and then there were two.. back on the bandwagon !

:welcome: Blimey ! Really ?

Wishing you all the best of luck. I suppose we forsee ourselves in different ways..

It's really strange because although this time on one hand I'm absolutley determine to do this (and keep it off) - the other side is constantly finding this really hard and a bit of a fight.

I dont really feel the change of diet a problem. Nor the type and quanity of food. I think that the change of diet and nutrients etc does perhaps change the way you think.

I've got a long long way to go. I'm hoping to have cleared another 4lb by the end of the month to take me into a 2stone loss since 6th January. If you set things into mini targets, they are certainly within easier reach.

I'm not actually etting myself an end limit - my ticker is set as a preliminary main goal - but then will need altered again.

I've got 5 ponies. my old horse Taka is tb x connemara and 29yo (retired - but still top dog !). Then there is Echo. 10yo - black built like a bull dozer Welsh D... love and heartbreaker of my life (lamanitic - and we've had some bad attacks the last few years). Then there is Summer - palomino Welsh D, rising 4yo and just backed. Little superstar in the making and drop dead gorgeous :) Castrol is 2yo - in June - Traditional coloured x Highland. Cream dun and white tobiano. He's going to be a stunning little horse. Not forgetting Creme - cream dun miniature shetland.

I will need to dig some piccies out. At the moment everything is muddy. I cant wait for it to dry out and warm up !

So far - I do feel the difference having lost 2st already. I've got more energy. I've got less bulk, I've got more balance when riding. I've dropped about 1.1/2 dress sizes.

I need to lose an awful lot more - but when the light changes and I can get out and ride every night that will help. Instead of just having one to ride - now Summer is backed, I've got two to take out ! That's my motivation. I'm nowhere close to achieving - but I used to ride endurance quite a number of years ago and my main goal is to start again. With Echo's lamanitic bouts and my weight there has been no chance. But - with determination and a lot of effort I can get both him and I fit and perhaps up to a low level endurance grade.

Echo is scared of his shadow and far too spooky - so will never really go far - but in a couple of years Summer could be capeable. Newly broken and she's already showing herself to be confident, forward going and very very quick learning.

Paula - you'll be glad to here after a weekend of being outside again, my clouds are lifting a little. I think that's my main problem- lack of daylight. I've thought about it before on numerous occasions and never done anything about it. I'm going to look into a daylight bulb for work and possible also some St Johns Wort tablets. Could be the very thing that's tipping me over the edge.

If I can't meet up with you in China then I'll definately need to meet up with you somewhere in the UK when you make a trip home. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're an absolute STAR :character00238: :worthy:
Paula - you'll be glad to here after a weekend of being outside again, my clouds are lifting a little. I think that's my main problem- lack of daylight. I've thought about it before on numerous occasions and never done anything about it. I'm going to look into a daylight bulb for work and possible also some St Johns Wort tablets. Could be the very thing that's tipping me over the edge.

I would definately recommend really seriously looking into this. So many people joke and suggest that their depression/bad moods may be caused by the good old British weather and being locked up in offices for 8 hours + every day, but this must affect a person's stamina and moods.

I'm very glad that a weekend out in the fields, including all that digging and physical work has piucked you up. I think that a huge majority of us look on physical labour/exercise as being a chore, but again the majority of us feel so invigorated and energised after such exercise.

If I can't meet up with you in China then I'll definately need to meet up with you somewhere in the UK when you make a trip home. I don't know what I'd do without you. You're an absolute STAR :character00238: :worthy:

Definately.....and thank you to you too for always being so stable and straight with me.:)
What do you do in China ? Did you get married and move there - or move there and then meet you oh ?

I run an International Kindergarten. I absolutely love my job and becoming a Montessorian has been amongst just a few of the most positive and amazing life changes for me (My hubby, daughter and CD being the others!)

I moved to China just after I graduated for a gap year. I fell in love with the people and the culture, and with teaching, (my studies are in law and criminal justice). I decided that teaching was really what I wanted to do and discovered the Montessori method and way of life. I met my husband 6 and half years ago in Guangzhou. Very romantic story of boy meets girl.....I was out at an underground rock bar with a famous Chinese guitarist friend of mine. Hubby (budding guitarist/vocalist) and friends were in awe and asked said friend to play. Being the meany that he is, he said no, so I got up to strum my stuff (not good, believe me!) and the rest as they say is history! A week after we met, Xiao Zhou bought a diamond ring and proposed, 4 months later we were married.......and we are still oh so in love....more so now I'd reckon since I re-found my old self!
wow - lot going on there. You're braver than me. I've never ben an outgoing type - more the sort to hide in a corner (and that's from way before I put the weight on)

I met my husband through a website to do with designing online shopping carts. We talked a few times - well lots of times - and after a few months realised it was becoming more than just talking.

It was probably about a year later that we met. He was down here in East Anglia and I up and Scotland. We met in the Novemeber, then again between Christmas and New Year - then fortnightly after that. My mid April we were engaged and married a year later. That's how I ended up down here.

I moved down here the day after we married. Took a bit of moving and a lot of getting used to. I moved down here with 5 ponies and 10 rabbits at the time ! Unfortunately, my little Hamish (one of the ponies died just a few months later). Two of the others were later sold a couple of years later. Summer was born here not that long after.

Been a very good day for me today. Seriously seriously busy day at work and I thrive on being busy. Huge adrenalin rush which is 100 times better than any amount of chocolate or sugar. I came home tonight like Zebedee and it's taken me quite some time to come back to earth :rollseyes:

True though - I've ondered for a long time if my lack of daylight has a big affect on me as I'm definately not a winter person an my moods do suffer. Something I really should look into.

My oh was asking if I saw the heavy shower that came down really fast earlier today. I hadn't even been aware that it had rained. That I have to say is fairly typical !

I'm trying to look on it at the moment that the ponies and I and the field will greatly benefit on more time and effort being spent on the land. If I can manage to grow a load of fresh produce to supplement our diets - then even better. Given my luck, it'll probably fail miserably to rabbits, pheasants, slugs and whatever else can kill stuff off... lol

Still - got to be worth a go.
Thursday weigh in again already.

I weighed myself mid week and was mightily cheesed off that I hadn't lost an ounce.

I had to have about 6 gos on the scales this morning before I could actually believe that it was recording a 3.5lb loss this week ! I think that's my best week yet !!!

My aim was to hit the next stone down and achieve a 2 stone total loss by the end of this month. Well - I'm .5lb off my monthly target with 10 days to go .. and I've now lost over 10% of my original weight.

That'll put a smile on my face and keep it there for the holiday weekend :)

I've probably eaten a bit more this week - but just in fruit and fresh green veg. I've got no hunger at all and seen the best losses. Lets hope it continues.

Happy holidays to all you LOSERS :)
I'm getting so good at posting these glitter text thingy's!!!!


You're doing so very, very well honey - I'm so very proud of you, as you should be of yourself!

Feeling a bit pooey, so I'll catch up with you in a day or two when I'm feeling a bit better.

Lot os love
!!!YEAH - GO SARAH!!! (not so impressive i know after paulas glitter thingys but give me a break i'm new!! ;))

So pleased for you!! I've been having minor computer issues and havent managed to get on minimins until today but have been thinking about you.

What kind of things are you eating in a day? Can you give me an example ie what you have for breakfast lunch dinner.
Do you snack at all? Hope you dont mind the questions just been a nosey diet buddy really!!! :D
Thanks guys :)

from standing on the scales this morning I seem to have put it all back on again - but I know that's just water retention and it'll likely be totally different tomorrow.

I'm on one good sized but well balanced meal a day - plus ad-lib fruit in the evening. I certainley dont go hungry

I'm trying to keep bread, rice, potatoes to a once or twice a week treat - along with a very very small amount of chocolate if I really want it !

Since end of last year I've totally given up breakfast and lunch. If I eat in the morning or lunchtime - I'm starving and will eat ANYTHING within reach all day long.

Last night we had some stirfried chicken with carrots and onion and peppers in hoi sin sauce with rice. It's rare for me to have rice... I usually avoid most carbs and would substitue with stirfried bean sprouts and green veg. Still nothing else in the fridge and needs must...

I followed that with 1/2 punnet of strawberries and an orange and 1/2 a twix (told you it was a bad day!!)

Today, I haven't had anything yet....

Dinner is going to be a salmon fillet with honey marinade and seseame seeds, grilled with a couple of boiled eggs and salad. I've just been shopping and come home with copious amounts of fruit and veg. I'll probably have some fresh pineapple and an orange for supper and maybe even some strawberries. I don't go light on the fruit and veg !!
Well it's definately working!! I am the opposite really. I have breakfast and lunch but don't eat a meal on an evening - i prefer to have a couple of light snacksthan a heavy meal. I just need to substitute the rubbish snacks for healthy ones and i'm sure the weight will come off!!!

Went riding today for 2 1/2 hours - it was cold and windy but fantastic!! My cob was a bit spooky which i think has helped tone my bum up - i am getting very good at tensing my bum and sticking in the saddle when he shies sideways!! :)
I'm just in from work and shopping. I was working until 2pm today. I've now got to go do my ponies and then go pick my oh up from his work.

Weather is miserable here today. Wind, rain, sleet, hail and some snow. Very very windy. No way I'll be out riding in that ... I dont mind riding in wind but it's just bleugh today.

Funnily enough - I'm pretty sure I drove right through the end of a rainbow on the way home ! Is that possible ? The prism of colour was coming rigt through the window and I could see it on my clothes ! I thought you could never get to the end of a rainbow. If it wasnt that - I dont knwo what it was... but it was amazing !
OMG Congratulations!!!
Congratulations Sarah :D
WOW cool news. Thats what happens when you lose weight!! ;)

I managed to lose 2 stone when i was pregnant so there is hope!!
Many Congrats :)
Given I'm trying a change of diet for life rather than an end goal - I'll keep going.

However - at the moment I think I'm still in state of shock. Crying, laughing - you name it. I cannot imagine life with a baby. OMG - did I say BABY ?

heeeeellllllppppp !!!!