Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Oooo Hello
how come i missed this thread?
I get weighed at home on a Thursday and arn't too happy :cry:
I jumped on the scales on Thursday morning and was alarmed that i'd stayed the same weight as last week. aarrgghhhh.
I've only been back on the diet for 3 weeks too, the first 2 weeks were great but to stay the same so early in the diet pee'd me off.
Anyway, i'm back on track now and am on a mission to lose so stand back cos a skinny old bird is fighting to get out :D
Hi everyone.

Sorry to hear about ur son pebbles, I hope he's on the mend.

Well I weighed in today and I can't quite believe it, I lost 6 lb. I'm so pleased and think it might have something to do with the green tea I've been drinking every day.

I'm now under the 200's, hit my 5 stone target and only have 2 1/2 lbs to go to be in the 13's. The weathers lovely and I've just brought a summer dress to wear out tonight.

Hope u all have a lovely weekend.

Hey all, I'd like to join too if that's ok? I weigh in at home on a Thursday morning, I've only had one weigh in yet, but could do with lots of support and even more ass kicking! I've not had time yet to go back over the old posts to see who's here, but I'll do that tomorrow!
Welcome sus Murf ,pebbles is boot camp leader but her son has been in hospital so she hasn't been on for a couple of days ,but she keeps us all in check.
How much have you lost already :)
Hi all
I'm busy but wondered if someone could update the stats whilst Pebbles is so busy with her son............I've done it a couple of times in the past but am tied up with ironing and packing etc

Thanks in advance - well done to those who have lost and welcome to the newcomers!
Hi guys , it's fine I'm back. My poor little man has been so brave. Ran over by a car good Friday, the tyre ran over his ankle and crushed it, he had surgery yesterday and was all fixed up. Discharged him today. With plaster on for 12 wks oh joy. So he's still in alot of pAin but home. I'll update everything tomoro and thanks so much for all your good wishes x
Hey pebs! So glad he's ok, I've been ever so worried about you both. Nice to hear he's home and doing well. Lots of love to you both x x
Kankles – sorry to hear you’ve been feeling poorly, are you feeling better now?

Pebbles – sorry to hear about your son, it must have been so worrying for you. Sounds very painful, hope his pains eases soon. How is he feeling today?

Welcome fatandflumpy and sus murf

Sarahc – 6lbs off!! Wowee!! How many green teas have you been having each day??

How’s everyone’s weekend been?

We’ve just got back from Devon and although I have tried to pick carefully i have minus 25 syns left until Thursday!!!! :cry: Its so hard syn wise when you’re not able to cook everything from scratch yourself, no matter how hard you try they’ll be syns unless you know exactly how things are cooked an what’s in them! And I had a scone, half a portion of fish and chips and 5 squares of fudge :eek: .

Fruit, yogurt, fish and salads for me until weigh in :cry: don't think that will be enough time to pull it back though. We did loads of walking which I’m hoping may counterbalance some of it, and did a fair bit of hill walking too. Not looking forward to weigh in :cry:

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pebbles sts (lost a 4lb gain)-- total 20lbs :clap:

debs 2lbs --------total 13lbs :clap:

tracy sts,(lost 1.5 gain) -------- total 8.5lbs :clap:

MissHP - :clap:

megs - :clap:

wennjenn, newbie -----total 7lbs :clap:

fat and flumpy, newbie sts 9lbs
sus murf, newbie 4lbs

thursdays total weight loss this week = 9lbs

friday weighers

kankles 1lb---- total 22lbs :clap:

friday weighers total - 1lbs

sat weighers

sarahc 72.5 lbs :clap:

claralou sts ----------total 8.5lbs :clap:

saturday total loss = 6lbs

oh my goodness, look at us fly, we are really doing well, a staggering 16lb this week thats another stone off girls! fantastic work, come on lets make it 18lbs off next week!. so slimmer of the week has to be sarah with an amazing loss of 6lbs.

thanks for your continued support for my ben, it means alot. xx
Hi everyone.

Sorry I have been AWOL. Packers are in and it's total carnage.

Scales are packed!!! There is nowhere in Muscat that you can weigh yourself so I am going to have to just be super careful till I get back to civilization (well somewhere with a Boots) till I can weigh in again.

I'm taking comfort in the fact that i am doing a huge amount of body magic with the packing that the damage will be minimal and also the fact that we have had to bump Easter till next weekend as it too hot here (40 degrees plus) to do an egg hunt. Don't think the boys have noticed as the shops don't 'do' Easter here.

So excited about coming home I really can't believe it's actually happening.

Sounds like everyone has had a good week,

Take care
Clara Lou xxx
Oh by the way pebs , meal planning just got more interesting, me daughter joined weight watchers last night !!!???!!! Xx
Oh by the way pebs , meal planning just got more interesting, me daughter joined weight watchers last night !!!???!!! Xx

oh my god no! thats a nightmare for you. crumbs i cant be doing with weight watchers, so much you cant fit into points.

youve probably already tried alot of things, have you done the smash pizza or pitta pizzas? the sw quiches? potato croquettes?
have you looked at 'the missus' recipes theyre veggie.
the mexican bake was quite nice from this months mag.
heres some other recipes to try
Chickpea Curry
1 onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp mustard seed
1 dried chili, or 1/2 tsp chili flakes
1 tsp cumin
1 tsp turmeric
1 tsp coriander seed
1 tbsp salt, or to taste
1 can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
2 ripe tomatoes, diced or 1 cup canned tomatoes, roughly chopped
if you have any leftover carrots or other veg then add them in too.

Heat a large pot spray with fry light and add onions and garlic and cook until translucent, about 5 minutes.
  1. add all the spices to the pot and cook until fragrant, about 1 minute.

  2. Add the chickpeas and tomatoes and cook, stirring occasionally for about 20 minutes. Serve with rice.
what about toad in the hole with quorn sausages. the batter if you use a packet works out easier cos you can do the syns quickly (usually 9 syns for the whole pack) but as you are like me and bake from scratch , you can syn the flour.

Quorn & Pasta Bake (you can add another half of ingredients to get it up to serve 6.or double it and freeze. )

Servings | 4
Syns Per Serving | Green – ½ Syn**
** Add 3 Syns per serving if not using the cheddar as a Healthy Extra option

- 175gm (6oz) pasta shapes
- Fry Light
- 300gm Quorn mince
- 1 onion, chopped
- 2tsp EPC Very Lazy garlic or 2 garlic cloves, crushed
- 400gm can chopped tomatoes
- 2tbsp tomato puree (1 Syn)
- 1 beef stock cube (1 Syn)
- 150ml (¼pt) water
- 85gm (3oz) reduced calorie cheddar, grated

1. Cook the pasta in boiling, salted water until tender. Drain.

2. Fry the Quorn mince, onion and garlic in a large saucepan sprayed with Fry Light for 4-5 minutes. Add the tomatoes, puree, stock cube and water. Bring to the boil, stirring occasionally. Simmer for 15 minutes.

3. Stir in the pasta and heat through. Transfer to a heatproof dish, sprinkle with the cheese and place under a pre-heated grill until golden.

let me know what sort of thing you want and i'll find it, xxxxx
Ah thanks pebbles , I didn't mean for you to go to all that trouble, you got enough on your plate!!!
How is your son doing today ?? Xxx