Morning, Di!
Ditto to what everyone else is saying - you are amazing, so there!
Can I ask a silly question, though? Why are you keeping stuff in the house that isn't on plan? Is it for other people? Because if it isn't, please do yourself a favour and don't buy things that could cause you to sabotage.
You're only human - we all are. If you read around the forums, evenings are when pretty much
everyone is at their most vulnerable no matter what plan they're on. If you've had a stressful day, if you're bored, if you've had an argument with someone you are SO much more likely to reach for the wrong foods at that time, but you can only do that if they happen to be there. Why put temptation in your own way?
And if other people in the house are to blame for the "bad" foods being there, can you get them on board to help you out here? I'm very lucky in that my skinny OH only buys carby treats for himself one at a time (nothing has to be stored) and
never eats them in front of me (if he did, there'd be hell to pay!

) You are patently such a naturally generous and kind person, but maybe you need to get a little selfish right now. Your house, your rules...that kind of thing.
Anyway, feel free to tell me to butt out and mind my own business. I'm just curious as to why you're allowing yourself to be in a position to waver. You stuck to Atkins with awesome focus for over a year: what's changed? Something in your environment? Something about you?