Alpaca's stream of consciousness - IS BACK ON THE WAGON!

Have just made cheeseburger pie... OMG! It's SO yummy !! :)

Hi Alpa :)
Evening Di, glad the arrogant so and so's behaved - and don't worry too much about the pitta bread - maybe think about getting some low carb ones for those must have moments?

But maybe going strict is the best policy! xx

And I've added your name to the get together thread, after seeing your other response - now we just have to decide when, where and what LOL
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Morning all

Getting slightly bored of being stalled at the moment... feels like months but I guess it's just a few weeks!

Went to hydro yesterday which is excellent...

Oh well ... Focus and clean and green - it will eventually start to shift...

B - egg, pancetta x 2, mushrooms x 3, garlic, coffee with cream

L - chicken breast parcel (leek, cabbage, mushroom, garlic, Parmesan, celery)

D - left over cheeseburger pie (small portion) ... I've got two portions in the freezer for this week! Yum

No alcohol - lots of water and if I need to snack will have some pork scratchings

Hope you all have a good day :)
Am off to ex mother in law today - don't ask - so might need a stiff vodka when I get back! :)
I'm already stressed and haven't left yet! Ha ha :)
Thank goodness mine's not like that ... In a way Lisa... I struggle with trying not to go into fantasyland at the best of times so if my ex ever made contact with me I would create a never never story about us and it would mess with my head too much! Lol :)

Basically I'm a crack pot!!! Lol :)
LOL no you're not, sounds normal to me.

Mind you, I'm the type who has wedding bells going off in her head after a good first date :D
It takes you that long Susie!! Lol :)
I wore an M&S blouse today... been in my wardrobe for at least 10 years and pretty dusty lol... but the ex MiL would not have seen any weight loss if I wore the same black tee shirts I usually wear!

Well ... It fitted quite well and had the desired effect when she saw me wearing something light and different !! :)
Well ... Another day... Another no movement on scales or tape measure... I will have to re visit my menus/food intake and see what needs tweaking! Weight loss has slowed right down - only positive is that I'm not gaining! Which is a huge relief.

Once I've used up current supplies - no more cheese or cream ... Has to be done as a trial.

Menu for today:

B - egg x 1, pancetta, thin slices x 3, mushrooms medium x 3, garlic clove, coffee and cream

L - salmon steak 90g, chicken livers 100g, garlic, one cup of veg - celery, leek, cabbage

D - salmon steak 90g with a cup of veg

W - lots

A - nope

E - not really

S - maybe 50g cheese and possibly pork scratchings

If anyone sees anything wrong with my menu please let me know as in a few days I'm likely to start feeling desperate :)
Morning Di, your menu looks fine to me, just hope the weigh starts shifting again for you soon.

Did the ex-MiL compliment you on your loss?

B xx
Morning Bren

Yes she was very complimentary - and then just cos she can't help herself ended by saying "you'd better keep it going and don't stop the diet"! lol like I need to be told that!

Anyhoo...hopefully when I cut out cream and cheese completely I'll start to see a difference. My calorie intake is no more than 1200 a day - mostly it's hovering around the 1000 mark so it can't be that - although I was thinking of having a few days a week just on something like Exante... I could definitely deal with that on a heavy work day - in fact it would be easier than having to think about taking foods with me...

so, maybe if I mix my week up a bit that might shock or confuse my body into releasing some of the weight... anyway, worth a try I guess.

Afternoon hun - so glad you forced a compliment out of the MiL :). As to her other comment, some people just can't help themselves - but sounds like you've shrugged it off :)

Re the menu, you could be like me and get stalled on cream and cheese, so do try cutting them out for a week. Maybe too, think about dropping processed meats like pancetta?

I've been wondering about doing a bit of Exante or similar during the week too, it would make life a lot easier not carting half my fridge to work! I've got some protein shake mix in the cupboard, so will use that up, and was thinking about making soups up for lunch, with some flax toast and then protein and green leafies for dinner...

Brendle, what do you think of this?
Hi Susie - I don't think pancetta is processed... I think it's the italian equivalent of our bacon - I think it's belly pork that has been dried and cured...

I'll have to check - I much prefer the flavour and I get it from a little italian deli just at the end of my road...

I think I'll do the shakes and then evening meal of protein and salad this week when I'm working... not sure I could do it when I'm off as I enjoy a cooked breakfast too much! lol

And you're right Susie... will keep off the cream and cheese for a week and see what that does. :)
Please don't apologise Susie... I wasn't actually sure myself so have just looked it up. Those sneaky processed foods get everywhere! lol ... I'm really pleased I checked cos I much prefer it to bacon - although not the stuff they do pre-packed in the supermarkets.

I must introduce you to the wonders of italian delis! lol :)
Morning Di,

but dried an cured is processed love :D
Morning - and YES to checking out Italian delis - actually there's one just down the road from me but I've never been in it :eek: