Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I can see where your coming fron with the dogs thing Jenna, Im the same with cats i freak out if they come towards me :( a lot of people really dont understand it but when i was 3 or 4 one bit me and i just remember there being tonnes of blood.....there wasnt but even though i know that i cant help but freak out when they cone close... i dont thibk it helps that even when cats are being nice they claw you and things.

Im looking forward to tea tonight as well, im green today and think im going to try the curry sauce with either chips or savoury rice, my boyfriend, brother and little one are having chippy but im being good this week haha. I think ill prefer mine anyway, might even have chips and rice just so i feel like im really spoiling myself.
I was attacked by a dog when I was younger. It had to get put down. It was a very scary experience and ill never forget it. I'm afraid for walking past dogs now. But when it comes to pets that I know I'm ok. Think that's because we ha the best family dog at the same time as the attack and it just made me realise that there's good and bad, just like ppl I suppose.

Can someone help me with my lunch. I'm having superspeed soup. I'm ok having that on its own for a EE day? There's free in it right?
All I've had today is natural fat free yogurt for breakfast with blueberries and a pear. So wanna make sure I'm doing EE right.

Also, tonight I'm having the kebab which is syned. And garlic sauce which is yogurt so that would count as my free? And chilli sauce that's toms and onions and garlic so that's superfree.

Will I be better having chips to add more free to my plate?
I was attacked by a dog when I was younger. It had to get put down. It was a very scary experience and ill never forget it. I'm afraid for walking past dogs now. But when it comes to pets that I know I'm ok. Think that's because we ha the best family dog at the same time as the attack and it just made me realise that there's good and bad, just like ppl I suppose.

Can someone help me with my lunch. I'm having superspeed soup. I'm ok having that on its own for a EE day? There's free in it right?
All I've had today is natural fat free yogurt for breakfast with blueberries and a pear. So wanna make sure I'm doing EE right.

Also, tonight I'm having the kebab which is syned. And garlic sauce which is yogurt so that would count as my free? And chilli sauce that's toms and onions and garlic so that's superfree.

Will I be better having chips to add more free to my plate?

You'll be fine with the soup and your tea is fine too, have chips if you want but don't feel like you have to have them if your not bothered. You could add some more superfree as well if you want, but again you don't have to
donna88 said:
You'll be fine with the soup and your tea is fine too, have chips if you want but don't feel like you have to have them if your not bothered. You could add some more superfree as well if you want, but again you don't have to

Might add some onions then. Fried onions r still superfree?
Eeek that must have been so scary (the dog attack). Closest I've come to one is a wee Jack Russell that used to live 2 doors up from my granny's barked and started to run towards me when I was little...I obviously ran like the hammers of hell, tripped and fell in to my gran's rose bushes! lol!

You all sound very adventurous with your tea, I must try to do more. I'm on a green day so sticking to what I know and having a massive baked potato, spag hoops, veg and cheeeese! I LOVE cheese!
I've eaten all my cheese for the day.... I could eat cheese all day though... jealous of my sister she's breast feeding so gets extra a choices. I'd end up piling weight on if I was told I could have extra cheese haha
I've been at target almost a year (got there a few days before Christmas) and haven't had one week of extra HEX's yet as I keep having blow outs and then needed to loose the weight... I put on 7lbs at Christmas and it was off the week before I went on a hen night and had my boyfriends Birthday, these didn't take me out of target range but by the time I got back down to target I had something else on... that's basically been my year
Donna I'm a cheeseaholic too! We get through so much in our house.... Babybells, seriously strong spreadable, Camembert (not happy that I can't eat this!!!) port salut, mature cheddar mmmmm.

I'm going to have egg on toast with cheese tomorrow!

Finally feeling so much better. Today I have a grapefruit for breakfast, a mugshot for lunch, a hot choc (5 syns) bite of cake (3 syns) a drumstick lolly (2.5 syns) not too bad considering what I ate yesterday. About a trillion syns!!

Does anybody have a good sw tuna pasta bake recipe? My OH loves the home pride in a jar one and I want to have a go at SW friendly one now I've got my "healthy" attitude back x
Donna I'm a cheeseaholic too! We get through so much in our house.... Babybells, seriously strong spreadable, Camembert (not happy that I can't eat this!!!) port salut, mature cheddar mmmmm.

I'm going to have egg on toast with cheese tomorrow!

Finally feeling so much better. Today I have a grapefruit for breakfast, a mugshot for lunch, a hot choc (5 syns) bite of cake (3 syns) a drumstick lolly (2.5 syns) not too bad considering what I ate yesterday. About a trillion syns!!

Does anybody have a good sw tuna pasta bake recipe? My OH loves the home pride in a jar one and I want to have a go at SW friendly one now I've got my "healthy" attitude back x

Is the home pride one a tomato based one or cream.

I do a tuna pasta bake sometimes by boiling the pasta and frying off loads of veg (onions, courgettes, mushrooms....just whatever I have in) then I mix the pasta and the veg in an oven proof dish with a tin or two of tuna depending on how much I want to make, pasatta and sometimes a bit of yogurt and topped with HEA of cheese for however many people its for.

oooo egg on toast with cheese sounds yum. all this talk of cheese is making me want to eat haha... although I'm still stuffed from my lunch
I've been at target almost a year (got there a few days before Christmas) and haven't had one week of extra HEX's yet as I keep having blow outs and then needed to loose the weight... I put on 7lbs at Christmas and it was off the week before I went on a hen night and had my boyfriends Birthday, these didn't take me out of target range but by the time I got back down to target I had something else on... that's basically been my year

Isn't that life tho Donna! But at least its all kept in check & you can have an odd night off & then get back to it. I would rather eat this way, healthy food all the time & then if I fancy something 'naughty' I can have it. Thats certainly how I will maintain as SW is such a part of my daily eating. Its when you take your eye off the ball, like I did & put on 8.5lbs, that it can all go pear shaped! Unfortunately, we are all a bit on the vertically challenged side & every pound shows. I look back at pics of when I was 8.11 & know I still need to drop a few downwards we go!!

Cos Im off for a few days now, I just popped into Morrisons & bought some wholemeal bread flour & am going to attempt to make some wholemeal rolls! Watch this space!
Isn't that life tho Donna! But at least its all kept in check & you can have an odd night off & then get back to it. I would rather eat this way, healthy food all the time & then if I fancy something 'naughty' I can have it. Thats certainly how I will maintain as SW is such a part of my daily eating. Its when you take your eye off the ball, like I did & put on 8.5lbs, that it can all go pear shaped! Unfortunately, we are all a bit on the vertically challenged side & every pound shows. I look back at pics of when I was 8.11 & know I still need to drop a few downwards we go!!

Cos Im off for a few days now, I just popped into Morrisons & bought some wholemeal bread flour & am going to attempt to make some wholemeal rolls! Watch this space!

I was gutted earlier on in the year because I really wanted to try the extra HEX's but to be honest I'm happy with how its worked out, like you say at least I've stayed in target and I've had some big blow outs and still managed to keep on top of my weight.... which is not something I would have done in the past.

I'd love to make my own bread but I'm too lazy, I'll look forward to hearing how they go
Is the home pride one a tomato based one or cream.

I do a tuna pasta bake sometimes by boiling the pasta and frying off loads of veg (onions, courgettes, mushrooms....just whatever I have in) then I mix the pasta and the veg in an oven proof dish with a tin or two of tuna depending on how much I want to make, pasatta and sometimes a bit of yogurt and topped with HEA of cheese for however many people its for.

oooo egg on toast with cheese sounds yum. all this talk of cheese is making me want to eat haha... although I'm still stuffed from my lunch

duh forgot to say I then bake it in the oven until the cheese has melted
Ditto Donna, thats how I would make mine as really dont like using jar/packet mixes. 2 reasons.....too many syns & my homemade sauces taste better!
Thanks Donna :) its a really creamy one the homepride one is. Perhaps if I mix a small amount of fresh cream in ill cut the syns by loads. Mmmmm want it now!

Ooo kim, can't wait to hear about your bread rolls! Let us know how you get on. I love a hot roll with butter....
The bread is proving & rising I hope! Hope its warm enough in the airing cupboard.
Will divide evenly into 8 rolls as that should equal 62.5g raw weight & hope once cooked they will be about 60g each. If not I can always syn the extra. So, do I have some Lurpack Lighter with them at 1.5 syns per tsp or use my HexA Phili Light?????

By the way, I've recently been having the 1% milk.....does anyone know how much we can have of it as a HexA?
kim63 said:
The bread is proving & rising I hope! Hope its warm enough in the airing cupboard.
Will divide evenly into 8 rolls as that should equal 62.5g raw weight & hope once cooked they will be about 60g each. If not I can always syn the extra. So, do I have some Lurpack Lighter with them at 1.5 syns per tsp or use my HexA Phili Light?????

By the way, I've recently been having the 1% milk.....does anyone know how much we can have of it as a HexA?

I love 1% milk, I did read it somewhere but can't say for definite, sorry.

Mmmm well I would have to have the lurpack lighter. Yum scrum!
Now then......bread hasn't risen in said hour, so hubby says to leave for another hour as wholemeal takes longer!
Also decided to make some Scan Bran muffins as want to use up my homemade mincemeat from last year......1 syn each!
Its made me realise how much I miss baking making the bread & muffins. Last November after I had my surgery I caught the baking bug & made.....Xmas cake which I marzipaned iced & decorated myself, Xmas pudding, minemeat, mince tarts, sausage rolls, all the pastry for said tarts, coffee cakes, millionaire shortbread cheesecakes...........put on 2 stone haha! Im in the wrong job!
Hubby & I would love to run our own Coffee shop, with him making all the cakes etc himself. He's won lots of awards for his celebration cakes when he was a chef in the Marines, so Im sure it could be done, its just getting the nerve to take the plunge. Maybe we could open up the first SW Coffee shop.....


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Kim, you're making me hungry with all this talk of bread....that's probably what I miss the most you know. A chicken and mayo baguette yum yum yum!

I have a feeling it's 400mls of the milk but I'm not 100% so best to check it out first :)

Currently trying to order more Christmas presents, my family are easy to buy for (well the dad and step dad are a nightmare) but my 2 best friends-one male and one female are driving me to distraction! I just don't know what to get them aghhh!