and then there were two.. back on the bandwagon !

pyromania is just about right. I love fires ! Least I was only burning Pringles and not eating them - lol. No idea about Walkers cheese and onion.... do you get those in China ?!? DH and I both agreed they'd make fantastic firelighters if we run out of kindling for the stove !

The jeans at the weekend really amazed me. So much so - I bought a pair of jeans and a pair of combats yesterday another size smaller to get into. Here's hoping ! I've got everything crossed that they'll fit by mid April when I go to China

A sneaky hop on the scales this morning a day ahead of weigh in is showing just over a 2lb loss this week. May even be slightly more if I'm lucky by tomorrow which SHOULD be weigh in.

I've generally been sticking with it - apart from Monday's curry ! I officially started 6th Jan - and since then according to the scales this am have officially shifted 1.1/2 stone exactly in two full months just by cutting back and very healthy eating including ditching the majority of carbs like bread and potatoes..

Here's to the next 1.1/2 stone !

I have been somewhat hyper and stressed today. Had a bit of a major to-do with a supplier... and a carrier - both messing up.... and crosswires with a company I've commissioned to do some work...

Talk about STRESS. I think a soak in the bath tonight will be in order. Bet I have to fight DH for that as when I decide I want a bath he'll try and get there first !!! I'm not quite skinny enough to share it yet... lol
They set fire to a primgle on the skinny/fat show last week and got a teaspoon of fat out of one pringle!:eek: I expect when it cooled it solidified too. YUK.
I didnt see that... but it certainly burns well - we'd to chuck it in the sink and turn the tap on to put it out !

DH is sitting munching pringles again now. Lucky for him he's a skinny thing. On the pack it says 35g fat in every 100g. Shocking indeed !
Way to go Sarah....keep on going!

I forgot that I promised you a long post a while back on the use of Chinese squat toilets.....:D

Excellent stretch out for the lower back, really comfortable when you get used to it. Just have to squat down over the hole and pee....simple:D

Where are you headed for when you come over Sarah? If you don't mind me asking, what kind of work do you do? If your up North somewhere, anywhere near the Jing, I'd love to be able to meet up with you!

Take Care hon
Hi PAula

Guangzhou - over at one of the trade fairs. Also thought we would be going to Inner Mongolia region... but that's changed and I'll now be heading over the opposite side of the country. I'm sure China is a very big place. Be far easier to meet up in the UK sometime !! lol

I'm only over for 1 week anyway..

I sell cast iron stoves in the main - but we also deal in silicone bakeware... and I have a play at other things
welllll - not the best weekend ever... kinda lost the plot a bit. Had a craving for a bacon sandwich for the last few weeks, and decided I'd actually have one Sunday morning. WRONG thing to do - I should have waited and had it as a night time meal instead.

I've not been eating anything in the mornings and that bacon sandwich made me hungry and have the nibbles... most of the day. Having barely touched potatoes, rice, pasta or bread for weeks one bacon sarnie hit hard.

I had 3 oranges, 2 potato scones (dry), a piece of shortbread, 4 ferrero roches, fillet steak and potatoes during the rest of the course of the day. Serious carb fest and a rather bloated belly by the end of the night.

The only plus must be that I spent all day outside and actually did a fair bit... digging my potato plot in preperation of planting, took my little horsie out for a ride, trimmed ponies feet, and did a fair bit of work maintenance wise down at the field.

I felt so bad last night as the sarnie had lead to a full out carb fest. WHY I did it and had no self control I don't know.

The oranges obviously did SOME good... at least I dont feel bloated any more !

Today, I've had a 3 egg omlette with a little cheese and cherry tomatoes and a glass of wine. I very very rarely drink, but have had a glass of pink fizz (to console the blues) and it's made me VERY light headed and squiffy.

I've got some blueberries and final dish of the day and in my "state" managed to knock the whole lot over the floor. Spent the last 15 mins retrieving them from under the sofa / radiator / wood pile etc. Why do they make blueberries round ?

Hopefully I'll now be back on track and can maybe just put yesterday down as a single black mark. It just felt like one of those days where every problem is insurmountable. One of those days you want to curl up in a ball under a duvet and not face the world for no valid reason. Still - it's been a long long time since I allowed myself a duvet day and I don't plan on having one any time soon. This time - the aim HAS to be SUCCEED
If it helps I personally find a small blow-out every now and then of things you are missing helps.

A small blow-out now and then I find helps avoid a massive blow-out that just ruins everything.

Hopefully yours has been ok for you and will get you back on track :)
Oh Sarah, I wish I could give you a big, big, hug!

We all have days like these where we feel that we've failed, ruined everything and are just the worst people in the World. But as long as you jump back on that wagon, stop kicking yourself up the butt and say, 'ah well, I just needed that day of comfort food, now I'm back to my healthy eating' and don't let those days become a regular habit, you'll be back on track in no time.

As well, after reading what you ate, is that pig out anywhere near what you would call a normal day before? (It certainly wouldn't have been for me)

Love to you, I'll drop by later to see how you're doing.
in all honesty - no - I doubt it. I've had about 3 days of moping over all what was caused by a bacon sandwich !

In reality - I'm doing ok. I'm due to weigh in tomorrow .... although I was on the scales this morning and know I've lost just over 2lb so far this week. I doubt I'll be lucky enough to make it 3 by tomorrow - but hey - it's heading the right direction still !

Atm - for some reason - I'm having a real rollercoaster of emotions. One minute I'm ok, the next I feel like I'll never get there. Then that I'm not worthy of any of this and the whole thing should be a punishment and I should be fat and unhappy forever.

It IS depression linked, but I do know I can control it. Somehow, I keep staying on track - but at the moment I so badly need to get out of this rut.

I'm fighting myself - because I KNOW I can do it and I want to do it and achieve. I don't want my life to be ruled by the vicious circle of black holes of gloom OR my weight.

I feel so much better in myself than I did early Janaury and I'm aiming for the stars. I've no intention of being mega skinny - I just want to succeed and beat this. So badly I can't tell you. I want to be normal. I want to ride more and take the ponies out and compete and have fun. To go ride on the beach. To enjoy life again rather than hiding away.

Battling with yourself isn't easy. But I'm not giving up.

I need a serious serious boot up the butt at the moment. I just can't see the wood for the trees right now :-(

You'd think I'd be happy cause I know I'm 2lb+ down again this week despite Sundays carb fest. There are so many things right now that should make me feel more positive and be pushing me forward and I'm so grateful for that. But at the same time, I feel flat on the floor with no way of getting up.

I've had a spending spree last week on Lush and another this week on some new horse rugs on EBay - but even that's not even taken the slightest touch off it.

Well - I'm off to the dentist for a check up. I only hope to goodness I don't need any work done !
Oh Sarah.......I really, really do hope that things pick up for you soon. If you're anything like me, you'll look over your past post in a couple of days time and giggle thinking 'what on earth was going on in my head?'

Apart from the carb fest, is there anything else in particular that is really getting to you? If you need to PM me at any time, Sarah, feel free....the anonimity of this place is great to get things off your chest....and know that the way that you're heading is oh-so-much in the right direction.

Love and hugs to you sweetheart, you just jump into a LUSHious bath and soak that neagtive energy away.
3lb loss this week - one of my best weeks in ages.

Strangely - I fell nothing. Normally , it's a good buzz and a great achievement. For one reason or another - things are obviously playing on me at the moment... Hopefully I'll snap out of it shortly ! Case of sticking to the diet and getting on with it - because I'm determinded not to fail this time. However, at the moment all motivation has flown out the window.

Ah well - there is always next week
Well done :D :D :D
weather this week has been appauling. Thankfully, today has brightened up and the wind has calmed down.

OH picked me up from work about 7.30pm and we went to feed the ponies on the way home. They have a huge Y shaped feeder in the field that I fill with hay every night. The hay comes in enormous big round bales and I need to peel it off.

The last few days have been a nightmare doing hay as wheeling it across the yard in a barrow, in the wind...well - doesnt work !!! It's been blowing away - with me playing chase to catch it and hay going everywhere. Angry, hungry ponies watching.

Once I have actually got it to the fence and tossed it over, I've then got to get into the field get the hay again and toss it well above head height into the feeder. Not an easy job when it's already being pounced apon by 5 ponies ! It ends up a fight to be able to get armfuls of it and toss it in the feeder whilst ponies are trying to eat it at the same time - or stand on it... or in front of me... etc. The last week of hay with the recent weather has been really really horrendous.

Tonight is the first time in a week it's not ben blowing away ! I threw them some loose hay to keep them busy well down the fenceline tonight, which actually gave me peace to get the rest into the field and into the feeder with zero fuss and no stampede !

Got back about 8.15pm. I've had two mugs of tea and two mugs of marigold bullion today - and some water. Had a couple of baby pickled beetroot whilst waiting on dinner cooking which was steamed carrot, courgette and sprouts with sea bream and a very small amount of potato (most of which went in the bin). Unfortunately - the bream wasn't ready and the veggies it was starter of veggies followed by fish !

A coffee in a little while (once I can move to make it lol) and that'll be me for the day.
3lb loss this week - one of my best weeks in ages.


Strangely - I fell nothing. Normally , it's a good buzz and a great achievement. For one reason or another - things are obviously playing on me at the moment... Hopefully I'll snap out of it shortly ! Case of sticking to the diet and getting on with it - because I'm determinded not to fail this time. However, at the moment all motivation has flown out the window.

I really hope that you're feeling better these days sweetheart. I hato to see you so discouraged. You are doing so fantastically well and have lost so much already in such a short time....all down to your own healthy eating and motivation....that is so, so admirable.

Ah well - there is always next week

Love to you Sarah...
I've no intentions of giving up - none whatsoever.

Perhaps it's down to seeing to so little daylight. Working inside all the time with no windows. Perhaps a SAD lamp / lightbox would help : dunno :

Thanks - I am pleased with the 3lb. Next week, I should hit my 10% weight loss - and hopefully 2 stone mark before March is out.

What height are you Paula ?
Perhaps it's down to seeing to so little daylight. Working inside all the time with no windows. Perhaps a SAD lamp / lightbox would help : dunno :

Oh definately. Whenever I go home to not-so-sunny Wales, I can get very depressed if the weather is dark and rainy. And working in an office with no windows must be terribly depressing. Are you able to get outside for a breath of fresh air at coffee and lunch breaks?
Thanks - I am pleased with the 3lb. Next week, I should hit my 10% weight loss - and hopefully 2 stone mark before March is out.

Lots of love and luck for that.....I'm sure there will be no really are a real inspiration....

What height are you Paula ?

I'm 5ft 7.....

....By the way, when are you off to GuangZhou? We're all going down for the weekend of April 4th, 5th, 6th. I worked in Guangzhou for 4 years and haven't been back to visit old friends since I left 5 years ago. The weekend is a public holiday so we're all gonna go down for a couple of days....
you're same height as me..

I'm flying over on 14th. I know we're staying 3 or 4 days and then going 1200miles in another direction. I'm not sure exactly what's happening on what day yet as the internal flights are not booked.

What do you do in China ? Did you get married and move there - or move there and then meet you oh ?
Absolutely horrid weather. Cold, windy and rainy. Doesnt help that we've had no heating or hot water for 3 days as the boiler failed. Seems to be worknig again now - though the engineer thinks it could be an intermittent fault.

I'm looking forward to a bath once the water heats up !

I spent a good 2 or 3 hours digging down the field yesterday and planted the last of my seed potatoes. Next todig over will be a patch for onions and one for sweetcorrn and another for beans and squash.

I decided trying to grow some of our own fresh veg not only makes you appreciate it more, but it tastes better and is fab excercise too. I can really feel my bum, backs of legs and tum from yesterdays efforts. I presume a lot of that digging is like doing stomach crunches amongst other things. Hopefully tone me up a bit in the process.

Got to go back outside though shortly. Ponies will want some dinner...

I'm new here and have just read your diary. You are doing so well and have really inspired me to get going and lose this weight.
One of my main reasons that i want to lose weight is to feel better on my welsh cob Charlie - so i was immediately drawn to your username!!

Good luck and keep at it - i'll check in regularly to see how your doing. Feel free to pm me piccies of your horses. :) :)