the supermarket to get her some food before she gnawed my foot off in the night :D

How's things round your part of town?
Pubs and shops have boarded up at night - they are closing earlier... But apart from the noise last night it seems calmer today ...
I've not heard yet of any rioting here in Birmingham last night, I'll have to wait for the local news.

Morning Di
Morning Jim! :)
Morning Alpa :)
Hello Susie... Hope it's a more normal say today! :)
We like puns ! :)
Currently eating tuna chunks with Hellman's Mayo.... So very de-lish!

Had an Atkins shake this morning and have a piece of cheese for snack later. Have had one miso soup ... Am out this evening but think I'll be good! Lol
Anywhere nice Di?
Will be in Twickenham ... But not sure where Jim ... I'm feeling positively nun-like at the moment! Ha ha :)
Evening Di. Hope you are having a lovely evening out:D
It was lovely Katie ... Thank you for asking :)
Hey! Morning Alpa! :)
Hopefully without speaking too soon... I might have lost the pesky pound that crept on this week ... But sometimes there's no rhyme or reason to what the scales say if the food is pretty much the same every day!

If I can brace myself next week, I'll cut out cheese and cream and see what that does! Feeling miserable already at the thought ! Ha ha

Perhaps my metabolism just needs a kick up the back side!
Hi Susie... Good idea! Will do cheese first ... I have some left but won't buy any more :)
Hello Lisa! Hope you have a great day ! :)