Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Sarahc said:
Hiya everyone

I'm still here just, I've been on holiday for a week with no Internet access or phone signal. We went to center parcs so I have done loads of cycling, walking, swimming, scuba diving and even managed a 5k run. Was super good all week even though there was soooooo much naughty food there and in our lodge. I weighed this morning thinking i must have lost about 3lb but no 1/2 lb off. What's the point, all that effort, all the saying no and watching everyone else tuck in and 1/2 a bloody lb. Feeling a bit naff about it all really, I still have such a long way to go and I just wish it was a bit quicker, sorry my post is so negative.

Well done on all the losses, I will have a proper read through later as I have to sort the washing out and cut the grass.


Pebbles is right sarah, i was reaching desperation point because I felt like I was trying so hard and the scales were just not rewarding me for my efforts, I was drinking more water, eating more SF foods, but it all seemed in vain, but in all honesty I think because I was getting worked up and frustrated it made it worse.

Last week I switched things up a little, I went back to my salads (also known as grass chomping) for lunch, I didn't have as many carbs last week, I did however have an insatiable craving for chocolate but I stuck to my tsp of nutella even though my cravings were coming after midnight! But also because I relaxed a little in myself i enjoyed the plan again. I know going forward that if I have another bad week scales wise, if I just relax, switch things round, the following week I can pull something back.

You'll be ok you've come so far already, I know it's tough and I know it can break you down when you don't see a loss on the scales you deserve, but never lose sight of the end goal. Think of it as a journey, sometimes you need to take a diversion to reach your final destination xx x chin up, we're all routing for you x
Hi all,

I know i'm only new to this thread but just wanted to post a message to say we can do it!

I'm new to this thread, but not slimming world, i restarted on thursday after putting on almost all of what i lost :cry: Like a few of you have said its so disheartening when you're extra good and you sts or loose half a pound. I just ended up giving up and almost putting all the lbs back on, but still very unhappy with my weight, so i've got to work at it to lose it again.

I wish i knew why its so easy to put on lbs just from eating one thing, yet it takes days/weeks to get the same weight off. All i know is we do have some weeks when we have good loses and they're the ones we have to try and remember, because no matter how long it takes us to get to our target weight it will be worth it when we get there.

Keep at it everyone. Good luck for next weeks weigh in


I know we've had a bit of a mixed week this week but what MissHP said really struck a chord with me........if we do give up or have a week or so off we just end up losing the same weight time and time again.

Let's draw a line under last week - I know it's particularly difficult if you've given it 100% and there is no loss like Sarahc but that often shows in a good loss the following week.

Good luck girls - the Thursday weighers have 4 days to apply the boot camp rules if need be or just carry on at 100%

Pebbles - I always think it takes a few days to show a loss or a gain sometimes and you said you'd been 'as good as you could when you were away' so perhaps it was to do with those few days too.

We will always have meals out, holidays etc to cope with so my philosophy as I've mentioned before is damage limitation and then enjoy the social engagements without going mad (although the M&S Easter advert on the TV has had me drooling as well as that belgian chocolate eclair from Asda lol!)

We've done pretty well so far and are a strong little group so let's all make a big effort this week! We have shown in the past that we can do it and we WILL do it this time!
hi fellow Thursday weighers :wave_cry:, i joined March 17th, having got up to 12stone 7 :cry:, am now down to 11 stone 13, could've been much lower by now, but it just took me a while to get into the plan :sigh:
You have all done sooo well, v inspiring! I don't have a group, because i'm trying to keep it a secret (some people are v judgemental), so i'm just doing it online. Have had a great week since Sunday, although i am going to allow myself some Chocolate cake today (within syns) :D. i was wondering do you all enter your food diarys? i have entered a few, just for my own use. I'm off for a long weekend for Easter, looking fwd to getting away, just hoping i can manage my eating while away :confused:
Megs x
Hi all.

How's your sunday been? I hope you've all had chance to enjoy the nice weather.

I made fudge last night for my boyfriend and just worked it out syn wise - 2.5 syns for a tiny little square! I've had a tried - syned, but will definately be avoided the rest of it!

Also made a traditional Poilsh Easter cake (Babka) for my boyfriend, I also worked out the syns for that too and one small (but still decent ish size) slice is 4.5 syns. I know you there are loads of recipes on here for cakes using sweetner but sweetner gives me the shakes and palpatations, so i prefer to have the odd slice of a proper cake/pudding. It's strange when i'm focused enough i can bake things like that, have it in the kitchen and it doesnt bother me - i'll have the odd slice and syn it. However when i'm not focused i can't even have the slightest 'naughty' thing in the cupboards without demolishing the lot.

Hoping i carry on the week this focused, i really want to lose at least a lb this week, would love 2lbs off :)

Stick at it everyone xx
Decided to update the stats - hope I've got them right - please change them if any are wrong. I've taken out the ones who didn't WI for the last 2 weeks - but you're welcome back if you want to update us. Good luck everyone.......................and where are you?????

pebbles 2lb-- total 20lbs :clap:

debs 2lbs --------total 11lbs :clap:

tracy +1.5 -------- total 8.5lbs :clap:

MissHP - newbie

thursdays total weight loss this week = 4lbs

friday weighers

kankles 2lb---- total 21lbs :clap:

friday weighers total - 2lbs

sat weighers

sarahc 66.5 lbs :clap:

claralou sts ----------total 8.5lbs :clap:

saturday total loss = .5lbs
Debs154 said:
Decided to update the stats - hope I've got them right - please change them if any are wrong. I've taken out the ones who didn't WI for the last 2 weeks - but you're welcome back if you want to update us. Good luck everyone.......................and where are you?????

pebbles 2lb-- total 20lbs :clap:

debs 2lbs --------total 11lbs :clap:

tracy +1.5 -------- total 8.5lbs :clap:

MissHP - newbie

thursdays total weight loss this week = 4lbs

friday weighers

kankles 2lb---- total 21lbs :clap:

friday weighers total - 2lbs

sat weighers

sarahc 66.5 lbs :clap:

claralou sts ----------total 8.5lbs :clap:

saturday total loss = .5lbs

Well done Debs....think I will weigh in on Thursday this week as we are off to Abu Dhabi thursday lunchtime. Trying to be good....too scared of boot camp rules not to stick to plan. Having a red week this week to try and kick start weight loss.
How's things with you? X
I'm good thanks Clara Lou - very inspired by my 2lb loss and the 12s are insight.
Enjoying the time off work and going to have lunch with my old boss later on - need to spend the week spring cleaning - punctuated by a few social gatherings.
Just checked the weather for Alanya in Turkey for next week and so far it's saying rain rain rain :( so hoping that will change!

Feeling a little bored with food at the moment which is a good thing - I've got hardly anything in that I fancy eating and don't really want to do a shop as watching money for holiday next week - have a nice time in Abu Dhabi!

Oh and I had 3 red days last week and had a good loss so good luck x
Thanks for doing stats update.
Had a good weekend, quite a few green days last week so back on red this week. Had red Friday and went out for a chicken and salad with the kids ,Saturday was red and had pork chops and mash, Sunday green and had roast pork with loads of sw parsnips and potatoes. Did lots of gardening. Work today for 3 hours then I'm off for 2 weeks hooray.
Boot camp for me these 4 days to come.
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Hi all,

Thanks debs 154 for the stats update, hopefully i'll have a 1-2lb loss to add to it thursday.

How's everyones day been? I've had a red day and 5th day back on plan has gone well. We have a leaving lunch at work tomorrow and after reading the lovely (but very naughty choices on the menu) I have ordered the grilled chicken salad.

Hope everyone has a good week :D Sound like there are a few of you with nice holidays coming up :)

Well after saying I was bored with food I ended up about 20 syns over my allowance yesterday eek! I also have a big curry night and triple birthday celebration this week................hmmm

MissHP - you and I are the same weight - although with my holiday next week (did I mention my holiday next week lol) I'm sure you'll make progress quicker than me - good luck!
Omg some how I've managed to gain 2lb since sunday? I only had salad and SW quich for lunch and stir fry for dinner and an alpen bar for my hexb. I have got my * week yet again but 2lbs, are u kidding me, took me ages to get a good loss now its back on :-(
Kankles said:
Omg some how I've managed to gain 2lb since sunday? I only had salad and SW quich for lunch and stir fry for dinner and an alpen bar for my hexb. I have got my * week yet again but 2lbs, are u kidding me, took me ages to get a good loss now its back on :-(

Don't worry poppet that's fluid from stAr week you can gain up to 4 lb but it'll slip back off in a day or 2 as it lessens. X
Omg some how I've managed to gain 2lb since sunday? I only had salad and SW quich for lunch and stir fry for dinner and an alpen bar for my hexb. I have got my * week yet again but 2lbs, are u kidding me, took me ages to get a good loss now its back on :-(

Got to agree with Pebbles - it's likely to be water retention Kankles - am sure it''l come off by Thursday!
pebbles67 said:
Don't worry poppet that's fluid from stAr week you can gain up to 4 lb but it'll slip back off in a day or 2 as it lessens. X

Hiya pebs!!! Blooming womens stuff eh, gets right on my wick! My montly cycle has been all over the place for months but I know it's down to stress through work.

My poor poochie ran a mile when I got on the scales! I yelled to myself "what the hell" and frightened her half to death!
She hates shouting, bearing in mind she's 8 1/2 stone!!!! She's a sensitive thing!

Debs154 said:
Got to agree with Pebbles - it's likely to be water retention Kankles - am sure it''l come off by Thursday!

Oohhhhh tell me about it. I get water retention really bad anyway because of my arthritis. Get it really bad in my ankles hence my name (ok so they're fat ankles too) but the water don't help! Fell like a blooming inside out fish with all this water inside me!!! X
Hi All,

Kankles i agree with the others that its probably water retention. When i used to go to class (before losing the plot and putting most of it back on) my consultant said you can weigh up to 7lb heavy on * week - not sure how true 7lb is but i'm sure i've heard lots of people say up to 4lb heavier.

How's everyone's day been? Thursday weigh in is getting even closer!

Well i went on a colleagues leaving lunch today and had my grilled chicken salad, even had the dressing in a little pot on the side so i could just add a small bit :)

Really hope i lose 2lbs thursday.

hi fellow Thursday weighers :wave_cry:, i joined March 17th, having got up to 12stone 7 :cry:, am now down to 11 stone 13, could've been much lower by now, but it just took me a while to get into the plan :sigh:
You have all done sooo well, v inspiring! I don't have a group, because i'm trying to keep it a secret (some people are v judgemental), so i'm just doing it online. Have had a great week since Sunday, although i am going to allow myself some Chocolate cake today (within syns) :D. i was wondering do you all enter your food diarys? i have entered a few, just for my own use. I'm off for a long weekend for Easter, looking fwd to getting away, just hoping i can manage my eating while away :confused:
Megs x

god megs! im so sorry, ive just noticed you in the middle of the posts. blimey you must think me very unwelcoming.
welcome to our thread. are you joining us on weigh on? well done on your losses so far. and im envious of that chocolate cake - been a while since i sank my teeth into a death by chocolate, with chocolate chips, and chocolate sauce and extra chocolate. i enter my food on a diary on here - you get to it by clicking on the underlined bit at the bottom of my posts. kankles also enters a diary , she'll have to remind me of the name of it. i dont know about debs, tracy, sarah and clara - girls do you enter diaries?
i do find it helps and some of us post pictures too.

good luck for this week and i hope you enjoy your weekend away. pop back soon and let us know how you got on.
Now now pebbles what you doing to me with all this choccie cake talk, that nutella jar is staying locked in that blooming cuboard tonight I tell you! With my mid night cravings I'm sure my pooch thinks I've gone barmy creaping around at 12:30 at night for a sodding tsp of nutella!

So my little motivator what boot camp regime we on this week. Does creaping up and down the stairs for a quick choc fix count towards my exercise!!! ;-)
Yes I do have a diary megs/pebs but I've been very disorganized lately and not been posting on it! You're my only visitor anyways pebbles so I think my diary's a bit bland! It's got a really catchy title "kankles food diary" took me yonks to think that one up!

I tend to write on pebbles or on here as we're all doing it together and I need my pebs to keep me on the straight & narrow! Pebbles is our great motivator and bootcamp organiser and she does a fab job updating all our stats for us weekly, she's a real diamond.

You'll love it on here megs! X
Kankles said:
Yes I do have a diary megs/pebs but I've been very disorganized lately and not been posting on it! You're my only visitor anyways pebbles so I think my diary's a bit bland! It's got a really catchy title "kankles food diary" took me yonks to think that one up!

I tend to write on pebbles or on here as we're all doing it together and I need my pebs to keep me on the straight & narrow! Pebbles is our great motivator and bootcamp organiser and she does a fab job updating all our stats for us weekly, she's a real diamond.

You'll love it on here megs! X

Thanks for the welcome guys, i'm using the iphone tonite so forgive any wonky posts lol. This week has been good so far, highest syn usage in a day was 7.5, most days around the 5 mark. I've been doing alot of maintaining lately so i'm trying to keep my syns on the halfway mark (7) & i've started Body Magic! On plan 1 month & this is my 1st Body Magic! Lazy me lol. I'm doing a Bronze, & have 2 cross trainer sessions done this wk, so far so good.
Have a chip shop lunch team building event at work on Wed, bad timing day before weigh in! Here's hoping my low syn week will allow a wee bit of flexibility without a gain, or another maintain.
Goodnite all, heres to a good last day for u all. Cu on Thursday for some nimber crunching :-D Megs x