Hi all, Well ive had a poo morning!!...Got up and decided to check emails and found my electric bill was ready to be viewed....So looked and it said im 200 in credit and my bill for the last six months is £34 :O ... Lovely as it would have been to accept the new request to lower direct debit to £2 per month I thought I had better check it out...
We had a newer meter fitted last July and it was set at 0 ... They estimated that in six months i'd used a total of 200 KWH over day and night rate...I read the meter and it showed a usage of 3031units for day and 569 units for night

... So I totted the amount of units and converted it to KWH (im sad like that

) and came out with a predicted bill of around £800 :copon::cry:.... I had no time before school to call them so spent the early morning worrying, then got home, all ready to call and sil and sister came round - As rude as I am I couldn't make phone calls while they were sitting there lol!!
So managed to call about 11-30, by which time I'm held in a queue (getting more and more infuriated by the second..the calming music not helping one iota!)..So I eventually get through and give a long winded speech in which I named all electrical appliances used, comparisons to the last 4 bills etc....The poor girl then calmly asked for the readings I had...
She tried to input them into the system and it won't take a four digit reading...meaning


) that the 3031 that had made me so aireated was actually 303....DOH!!!

Not that I should have known this, but just wish I had saved my speech for after the readings

Anyway with the "new" reads the bill should be approx £100 ish... Still a bit unsure as to whether that is right, and cannot believe im stressing over a bill being to little for the second time today!!!!
Not a lot I can do until the new bill is ready, she told me to call back tomorrow to find out exactly how much it is...
Sorry for the stressy essay!!!
Foodwise all is good, may have a chow mein for dinner tonight, but undecided as we are having a meal on Sunday....
Oh one more gripe while im in that kind of mood....Why did I get a chocolate coloured carpet??!!!!....Ive never noticed just how much my cats moult until now...there is a white furball in my sight as I type...GGRRRRRR....wonder if you can get pussy hair dyes PMSL....The feline kind
Ok off to hoover..again!