Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Thanks :D

Well had a red day today and stuck to plan 100%. I know that doesn't seem like much, but its my first day back on track for ages!

MissHP said:
Thanks :D

Well had a red day today and stuck to plan 100%. I know that doesn't seem like much, but its my first day back on track for ages!


Well done hp that's a great start, stick with us, you'll do just fine. Debs me Tracy weigh on a Thursday and kankles weighs Friday, Sarah and clara lou weigh Saturday- oh hang on , no clara lou swapped to Thursday.
So I'll add you to the list, you just let me know what day you wanna weigh in. Good luck
pebbles67 said:
kankles - if you dont lose that other lb by morning and stay neck and neck with me i am seriously moving to wales to spoon feed you grass. youve done amazingly well with your plan- youve changed it all around and then stuck at it, even though youve had slow losses recently. you could have said oh to hell with it and thrown the slo cooker at the wall but no, youve kept going and i am so motivated by that. youre a fab gal!
youre reaching your goal and losses are so much slower the less you have to lose, so hang in there, 20lb total here we come. xx


Aw pebbles you brought a tear to my eye then. What lovely words. You're one of the reasons why I've pushed on with all this grass chomping! you motivate me, encourage me but more than anything you make me smile at the end of a long arduous day in the office and thats what life is all about.

I'm glad you started this thread, I look forward to our daily catch ups and it helps knowing not only are you in this journey with me but you're as bloody mad as I am at the same time!!! You're a great pal so thanks x

Well done on you're 2lb this week, I think that's blooming brilliant you little star you! I am seriously trying and desperado to match you lb for lb so let's see what the scales have in store for me this week.

pebbles67 said:
Well done hp that's a great start, stick with us, you'll do just fine. Debs me Tracy weigh on a Thursday and kankles weighs Friday, Sarah and clara lou weigh Saturday- oh hang on , no clara lou swapped to Thursday.
So I'll add you to the list, you just let me know what day you wanna weigh in. Good luck

Hi pebbles.....I still weigh in on a Saturday.....
2lb off girlies!!!! Yeaaahhhh that's my 1 1/2 stone now!!!! I've got a new sticker!!!!

Kankles said:
2lb off girlies!!!! Yeaaahhhh that's my 1 1/2 stone now!!!! I've got a new sticker!!!!


Fantastic, oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, I knew you'd do it, takes a while when you swap around a few bits but I knew you'd get there . I am so pleased for you that's great news, 20lb ol gal that's fab. Oi hang on should that be 21 for a stone and a half or am I madness personified. Don't you be bloody jumping the gun now, ain't aving that! Neck and neck and no more miss kankle fandankle.
Really really great news. Love ya x
You ladies all seem so lovely :D

I'm naughty and sneaking on here at work.....but just wanted to say well done on the weigh in results everyone.

Kankles and pebbles 2lb off each....looks like i need to stay on track so hopefully next thursday i can join you with a minus 2lbs :D

Hope you all have a good day

Fantastic, oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah, I knew you'd do it, takes a while when you swap around a few bits but I knew you'd get there . I am so pleased for you that's great news, 20lb ol gal that's fab. Oi hang on should that be 21 for a stone and a half or am I madness personified. Don't you be bloody jumping the gun now, ain't aving that! Neck and neck and no more miss kankle fandankle.
Really really great news. Love ya x

Thank you my lovely! It's with much thanks to you, couldn't do it with you my buddy xx

I seem to have had 1lb go missing somewhere in all my grass eating, STS, 1lb, 0.5lb but I keep an excel sheet with my weekly losses calculated in lbs & oz, I think it's somewhere in my conversion from stone to lbs i missed something!

14/01 Fri 166.8 4 loss
21/01 Fri 162.8 0 STS
28/01 Fri 160.4 2.4 loss
04/02 Fri 159.2 1.2 loss
11/02 Fri 158 1.2 loss
18/02 Fri 156 2 loss
25/02 Fri 153.4 2.6 loss
04/03 Fri 153.4 0 STS
11/03 Fri 152 1.4 loss
18/03 Fri 149.6 2.4 loss
25/03 Fri 148 1.6 loss
01/04 Fri 148 0 STS
08/04 Fri 147.2 0.8 loss
15/04 Fri 145.2 2 loss

Thanks again my english rose, you really are a gem xxx
You ladies all seem so lovely :D

I'm naughty and sneaking on here at work.....but just wanted to say well done on the weigh in results everyone.

Kankles and pebbles 2lb off each....looks like i need to stay on track so hopefully next thursday i can join you with a minus 2lbs :D

Hope you all have a good day


Hi MissHP, welcome to the madness! All the ladies on here are lovely, offer great inspiration and motivation.

Good luck for the next week, have a good day in work.

You ladies all seem so lovely :D

I'm naughty and sneaking on here at work.....but just wanted to say well done on the weigh in results everyone.

Kankles and pebbles 2lb off each....looks like i need to stay on track so hopefully next thursday i can join you with a minus 2lbs :D

Hope you all have a good day


Welcome MissHP
It is a good little group this one and thanks to Pebbles Boot Camp - look how well we did this week!:grouphugg:

Good luck to the others!
Thanks Debs154.
I really think you ladies will keep me on the straight and narrow now i'm doing this from home :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend

Clara lou said:
STS.......not impressed with myself this week

Ah but let's not forget you had some meals out and thats hard so you should be congratulated for sts.

I'll share something with you- I went for my Chinese meal after weighing in and had lost 2 lb. The morning after the Chinese, I weighed myself to see what kinda overnight damage it does and I had put on 4lb!!!!!!!! How hard is it to lose 4 compared to how easy to put it on. ? I didn't have rice or noodles, I stuck to prawns and beef, I did have 3 prawn crackers and I had 1 triangle of sesame toast ( lethal), I had prawns in garlic, spicy prawns, chicken satAy. Probably all cooked in oil but no stodgy stuff, no battered prawn balls etc. So it could have been worse if i'd eaten worse.

Here's the bad bit. Usually when we've had a meal out or a gain like that, it gets worked off over 24hrs cos somes water, some is bloat from the meal . But 2 days on and it's still there! Still hanging on to that 4lb. So I'm on a grass eating week now cos I feel sick with myself for eating it. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I've gone back weeks. I'm proper down now , but i'll pick meself up again. Got tickets booked for the Saturday morning cinema with the kids to see gullivers travels, just £7 for 3 of us so I'm looking forward to doing something with them. I don't bother about popcorn etc as I don't like it much so they'll have that and I'll take a snack.

Pop back later when all weights are in and update the figures x x
Thanks girlies.....
Don't make me feel that it's ok....I know how upset I will be if this final attempt does not work. Why do I do it? I mean come on why can't I just stick to plan? I was so in the zone and now I'm soon as my clothes feel looser I think 'go on treat yourself' and I get so cross afterwards.
Had tuna salad for lunch and planning to make kebabs for tonight. Been out and bought loads of fish and meat for this week so I'm going to try a red week. It's been hotting up here...up to 38 degrees this glad I haven't got long to go till I'm back to the cooler UK weather . I've had such a headache this past week as well so I'm trying to drink loads more as I think last week I ate to try and get rid of it...does that make sense?
Also I'm coming on here more and going back to writing everything down again to see if that helps me.
Right...rant over think I might go and prep dinner now as we are out late afternoon (aargh again!) for a goodbye drink
Have a good day everyone xx
pebbles67 said:
Ah but let's not forget you had some meals out and thats hard so you should be congratulated for sts.

I'll share something with you- I went for my Chinese meal after weighing in and had lost 2 lb. The morning after the Chinese, I weighed myself to see what kinda overnight damage it does and I had put on 4lb!!!!!!!! How hard is it to lose 4 compared to how easy to put it on. ? I didn't have rice or noodles, I stuck to prawns and beef, I did have 3 prawn crackers and I had 1 triangle of sesame toast ( lethal), I had prawns in garlic, spicy prawns, chicken satAy. Probably all cooked in oil but no stodgy stuff, no battered prawn balls etc. So it could have been worse if i'd eaten worse.

Here's the bad bit. Usually when we've had a meal out or a gain like that, it gets worked off over 24hrs cos somes water, some is bloat from the meal . But 2 days on and it's still there! Still hanging on to that 4lb. So I'm on a grass eating week now cos I feel sick with myself for eating it. I thoroughly enjoyed it but I've gone back weeks. I'm proper down now , but i'll pick meself up again. Got tickets booked for the Saturday morning cinema with the kids to see gullivers travels, just £7 for 3 of us so I'm looking forward to doing something with them. I don't bother about popcorn etc as I don't like it much so they'll have that and I'll take a snack.

Pop back later when all weights are in and update the figures x x

Aw pebbles, don't feel down on yourself, you do so much for others so you deserved to have a nice meal out. I was worried after my pub lunch, especially after my disasterous last few weeks, it took me till Tuesday to see a loss on the scales and I had the meal Saturday!

Don't fret my flower, you'll do just fine x
Hiya everyone

I'm still here just, I've been on holiday for a week with no Internet access or phone signal. We went to center parcs so I have done loads of cycling, walking, swimming, scuba diving and even managed a 5k run. Was super good all week even though there was soooooo much naughty food there and in our lodge. I weighed this morning thinking i must have lost about 3lb but no 1/2 lb off. What's the point, all that effort, all the saying no and watching everyone else tuck in and 1/2 a bloody lb. Feeling a bit naff about it all really, I still have such a long way to go and I just wish it was a bit quicker, sorry my post is so negative.

Well done on all the losses, I will have a proper read through later as I have to sort the washing out and cut the grass.

Hiya everyone

I'm still here just, I've been on holiday for a week with no Internet access or phone signal. We went to center parcs so I have done loads of cycling, walking, swimming, scuba diving and even managed a 5k run. Was super good all week even though there was soooooo much naughty food there and in our lodge. I weighed this morning thinking i must have lost about 3lb but no 1/2 lb off. What's the point, all that effort, all the saying no and watching everyone else tuck in and 1/2 a bloody lb. Feeling a bit naff about it all really, I still have such a long way to go and I just wish it was a bit quicker, sorry my post is so negative.

Well done on all the losses, I will have a proper read through later as I have to sort the washing out and cut the grass.


now just a cotton picking minute, sarah my little flower, you have had such a fab journey and have come too far to chuck in the towel now.

kankles will tell you, she had a 2 week zone where she didnt see any losses and she was 100% but she stuck at it and voila! 2lb off. i know that if you stay 100% this coming week you will see your hard work next saturday - if not i'll eat my hat (flavoured with sw kfc topping)!

you sound like youve had a great week and im envious of that get away. got bogged down this week with juggling work and kids being off. i have no childcare so left them to their own devices which kills me as the little one is only 8 but they are sensible. this week i only have to work 3 hours monday then ive got the rest of the week off with them so i'll be better at coming on here too.

hang in there sar, you will be fine xx
Hi all,

I know i'm only new to this thread but just wanted to post a message to say we can do it!

I'm new to this thread, but not slimming world, i restarted on thursday after putting on almost all of what i lost :cry: Like a few of you have said its so disheartening when you're extra good and you sts or loose half a pound. I just ended up giving up and almost putting all the lbs back on, but still very unhappy with my weight, so i've got to work at it to lose it again.

I wish i knew why its so easy to put on lbs just from eating one thing, yet it takes days/weeks to get the same weight off. All i know is we do have some weeks when we have good loses and they're the ones we have to try and remember, because no matter how long it takes us to get to our target weight it will be worth it when we get there.

Keep at it everyone. Good luck for next weeks weigh in
