Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Hey guys, I also lost 1lb this week and am a little disappointed as well - I resisted SO much! But that said, I did have a day at the start of the week where I wasn't quite 100% (I had a spring roll, some jellies and a West Coast Cooler at the theatre!!) I got through Easter without a sniff of chocolate and a children's party on the bank holiday with a chocolate strawberry as my only slip up. But I could definitely have exercised more and drank more water.

So now, to make sure I show a better loss this week, I'm vowing to exercise at least 4 days this week, drink 2 litres of water a day and post to my food diary every day to make sure I'm not messing up without knowing.

And on that note, could any of you experienced Slimming World people direct me to where I would get the rules for red and green days? I'm doing it online and can't find that information on the website.

HI there, well done on your loss thats great and fab that you were focused on sticking to it with such a difficult weekend. you are absolutely right about sticking to it and not becoming downhearted about it only being a lb - there is no 'only a lb' its a whole pound , a great big fat lb that you didnt need and as i said to tracy- its a tin of beans......... try carrying a tin of beans around in your back pocket all day - you'll soon get fed up of it.

water and exercise - yes sir eeeeeeee thats the answer and we all need to be doing that this week.

red and green- well you can have free amounts of meats,fish on a red with 2 healthy extras on the a list (milk, cheeses) plus 2 healthy extra b choices (pasta, potato, cereal, cereal bars, bread, roll etc) on green days you get free carbs (pasta rice, potato but b choices include bread, and meat. fish etc. search on here for red/green day rules, if i find it i'll paste link x
Hi All,

Well done Tracy, Pebbles and Sus Murf on your 1lbs off :D

Good luck to everyone else who hasn’t weighed yet.:)

I stayed the same this week. A little disappointed as I want to try and lose every week like everyone, but saying that I had 4 days away last weekend and although I picked as best as I could its not easy when you’re away and I had afternoon tea – scone, jam and clotted cream, half a portion of fish and chips (never again I was in so much pain after :cry: damn IBS) and 5 pieces of fudge! I was extra good before and after though.

I’ve decided I’m going to try and be kinder to myself and just aim to have a loss each week, rather than have it in my head that I want to loss 2 lbs each week. So next Thursday's target is a loss, if it’s a big one great but if not please remind me to be happy that I’m at least going in the right direction :)


well done hp on your sts, thats better than a gain, keep focused and you'll have that loss next week

Well done girls :-D
Guess what? After STS for like forever i have lost 1lb, taking me down to 11st 13lbs, never been so happy with just a lb! Lol x.
I'm going to be continuing with putting my diary up & also the body magic.
It's a beautiful day here, unfortunately i have to work later, but i then have 4 days off, so hopefully the weather holds so i can get my trainers & go walking.

megs, what did i tell you, takes a little while to kick in sometimes, but there it is a great big fat pound and its a fabulous thing to lose. stay focused this week , and keep that body magic going youre doing a great job.well done.

hey folks, I weighed and another 4lbs 3/4oz off totalling 12lbs in 2 weeks im very happy at the moment but i know its going to slow down......... still hey ho im gunna still keep it up got another 28.5lbs to lose yet

fantastic loss again wenjenn, keep doing what youre doing.

have a little treat ladies, dont forget to reward yourselves after weigh in. whether it be a bit of chocolate or a glass of wine, as long as its something you have control of, no good if you know you'll drink the whole bottle. i would like u all to reward yourself this week please.

good luck to kankles for tomorrow, well done thursday weighers thats 7lb so far.
Pebs I don't know what I'm doing wrong,but my clothes feel really loose so I stepped on the scales just to see,and it's saying I've put on 3lb since Thursday:(
I know my epilepsy meds can make it hard for me to loose weight but this is ridiculous,I'm not eating bad so why isn't the weight moving more quickly,it seems like I've been doing this again for ages and by now I would have thought it should have noticed I've lost a bit of weight !!!!

How's ben doing today ?? Xx
Tracy831 said:
Pebs I don't know what I'm doing wrong,but my clothes feel really loose so I stepped on the scales just to see,and it's saying I've put on 3lb since Thursday:(
I know my epilepsy meds can make it hard for me to loose weight but this is ridiculous,I'm not eating bad so why isn't the weight moving more quickly,it seems like I've been doing this again for ages and by now I would have thought it should have noticed I've lost a bit of weight !!!!

How's ben doing today ?? Xx

Oh Tracy, idont know why you're seeing a gain unless youve got a period coming in a couple of days. Why not post your diary for a few days on this thread, I'm sure it's nothing you're doing wrong and if your clothes are loose then yes you should be seeing a loss . Are your scales definitely accurate? Yes we fluctuate throughout the day and the week but to put on 3 since Thursday when you've been 100% is harsh.
just thinking out loud etc, what about exercise? can you go for a walk after dinner this evening and for say, 3 evenings, mornings? i know its difficult with a 3yr old but whatever you can manage realistically. maybe that will increase your metabolism abit. and how about looking at what youre eating, - are you having the ame thing over and over and could you change a few things. for example, if you dont normally have a bowl of fruit salad- try and have one. easy for me to say i know- i havent got your purse in my hands but if theres anyway you can change something, then do, cos im sure it'll work better for you.
the only thing about this eating plan is the cost, it certainly bumps my shopping bills up but then we have to look at it as an investment, were investing in a better lifestyle and a longer healthier life with our kids. not easy tho eh. my ex husband gives me nothing for the kids, etc so i have to manage on part time nurse wage and its bloomin hard. must be hard for you with 6 and 7 in the house.
have a peek at the diary and see if theres anything you can do differently.

i notice a difference when i am at home vs at work. the 2 mornings im at work at breakfast time i have all bran or muesli with yogurt and fruit on top. the days im home, i'll have poached eggs on toast. those days i dont lose as much cos i believe the bran helps(if you know what i mean)
do you make the speed soup? if not can you make it and have it tue and wed, just to see if it makes a difference before weigh in. i know alot of people swear by it.

figures so far, just waiting for sarah, clara lou, and kankles, and fatandflumpy.

pebbles 1lb total 21lbs :clap:

debs away --------total 13lbs :clap:

tracy 1lb -------- total 9.5lbs :clap:

MissHP - 3lb :clap:

megs - 8lb :clap:

wennjenn, 4.75lb -----total 12lbs :clap:

fat and flumpy, 9lbs
sus murf, 1lb 5lbs

thursdays total weight loss this week = 9lbs

friday weighers

kankles ---- total 22lbs :clap:

friday weighers total

sat weighers

sarahc 72.5 lbs :clap:

claralou ----------total 8.5lbs :clap:

saturday total loss = lbs
Hi Peebles

I lost 1lb. Yey

Got to rush though my sister is in hospital so I am looking after her kids.

I have my 5 stone award now, how do I get the image for my signature?

Well done everyone by the way ur doing great.

Glad ben is feeling better.

Maybe I'm not eating enough fruit and veg.
I do a lot of walking during the day as I don't drive so I am doing that every day.
But I do mostly have eggs for brekkie so maybe there's a problem there.
Also I plan for everyone else and more often than not I neglect myself so that could be it too that I'm not eating enough?
It is pretty hectic here most days with the kids all wanting stuff at the same time,and my 6yr old has special needs(he has Pallister-killian syndrome) so he is very demanding,that I often skip meals and then want to grab what I can!
Will have to sit down and plan a bit more me thinks as I'm not gonna give up just yet !!!!
Hi everyone. Hope you're all ok. Sorry I've not been on but I've been a bit hectic and made to choice to have a break from SW for the weekend.

I made this choice for 2 reasons, I STS again this week which really disheartened me but also since the tummy bug, the thought of some of my old SW favourites turns my stomach. I've done SW since january solid, I've not had 1 drop of alcohol, never had a day off plan, and turned down so many invites out for meals or BBQs that I just felt like I needed a break.

Don't dispair though, I promise on Tuesday I'll be back on it 100% with hopefully some new found focus and motivation.

Well done everyone else on your loses, really great going x
I know what you mean kankles,I'm still off a lot of the food from slimming world, which is not the best thing when you are doing sw !!!
I'm a bit dishartened this week too,my weight seems to be taking ages to disapear !!
The only diet that gave me good results was rosemary conely, but it's so restrictive,as you have to weigh everything, but I am beginning to question if I should do something else ?! X
It's strange how quickly or slowly we lose individually. I know we're all different and may eat slightly different meals but the concept is the same so when I see others losing 3-4lbs I think what the heck did I do wrong.

First time I did SW I lost 1 1/2 stone in 6 weeks, it flew off me, but that was back when the asda Indian curries were free as well as the heinz macaroni cheese.

I understand your frustrations, I feel the same right now, but I still believe in SW, I think I just needed a break, but I also need to alternate my days a little more. It worked when I switched it the week before last, I lost 2lb, so I guess I just need to keep trying new things.

Don't lose hope just yet. X x
Well colour me happy, I weighed this morning to assess the damage of the last 2 days off plan and I've only gone and lost 1.5 lbs! How does that work I ask you?

I'm not going to complain, maybe the break has kick started my motabolism again, who knows but I'm quite chuffed with that result x
Kankles said:
It's strange how quickly or slowly we lose individually. I know we're all different and may eat slightly different meals but the concept is the same so when I see others losing 3-4lbs I think what the heck did I do wrong.

First time I did SW I lost 1 1/2 stone in 6 weeks, it flew off me, but that was back when the asda Indian curries were free as well as the heinz macaroni cheese.

I understand your frustrations, I feel the same right now, but I still believe in SW, I think I just needed a break, but I also need to alternate my days a little more. It worked when I switched it the week before last, I lost 2lb, so I guess I just need to keep trying new things.

Don't lose hope just yet. X x

Kankles thAnk the goblins you're still with us, I wAs getting a bit worried. Listen chookie eggs, you both stick at it. Tracy I font think you're eAting enough, and kanks- I can't believe you've turned down BBQ etc. Look I'm happy with my losses - yes I could be better, and yes I could lose more and probably quicker but do you know what - I'm living life too and I know I'll get there. I've lost 21lbs already in 14 weeks and I feel so much better and had some weekends away, some meals out. Weigh in night I have a treat which I dont count and usually I find it boosts my metabolism. It might be a mix of red and green meal but I've already used my hex's or it might be a piece of cake , scone etc . This week I had a chicken kebab and chips from the kebab shop. I honestly believe it helps me stay focused, stay on track and it gives my body a boost to work off the extra calories or fat because the body gets used to the way we eat quite quickly . Kanks this is whAt I had yesterday
I had egg bacon tomatoes, 2 toast for breakfast.
Mid morning 5 matchmakers for 4 syns,a 1syn cupcake,
Lunch I had 3 ww crackers (2.5) with sardine pate lettuce and a laughing cow extra light
Popped to see a friend having a bbq, had 1 glass wine, (4syns) didn't eat cos dinner prepared at home.
Dinner had 'joes sausages' brand spicy chicken with half jacket potato,laughing cow triangle , mashed swede, cabbage, carrots, then a mushroom, courgette, onion peppers stirfry then chicken oxo and a little water into a dish grated cheese and into oven to brown (lovely).
Hugely stuffed and couldn't manage a pudding. Just before bed had about 6 mikado sticks(3 syns)
Total syns 14.5
2 hebs and 2 heas

You gotta live a little, stick with me girls I'll sort it all out. I promise. Xxxxx
Morning my lovely boot camp leader. I know exactly what you mean and I hear ya! I turned down the BBQ's cos it was a friend making it and I knew it would be full of burgers, ribs and all the naughty stuff. I also turned down a meal out last week to an all you can eat food buffet with OH and his family, it actually caused a row cos I accused him of not being supportive of my diet! Yes yes I know OTT and I felt blooming awful after it and that's another reason why I decided to have one weekend off as it's been "no we can't go there I'm on a diet" or "no I don't want to eat that, I want to lose 2lb this week" and it's not fair on him to have to miss out week after week.

But anyways i think the break has done me the world of good as per my previous post! Off to the cinema today and a meal out somewhere close by, I won't go overboard but at least I've relaxed a little to take that step x
That's fab kankles and I honestly believe it will work for you, trust me go out once a week or once a fortnight, tell me where you're going and I'll help u with what to have. I wAs on sw too when Macaroni cheese was free and corned Don't fall out with oh over it poppet, your happiness is more important than a few syns. Enjoy today, relax and let's start again tomorow plan our week, and look forward to our treat next weekend xxx