Well ... Another day... Another no movement on scales or tape measure... I will have to re visit my menus/food intake and see what needs tweaking! Weight loss has slowed right down - only positive is that I'm not gaining! Which is a huge relief.
Once I've used up current supplies - no more cheese or cream ... Has to be done as a trial.
Menu for today:
B - egg x 1, pancetta, thin slices x 3, mushrooms medium x 3, garlic clove, coffee and cream
L - salmon steak 90g, chicken livers 100g, garlic, one cup of veg - celery, leek, cabbage
D - salmon steak 90g with a cup of veg
W - lots
A - nope
E - not really
S - maybe 50g cheese and possibly pork scratchings
If anyone sees anything wrong with my menu please let me know as in a few days I'm likely to start feeling desperate