Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Morning Di

That sounds like fun. One can always do with a stay at a posh house in the country, can't one? :D

And remember, you're there to feed the chickens, not eat them :D
Morning Di :D
Hi Susie, Lisa, Jim!

The chucks are far too cute to eat! Although i should threaten them with the pot as they've not laid a sausage!!

LOL Bren :D

Morning Di, you bad girl you
Hi folks! Still no eggs so had to get some locally laid ones from the little village shop!

I took them out to the chooks to show them what eggs actually looked like! silly critters!

Just had a leisurely breakfast of ... 2 eggs, bacon, 2 low carb sausages (1.7g per 2 sausages), 2 mushrooms and a clove of garlic with coffee and cream. The most satisfying start to any person's day! I feel very spoilt!

I'm sitting on the terrace - or patio or whatever it's called - watching the animals and it's all very lovely and peaceful. A million miles away from central London.

I scoffed all the sugar free jelly last night! So clearly I can't be trusted on anything as 'lush and 'lish as that. I won't be keeping them in the house and will just buy infrequently as a treat!

Might have smoked salmon, cream cheese and avocado today- only cos it's in the fridge and I'm heading back home tonight as I'm off to Alnmouth early tomorrow morning on a cheap fare East Coast railways special offer!

I wish it wasn't happening on the same week but the house sitting call came late in the day after I'd booked it...

Hope you all have a very lovely day! Di xx
Oops! Also forgot that I scoffed a bag of pork scratchings for the first time last night!! Yum yum... And surprisingly filling! Just goes to show what I'm like when unleashed on a holiday! Roll on the mind set of a skinny person! ... As if!!! :)
Yes it is Susie! Although train leaves at 7.30 and I'm feeling pushed for time ! That's the trouble when an old codger tries to do too much after years of gluttony and sloth! Haha

Not sure what the signal will be like on the Northumberland coast ... So there might be radio silence - heaven help me!

Was well pleased with the loss despite OD-ing on cream and SF jelly! I must do it more often although perhaps running after the eggless chooks in the enormous garden helped :)
Morning Di, enjoy your trip love
Thanks Jim! The joys of wifi on trains!! Yay! :)
Have just passed Newcastle... Weather is very overcast but not raining at the moment... Should arrive at 11.30...

Have resisted temptation of naughty food on the train so am feeling unbelievably smug!!! Lol

Morning Di. Hope you are enjoying yourself :D
Morning Di
Hello all you lovely losers!! Just back on the train home! Absolutely no Internet connection on the coast... It will take ages to catch up... But I think MFP will have synced my eating diaries as I've been doing them off line! Such a great app!! Lots of exercise so I'm looking forward to seeing if there's any difference on scales or tape measure!!

Have missed you guys - just pleased I didn't go too mental with the eating while away!! No candy floss or ice-cream and no batter on my fish - and defo no chips! Ha ha x :)