Quick question - can someone win the Cambridge Diet Slimmer of the year even if they haven't lost all their weight with the Cambridge Diet?
I'm a tad confused as I thought, perhaps naively, that it was a Cambridge Diet thing... otherwise it would just be a general thing wouldn't it? Or have I got the wrong end of the stick... is it a general Slimmer of the Year award open to all who have lost weigh regardless of how or what plan they followed?
And... if someone wins who has done it with a variety of diets.. which one will be credited for their success? I mean.. say you did WW and lost 4 stone and did the last stretch with CD (say 2 stone)... would this qualify you to win a CD award or a WW award? Or both!?? lol (love the idea of that!! dual awards... lol )
It's something I was chewing over and couldn't quite get to grips with... lol (not unusal for me!)... and my example is not referring to anyone, I made it up! lol
I remember when I did SW (oh, years ago!) that they had their own award thing too... and I think that was based on SW members only... but then, who knows... before they joined SW they could've been to WW etc.. lol... and if so... I'm guessing the weight loss would only be counted as the loss that person made with SW! Ahhh... seee... as I type I'm beginning to get to grips with it! lol
So... in my hypothetical case... the award would be for the final 2 stone loss not the overall 6 stone loss!!
Linda - I look to you for an answer (coz you knows loads! lol)...
Oh, and I have to say - my asking this is just basically because I was wondering , that's all... in no way does my question devalue the incredible achievements that all participants have made!! They are ALL mega-stars in my book!!