Anyone else weigh at home on a thursday- wanna post?

Hi all,

How are you all doing?

I dont feel very well and its making me want to eat chocolate. I've had two squares, but not going to have anymore.

How's your son doing Pebbles?

Really dreading weigh in after my weekend away. How about everyone else? Do you think you'll have a good result this week?

Tracy831 said:
Ah thanks pebbles , I didn't mean for you to go to all that trouble, you got enough on your plate!!!
How is your son doing today ?? Xxx

No trouble at all Tracy honest, let me know if youve got anything in and want a recipe for it. X oh yes sorry, ben is doing well today not so much pain x
Hi campers, well I'm making a right pigs ear of it this week. Started off really well - had a slice of toast Friday morning with marg and marmelade, made a huge picnic with sw scothch eggs, salad, quiches, fruit salad blah blah. Then headed for the park and as my son was knocked over my picnic went one way with my daughter and friends and we went the other way with the ambulance. Got to hospital and had a coffee . Sat by his side all evening and through the night with a Bottle of water and a cup of tea . The next day, I was so worried about him, remained by his side and had 2 coffees, and a pear that I happened to have in my bag. OH offered me sandwiches but I couldn't eat anything. Nibbled on liquorice that's all and had 2 large sugars in my drinks. Sunday I was feeling more positive about him and wandered around the ward, stumbling on a set of scales, I jumped on and had lost 4lb . But this is through not eating. Lunchtime ben couldn't eat all his lunch so feeling peckish now I had some chicken peas roast potato and stuffing ball. Eventually we were allowed home and I threw all the meat from a planned BBQ the day before , onto the barbie. We ate lots of meat salad and potatoes, then I shared some of kids minieggs. The next morning I weighed myself and the 4lb had gone back on - for gods sake. Maybe hospital scales were wrong, maybe just caused by not eating or drinking . Anyway with the worry of ben, I
finding I'm nibbling choccy things and then feeling sick, then nibbling stuff in fridge again. My heads all over the place with worry, shock, and emotion. I'm a tearful wreck. So I'm gonna try to stick to it today really hard but I might just have to knock this week back and start again Friday. I had a green day yesterday so that I could eat chips chips and chips but I still ate a little Lindt bunny and half a bag of mini eggs. I'll see how I go today.
Oh for God's sake Pebbles, be kind to yourself. You've been through a major trauma. Give yourself time to get over the shock before putting yourself under pressure. From what I've read, you're the go to girl around here for motivation - so when your head's in the right place you'll be back in the game.
Pebbles I think sw is the last thing on your mind,as you said just get back on it when you feel better about things.stress does odd things to your body !!!
As sus murf said we all go to you for motivation,which is a lot of pressure for you,so if you need to eat chocolate and chips for a week so be it,we will all still be here at the end of it waiting for next load of boot camp rules !!! Lol
Take care of yourself and ben and don't stress about what you eating xxxx :)
Pebbles have just been Reading another thread on here,and it says that when you are under stress your body produces a hormone called cortisol which can lead to emotional eating to cope with the stress ??? Xx
Hi again everyone, i was trying to find some of my posts on here to reply to, but couldn't find any? Maybe i just didn't look hard enough.
Anyways sorry i just disappeared, i think i mentioned i was off on an Easter break & am just back on Tuesday night. It was abit synerific, sometimes you just can't avoid it, you know what i mean.
But i did lots of Body Magic, walking & swimming everyday. I haven't weighed in, i'm waiting until it's Thursday (scared!) lol. I had thought of skipping the weigh-in this week & then the following Thursday i might have undone some of the damage, what do you all think?
Pebbles: i looked up some facts from online, we had discussed this before, but as my sense of time is bad i had some details wrong.
Joined SW online: 7/3/11 weight: 12st 7lb, 14/3/11 weight: 12-5, 21/3/11 weight: 12-4, then from: 28/3/11 until last weight in of: 18/4/11 i have STS.
Hi again guys :-D I should also mention that as penance for my syns lol i will be posting my Diary in the SW Diary thread, it's called Meg's Diary, so pop in, have a look, offer your suggestions, or tell me off, whatever is necessary :) Much appreciated.
Hope you all had a lovely Easter, better get some work done now!
Megs x
Just wanted to wish everyone good luck for weigh in.

I'm sat here crying at the moment as i feel so awful :cry: got a sinus infection (again! only managed to get rid of it just over a week ago) and my IBS is really playing me up today. I know i shouldn't feel sorry for myself but i'm sick of being in pain or feeling uncomfortable. so i'm really not looking forward to weigh in tomorrow morning :sigh:
Sorry i'll try and be more positive tomorrow

aw MissHP chin up :-* it will work out & if it doesn't you can always begin afresh with a new week, part of what i love about SW is the structure & guidance it gives me, so i know if i have a bad weekend (as i did on my easter break) that if i rededicate myself i can undo the damage. I have to say this wee forum is such a big encouragement to me, i really must make it a regular habit to pop on here & chat to those who have the same goals.
& Pebbles i just had the chance to read back through a few posts there, i hope Ben is much better soon, thinking of you <3
Thanks Tracy for the support, I did well today red day and had a large brunch , which kept me going for ages. I did give in to 2 minieggs that were offered to me and 5 choccies. Other than that, not too bad.

Thanks too for asking about ben, not such a good day today , throwing up alot. Tomorrows another day eh

Good luck everyone for weigh on, XXXXXXXX
Have just weighed in and am a bit dissapointed as I've only lost 1lb,I felt I had lost more:(
I just don't seem to be making much progress !!
Good luck everyone else x
hey hey hey my little cherry stone, a pound is a pound . a pound is a tin of beans, a tin of tomatoes, a 14th of a stone, and that little pound has worked really hard to escape your body. you would be more disappointed if you put on a pound, so you hold your head up high my little vegetable peeling , cos you are a
fabulous loser!

the pebster is back! oh yeah!

i'll post this weeks camp rules once everyone has weighed, come on girls you can do it.

1lb off for me too, which is just fine with me - offiially lost my 1and a half stone- yipsterdedoo.

tracy -1lb
pebs -1lb
Thanks pebs,I know it's better than a gain but it's gonna take forever at this rate?!!!!
Did eat my 3yr olds toast this morning as an act of defience,but have drawn a line under that and am going to have another green day today, no point blowing the whole day over a slice of toast is there!
Glad you are feeling better and well done on your loss :)
Hey guys, I also lost 1lb this week and am a little disappointed as well - I resisted SO much! But that said, I did have a day at the start of the week where I wasn't quite 100% (I had a spring roll, some jellies and a West Coast Cooler at the theatre!!) I got through Easter without a sniff of chocolate and a children's party on the bank holiday with a chocolate strawberry as my only slip up. But I could definitely have exercised more and drank more water.

So now, to make sure I show a better loss this week, I'm vowing to exercise at least 4 days this week, drink 2 litres of water a day and post to my food diary every day to make sure I'm not messing up without knowing.

And on that note, could any of you experienced Slimming World people direct me to where I would get the rules for red and green days? I'm doing it online and can't find that information on the website.
Hi All,

Well done Tracy, Pebbles and Sus Murf on your 1lbs off :D

Good luck to everyone else who hasn’t weighed yet.:)

I stayed the same this week. A little disappointed as I want to try and lose every week like everyone, but saying that I had 4 days away last weekend and although I picked as best as I could its not easy when you’re away and I had afternoon tea – scone, jam and clotted cream, half a portion of fish and chips (never again I was in so much pain after :cry: damn IBS) and 5 pieces of fudge! I was extra good before and after though.

I’ve decided I’m going to try and be kinder to myself and just aim to have a loss each week, rather than have it in my head that I want to loss 2 lbs each week. So next Thursday's target is a loss, if it’s a big one great but if not please remind me to be happy that I’m at least going in the right direction :)

MissHP said:
Hi All,

Well done Tracy, Pebbles and Sus Murf on your 1lbs off :D

Good luck to everyone else who hasn’t weighed yet.:)

I stayed the same this week. A little disappointed as I want to try and lose every week like everyone, but saying that I had 4 days away last weekend and although I picked as best as I could its not easy when you’re away and I had afternoon tea – scone, jam and clotted cream, half a portion of fish and chips (never again I was in so much pain after :cry: damn IBS) and 5 pieces of fudge! I was extra good before and after though.

I’ve decided I’m going to try and be kinder to myself and just aim to have a loss each week, rather than have it in my head that I want to loss 2 lbs each week. So next Thursday's target is a loss, if it’s a big one great but if not please remind me to be happy that I’m at least going in the right direction :)


Well done girls :-D
Guess what? After STS for like forever i have lost 1lb, taking me down to 11st 13lbs, never been so happy with just a lb! Lol x.
I'm going to be continuing with putting my diary up & also the body magic.
It's a beautiful day here, unfortunately i have to work later, but i then have 4 days off, so hopefully the weather holds so i can get my trainers & go walking.
hey folks, I weighed and another 4lbs 3/4oz off totalling 12lbs in 2 weeks im very happy at the moment but i know its going to slow down......... still hey ho im gunna still keep it up got another 28.5lbs to lose yet
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