I'll post some more pictures for you...
I can't say we're in any kind of routine yet - apart from the fact he'll sleep from about 5pm > 10pm and all hell lets loose when we try to go to bed. I'm generally up 3x through the night for an hour or so each time.
The stitches have pretty much disintegrated and gone now - they aren't painfull as suchnow, but irritating still and it's definately split open a bit down there :-S Not exactly pleasant !
Don;t get me wrong - the labour wasn't fun... but once I'd had the epidural there was nothing in between top-ups. If you ever do it again, I'd seriously recommend an epidural !!!!
Diet wise - I'm being sensible at the moment as I'm breast feeding and am producing silly amounts (milking cow status !)
Omlette for lunch (no breakfast as didn't get up !) and home made fish pie for dinner with some grapes in between as a snack.
I'm not putting a time limit on anything at the moment - but I'll damn well finish what I started
Last Sunday - having forgotten to take the pain killers !
dressed up to go out and visit the inlaws
Friday - 13 days
and going out for a quick walk
He HATES going in his crib upstairs - but is fairly happy being put either in a shawl on the sofa during the day or in his moses basket in the living room when he nods off in daytime.
Put him in the crib at night (other than the first couple of days) and it seems to result in screaming ab-dabs... so much so we give up and have him in with us. :rollseyes:
Three in a bed and the little one says roll over, roll over.... well - lets just say there isn't room in our bed for three and I often end up in the spare room half way through the night with Oliver !
Had a lazy day today and not done too much. No work anyway. Got up fairly late as Oliver was happy enough after breakfast to settle back into bed. Went to the supermarket for shopping in the afternoon and then down to the field to see the ponies and put up some new hay feeders.
I can't remember being so pleased as to go to the supermarke - I've barely been over the door recently. I did take him a short walk on Friday, but my feet are still huge. They are also now carting in sugar beet round here - so the lanes are very muddy and wet. Not nice.
Glad you're back - it's not been the same without you :hugs: x