Anyone been placed on the shortlist for Slimmer of the Year?

Wow!!! I'm knocked out!!!!

I'd like to say a huge big WOAH - YOU ROCK to everyone who had the guts to enter this exciting competition - I wouldn't ever dare cos I'm a fraidy cat!!!

And if you got shortlisted, then that's fantastic!! And it's marvellous to see so many from Minimins - wouldn't it be just wonderful if one of our 'family' won it!! OOh - I'm getting so nervous about the whole thing now - I really wish I could be there, but it would mean abandoning my children for the weekend and I rather think that's against the law.

How can we find out immediately who's won???

Can we have a mole there who'll report back live from the venue?? lol

Good luck to everyone!!!!!! Nine days to go??
If you give me your mobile no. Isobel, I'll text you.
Ann x
Am completely in awe of all of you who have done so fantastically well - congratulations and i can't wait to see one of our minimins winning!!
wouldn't it be just wonderful if one of our 'family' won it!!

How can we find out immediately who's won???

Can we have a mole there who'll report back live from the venue?? lol

Ditto that! :D

As if I wouldn't have texted you straight away with the result!

I'll miss you not being there though. Can't you put the kids into kennels for the day or summat? *lol*

Someone from Minimins has just GOT TO win this!!!!:D

congratulations to everyone who has been short listed:D
Can I ask, how many of you have been 'interviewed'? I am not getting interviewed, and I am concerned now. When I spoke to CD today, they said it was because some people didnt complete an 'indepth' application (where as mine was), yet I know someone who was interviewed who did complete an indepth one... Im now thinking its probably a waste of my time to attend the conference.

Decisions, decisions.

If I do attend, I will be coming up on the train in the morning, and returning that evening.

See you there Leighann as I have also been shortlisted.
It will be nice to meet ather minimins.
Good luck to everyone who has been shortlisted.
Sounds as though it is going to be a great day.
I say we are all winners already as we are winning the battal with our weight.
Hugs to everyone
Love Libbie xxx

Congratulations Libbie!!!

This is brill news!!!

Love Mini xxx
Congratulations Polly, Leighann and Libbie .. and I'm delighted to say I'll be joining you on the day as I've been short-listed too :)

I had a phone call from Head Office yesterday and received the letter this morning to confirm. Exciting isn't it? :D

See you next week!!


Congratulations Sharon well done!!!

Love Mini xxx
Hi guys,

Congratulations to you all.:)

Guess what I will be joining you as i have been short-listed today. :eek:

I am so nervous

Nick :D

Our first Gentleman...

Congratulations Nick I am sure you must be thrilled!!!:D :D :D

Love Mini xxxx
Thanks Mini, :D

I would'nt say I am a gentlemen, but I do try. But thank you very much.

I am so excited,

Mini mins will rule.

Nick :)
Thanks Mini.
its just great that so many of us are going to be there
So so excited.
Would be great if one of us minimins won.
Congratulations and good luck to everyone.
love libbie
I am so excited for all of you, can we someone take a wireless laptop in to post the Vote asap!
A big well deserved Congratulations to you all. Exciting times here.

Can't wait to find out who wins................but you lot are all winners anyway !!! What a fantastic life changing achievement.
clap clap clap !!


Well done all of you - its going to be a great day!

The conference used to be CDC's only, however, this year is for CDC's and anyone on CD and as Ann said its £15 per ticket.

The close date for buying tickets has come and gone but you may be lucky there could still be some spare.

Hope to see lots of you there.

Well done all shortlisted candidates.