Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Morning girls!

Feel much better today....motivation is back!
Just having couscous for lunch and then jacket pot with beans and salad for tea.
Really want to be 9 st something when I land back in England......17 days and 4 lb to go...I can and will do this.
Thanks for your kind words

Hi Clara lou

really pleased to hear that - you can do this! x
Hi everyone have not had a very good couple of days really , mainly because I haven't planned for myself very well.
Went to London to visit relatives on Saturday and started off with good intentions and took fruit and syn free stuff to eat on way down and then stuffed it up at lunch with sandwiches and mayonaise and then Chinese for dinner :(
Yesterday was mainly good until about 12 o'clock last night when I just had to have a marmite sandwich !!( which was disgusting)
On the plus side I have been drinking my water and going for walks but am gonna get on track again today cos I do not want another gain on Thursday and don't want to be yo yoing forever !!!
Well done to everyone else who has stayed on plan xxx

Hi Tracy

you made me laugh with the marmite sandwich! Not a biscuit or a chocolate bar - a marmite sandwich - good luck with the rest of the week!
Hi everyone - how are we all getting on?
I've been pretty good with the water, syns and Hex's - not so good with the excercise but I never am - though I have been quite busy!

Didn't have any alcohol over the weekend which usually uses up a lot of syns - scales aren't very encouraging so far but I've got until Thursday

Next week have got a lunch out with a friend - can probably get a baked spud or salad tho -but a big birthday bash at an Indian restaurant and a another party - now if I wasn't overweight I'd be thinking how lucky I am to have such a great social life - but I think I'll just have to go for damage limitation - and make some wise(r) choices - please let me have a couple of lbs off this week - otherwise I'll feel fed up and be worrying I'll have a gain again next week!

Report back ladies and let us know how you're doing?
I think I am going to write this week off and start again next week:(
I just don't know what's going on I just can't seem to come to grips this week
Plan has been good for me this week, been back on the salads for lunch, not quite managing the 1 glass of water or squash per hr, never really been a huge liquid drinker, and the exercise has been a no show!

May sneak a mis week peak tomorrow morning to see how it's going, will let you know. X
Hi gang , I think ive been ok this week. Had our weekend away which was fab and I've still to post some pictures . Stayed as good as I could. Resisted many things and chose wisely. We will see. Got a friends birthday Thursday at the Chinese - good god! But it's weigh in day so a little leniency won't hurt. Good luck all x
Hi gang , I think ive been ok this week. Had our weekend away which was fab and I've still to post some pictures . Stayed as good as I could. Resisted many things and chose wisely. We will see. Got a friends birthday Thursday at the Chinese - good god! But it's weigh in day so a little leniency won't hurt. Good luck all x

Sounds like a lovely weekend Pebs good luck with WI

I have been 100% this week with very few daily syns - 6 - 8 most days but unless I drop a couple of lbs overnight it looks like I might have sts :(

We'll see tomorrow
Well I snuck a peek this morning and I've lost 1lb so far!! 2 days to go, i've got everything crossed for another 1lb by then.

Had a rubbish day today though, was late for work so forgot my lunch, nipped to asda to get a salad. Picked a ham & egg salad (no dressing) and ewwww I don't know what they did to the lettuce but it tasted mighty salty? I couldn't eat it so ended up munching on a few chunks of pineapple.

Finished work fairly late but then got stuck on a conference call till 9:30 pm and missed my dinner :-(

Just had an alpen light bar & apple to tide me over till morning.
Good morning all, have just done wi and was pleasently surprised I had a gain of 1.5 lb,I was expecting a lot worse.
I am back on track today now I know I didn't do too much damage!
Good luck everyone else xx
pebbles67 said:
Right ,chief bum kicker here! Reporting for duty . No straying. No munching, no picking or snacking. We are on sw boot camp as of today Tracy, pebs and debs! Kanks from tomoro and clara lou and Sarah from Sunday. Thus giving everyone their weigh in day for treats if required. Ok these are the boot camp rules should u choose to accept them.
1) you will do 7 mins per day with tin in each hand , march up and down bottom step of stairs- we all have stairs-yes? We all have tins of beans- yes?

2) you will make a list of menus for at least 2 days ahead, if poss whole week.

3)you will drink water or squash 1 glass per hour and write down how many u manage and report back here at end of day.

4) you will have your hexs, at least 5 syns and 5 portions of fruit or veg per day.

5) if poss you will have a portion of bran cereal,bran flakes, all bran , scan bran etc 3 times or more this week coming.

6) we will all make a version of speed soup over the next 5 days to eat when you can.

You must complete at least 4 of these tasks.

If you cannot

Forgive me pebbles for I have sinned.....
Well I have been trying to keep to the boot camp butt kicking rules. Honest I have..
Think I have managed numbers 3,4 and 6. Just about.

I am just so busy with packing and 'goodbye' events that planning has gone out the window.
It's a nightmare. Just hoping for a STS this week.....two days to go till WI and I am out tonight for dinner, tomorrow for lunch and dinner.....think I will designate myself the driver so at least I can stay in control a bit more.
Good luck with weigh in everyone
2lbs loss - thank goodness, it has spurred me on to try to increase exercise next week during Easter hols and in some damamge limitation for the next 2 weeks social engagements (gosh that sounds posh lol) and the holiday!

1lb to go before those elusive 12s :sigh:

Wouldn't have done it without the support on here - good luck to everyone! :)
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Forgive me pebbles for I have sinned.....
Well I have been trying to keep to the boot camp butt kicking rules. Honest I have..
Think I have managed numbers 3,4 and 6. Just about.

I am just so busy with packing and 'goodbye' events that planning has gone out the window.
It's a nightmare. Just hoping for a STS this week.....two days to go till WI and I am out tonight for dinner, tomorrow for lunch and dinner.....think I will designate myself the driver so at least I can stay in control a bit more.
Good luck with weigh in everyone

I made the superspeed soup and it's still sat in the fridge lol!

I did have the bran, drink the water, plan meals and have my hex;s tho :D
Well I snuck a peek this morning and I've lost 1lb so far!! 2 days to go, i've got everything crossed for another 1lb by then.

Had a rubbish day today though, was late for work so forgot my lunch, nipped to asda to get a salad. Picked a ham & egg salad (no dressing) and ewwww I don't know what they did to the lettuce but it tasted mighty salty? I couldn't eat it so ended up munching on a few chunks of pineapple.

Finished work fairly late but then got stuck on a conference call till 9:30 pm and missed my dinner :-(

Just had an alpen light bar & apple to tide me over till morning.

oops oh kanks you must have been starving poor thing. hope you shift that other lb by the morning. lots of luck xx
righto guys- who is weighing this morning?
who is left? is it just me tracy and debs on a thursday now? everyone else has drifted i think.

anyway pleased to say ive lost 2lb this week and am delighted. got a birthday chinese planned for later which im looking forward to , so thats 2lb off and 7 back on by the morning lol! :8855:

oh it'll be fine im confident it'll be worked off again. been a bit slack on the posting this week have had to work extra cos of sickness at work and ive been chasing about- ive not posted on my diary for ages. so tonight im set for a catch up on the pc.

hope everyones ok, clara lou - hows that
packing going?

debs youve been a little star this week youve really risen to the challenge im dead proud of you, everything i asked you to do you faced it, well done. 100% determination. you deserve a good loss poppet. not long now til your hols

tracy - dont lose sight honey, youve been doing a smashing job its not unusual to go off course after a few weeks, promise you we've all been there. pick yourself up and dust yourself down and jump back on when you can. baby steps is better than giant leaps, cos it means theres so much farther to slip down after giant leaps.

kankles - if you dont lose that other lb by morning and stay neck and neck with me i am seriously moving to wales to spoon feed you grass. youve done amazingly well with your plan- youve changed it all around and then stuck at it, even though youve had slow losses recently. you could have said oh to hell with it and thrown the slo cooker at the wall but no, youve kept going and i am so motivated by that. youre a fab gal!
youre reaching your goal and losses are so much slower the less you have to lose, so hang in there, 20lb total here we come. xx

sarah - you still out there honey? hope alls ok with you after your tough time recently. pop in and let us know youre ok.
Please can I Join you?

As my signature says I'm starting a fresh today. Started Slimming World in November and went from 13st 6lbs to 12st 5lbs (almost my stone award) and now have gone back up to 13st exactly :cry: :sigh:

So enough is enough, I'm back on the SW wagon. I can't go to group anymore because of commitments, so I'm really hoping that I can keep motivated by posting on here.

Do you mind if i join in on your thread?

Please can I Join you?

As my signature says I'm starting a fresh today. Started Slimming World in November and went from 13st 6lbs to 12st 5lbs (almost my stone award) and now have gone back up to 13st exactly :cry: :sigh:

So enough is enough, I'm back on the SW wagon. I can't go to group anymore because of commitments, so I'm really hoping that I can keep motivated by posting on here.

Do you mind if i join in on your thread?

hiya, yes of course you can join, we'd love to have you x:welcome: