Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

It felt so strange not being on line!! But fresh air and exercise done me in by 9-ish each night - have definitely built up a bit of stamina - I think I might not have accurately worked out exercise on MFP but it's good as damn it - maybe under-estimated!

Can't wait to get home for bath and MY bed!

So Susie how's Orbit, Flat and Job ...

Not read your diary yet so don't tell me if it's already on there! X
Finding it hard today - think a combo of being back home, prepping for work tomorrow and feeling just generally knackered from doing so much while I was away...

So my mouth has been really hungry and I've been looking for things to munch on that aren't too naughty ...

B was the usual fry up - 2 eggs, 2 pancetta slices, 3 mushrooms and a clove of garlic - plus coffee with cream

S was a small plate of mixed cheeses with cup of coffee and cream

Lunch was 3 romaine lettuce leaves, 2 radishes, 2 small sticks of celery, 4 slices of cucumber with 1.5 tbspn of Mayo. Needed the crunch really badly!

Made a drink with one chicken oxo cube and melted the rest of the cheese I didn't have for snack into it... Very yummy

Dinner - I'm out with son and his g/friend somewhere local - might be tapas not sure yet.

Just trying to get through the 'munchies' at the moment... :)
That's so true Bren but still feel guilty as I know that I'm eating more than usual... Although they seem to have died down a bit at the moment - think the last splurge at lunch seems to have done the trick for now! Will be extra careful when go out later - will just look for protein as I'm at the limit of carbs today ... Thank you for jumping in on my post! X :)
Enjoy your dinner out with your son x
It was lovely Rach... And I was very good! Didn't stray from Atkins! :)
Morning Di, how are you this morning?
Afternoon Di

Sounds like a great weekend - and I wouldn't worry about the munchies, some days it just happens like that, other days you won't feel hungry at all!
Hello everyone! Busy day and ive been knackered!! Still getting over the holiday!

B - Atkins cafe latte shake
L - Atkins vanilla shake
D - cabbage, egg, 2 slices of pancetta, 1 stick celery, 2 mushrooms all mixed as an omelette cooked in coconut oil and butter with bits of sliced melted cheese on top !! So delicious
One cup of coffee with cream

The shakes were easy as I hadn't got my act together! :)
Hi Jim ... I'm getting too old - or maybe just feeling old today! Will hit the sack early me thinks :)
Hi Alpa! :)
Hi Susie! Good to hear from you! x :)
Morning Di :)
Hello Alpa... I have the ready made cafe latte shake sometimes in the morning which for me is a good time to have it, and I make up the vanilla shake from powder which is thicker and lovely and creamy. They are ok as a stop-gap and no planning required except to make sure I have some in the kitchen, but I do miss my Atkins meals :)
Morning Bren... I still feel a bit groggy today - I think I slept a bit better but I drank a fair bit of water quite late in the evening so was up and down like a stiff yo-yo all night! lol :)
Afternoon Di, how was last night at your place? Hope things are ok there xxx

I am a bit stiff and achy myself - think if I keep at it, it will ease off soon.
Hi Susie... just lots of noisy police vans and sirens and helicopters but, so far nothing else,

I hear on the grapevine that Camden Town is being closed by order of the police which isn't far from me so I'm feeling a bit nervous!