Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

Busy busy busy today ladies!! Kim I can't see your muffin ;)

Must say it was nice gettin to know everyone. Even tho I knew most about everyone its just good to get a recap.
Kim what a rubbish time you have had I must say and I also say your coffee house and cakes sound fab. I am sure you put a photo of last years Xmas cake on here before? Was it shaped like a little cottage?

Well jillian is as evil as ever tho I feel completed worked out. My only gripe is that on my dvd player I can see the minutes ticking by so when it gets to nearly 20min I am thinking "yippeeee nearly there" but the thing goes on for 5 extra minutes. I am sure I heard a bone or muscle snap with the pressure ha ha
So glad I did it....diff story tom when i ache tryin to pee lol
Just checked its 300ml of 1% milk

Now then......bread hasn't risen in said hour, so hubby says to leave for another hour as wholemeal takes longer!
Also decided to make some Scan Bran muffins as want to use up my homemade mincemeat from last year......1 syn each!
Its made me realise how much I miss baking making the bread & muffins. Last November after I had my surgery I caught the baking bug & made.....Xmas cake which I marzipaned iced & decorated myself, Xmas pudding, minemeat, mince tarts, sausage rolls, all the pastry for said tarts, coffee cakes, millionaire shortbread cheesecakes...........put on 2 stone haha! Im in the wrong job!
Hubby & I would love to run our own Coffee shop, with him making all the cakes etc himself. He's won lots of awards for his celebration cakes when he was a chef in the Marines, so Im sure it could be done, its just getting the nerve to take the plunge. Maybe we could open up the first SW Coffee shop.....

I love baking too but can't do it too often as I'd eat it all and get fat and miserable. I sometimes make cupcakes with little one and force my two fatties to eat them before I give in and have them. Although my buns aren't too bad as I've always used flora light so they do work out under 10 syns each

Whats your recipe for the scan bran muffins? they look yummy
Talking of baking, my mother is out to get the kitchen there is currently banoffee, cheescake, lasagne, vol au vents, sausage rolls and I'm sure lots of other goodness for a party tomorrow (my sisters are having their friends over for a belated Halloween party). I WILL resist.

Oh no, stay strong. It is hard isn't it, but you'll feel so much better for resisting

I feel so full after tea, I actually have a bump, I look a good few months pregnant :O haven't had any syns yet either, think I'll manage some later though haha, if I still feel full later I'll have some amaretto or coffee liqueur
Oh I definitely will be resisting, just had a cheeky jump on the scales (don't hurt me Kim) and they've shown me that I just can't afford to be naughty this week. I want to get to target so bad! That's the only thing about scale hopping, yes it make make me :( for a little bit but it encourages me to work that little bit harder :)

Lol you have to love when you eat so much that you have a little food baby in your tummy! Ooh liqueur sounds good :)
I got on my mums scales and was disappointed, showing 9 stone 4 and a half until I remembered I had jeans and a thick cardigan on and I'd also just downed a couple of coffee's. So no point in me weighing at my mums, always do it though haha but just ignore whatever I see as its always bad compared to the slimming world ones. I want to stop over one night so I can weigh first thing in the morning :p

At least its got you motivated :) I know some people who go off track if they don't like what they see, I don't understand that personally as whenever I gain or maintain when I've been good I just think ''Oh no I can't eat anything if I want to loose'' rather then thinking well I might as well have a blow out now.

I do love a good food baby, especially when I'm at home haha
Completely with you...if they're showing me nice figures I try to be Saint like to get them to be even nicer to me and if they're showing not so nice figures I think 'I'll show you'

I love how motivated I feel at the minute, and I really think it helps knowing that there are no occasions coming up for a while that include alcohol. Next weekend I'm at a friends for dinner but I'm going to stick to 4 or 5 syns a day through the week so that I don't have to worry about what she makes. She's extremely thin and gorgeous though, so I don't imagine she pumps her food full of lard yay!

Any nice plans for tomorrow?
Jenna88 said:
Honestly Deb, that was the part that made me truly hate her. What sort of sick individual tries to stop the course of nature by preventing you from sitting on the toilet seat. Work of Satan!

Ha ha yes I know. That feeling of being worked out turned into shaky bones. Currently eating curly wurly even tho its weigh in tom. Am not right in the head lol
Honestly most of the week I have been wanting to have anything and everything....totally different from last week. Just shows how every day is different. Sometimes scale hops work for me but when I feel like I have proper tried and I have gained I think...sod this. Makin myself miserable for nothing then I eat whatever I like. However I then wake up with a food hangover and the guilt creeps in and I feel worse than ever.
Good luck for tom Kim.Ronnie if your about will you weigh in too?
Oooo well hope you have a lovely time, we're at our friends for a Christmas market next weekend and I'm going to do the same as you 5 syns a day coming up to it as we'll probably have a take-away on the Friday or if not then I know she uses loads of oil in her cooking and then I might want a treat at the market as well. I won't go crazy though so hopefully I can still loose, def won't be a blow out like I've had the past few weekends so I'll be surprised if I don't loose at least half a lb.

Tomorrow we're going to do a bit of Christmas shopping if we can (going to bhs to see what they have in their 30% off sale) do you have any plans?
Gym in the morning, then will probably spend the rest of the day helping mum sort the house and food out for the party tomorrow night. Have decided on chilli for dinner tomorrow as it'll be one of the dishes at the party...obv I have my own portions in the freezer but it means I'll look 'normal' and not like I'm being obsessive..if only they knew about last weekends massive indian hehe!
I hate when people look at what your eating and don't consider what you might have eaten before. I had a lady go on at me about how I didn't need to have a black coffee as there's nothing on me, I could easily have the hot chocolate with cream and marshmallows.... she didn't know about the pizza and cake I was planning on having at the weekend though
Completely agree.
The worst person for me is my aunt...granted I rant about her constantly. She's lovely but when I'd lost a stone she said to my mum 'I'd put on a pile of weight' *grrr*, but after she saw me lose 2.5stone SHE joined SW and will STILL say to me about what I'm eating. Seriously? You know the plan, you know how it works, you know I know how it works. Let's just leave it at that!
My mum used to be the worse and then she got better, but since I've started running she's started again, decided to just not mention food in front of her if I can get away with it.

Aghhh watching young apprentice and the ariel is playing up, going to miss who gets fired! NOOOOO!!!!!!!!
Jenna88 said:
Completely agree.
The worst person for me is my aunt...granted I rant about her constantly. She's lovely but when I'd lost a stone she said to my mum 'I'd put on a pile of weight' *grrr*, but after she saw me lose 2.5stone SHE joined SW and will STILL say to me about what I'm eating. Seriously? You know the plan, you know how it works, you know I know how it works. Let's just leave it at that!

She said after you had lost stone that you looked like you had put weight on? What gets me is "your crazy, don't need lose weight" then start mocking you :(
Can't say I've ever watched The Apprentice at all, young or old however aerial frustration is not good. When it's stormy our TV constantly says 'no satellite signal is being received', drives me insane.

Yep Deb, she's a weird one. She is one of those people who always has to be the best, and have the best and be effing fantastic.

Omg, don't start me about the 'you don't need to lose anymore' tribe. Yes it's lovely that they think they're handing out a compliment (the ones who actually are trying to like my wee granny lol) but I don't tell you to stop putting on weight or what to wear or how to do your hair so don't bloody tell me what to do. So annoying.
I hate the you don't need to loose weight lot, especially when they start getting nasty with it as well. I was told a while back (I'm sure some on here remember as I got very upset about it) that I was too skinny in the face. I just laugh about it now but at the time it hurt, even though I knew I was happy with my face and didn't want to put any weight on.

We only have a temporary areal one of the many things we keep saying we'll get sorted, maybe if I get this job but I begrudge spending a couple of hundred pounds on having a proper areal fitted (I know I'm tight) I'll be honest, don't want to sound like a psycho (although I know I will) but I want an engagement ring! Then we can spend money on other things haha
Lol I begrudge spending money on anything that isn't fun, an engagement ring however sounds fab :D

I don't think people realise that passing comment on someones weight (unless it's to say you look fab) can be hurtful. I think people automatically assume if they're saying you look thin that it's ok.

We've spoke about marriage and both want to do it but cost has been the issue as to why he hasn't proposed yet (that and he's also said he wants to think of a nice way of doing it and can't) so it would be nice if he'd do it in the new year (if I get this job, otherwise again the cost) I don't think he'd do it over Christmas as he's always laughed when people get engaged at Christmas saying that someone couldn't think of a Christmas present so they bought a ring,

I think your right, they wouldn't say it the other way round (well actually my mum bless her was the only person who told me I was putting weight on, which at the time I didn't appreciate but in the long run I did)

The boys are on the X Box so I'm officially free to harass you guys all night now haha. It's been nice having my brother over, we don't get to chat to often so it was nice having a catch up (and a bit of a ***** to be honest lol) and little one loved seeing his Uncle and showing him all his games.
Also now I'm talking about engagements I wonder if telling him I wanted to stab him for his eating habits earlier was a good idea... he didn't seem to bothered to be honest and as soon as I said I wanted to he asked if it was because he kept eating.

I gave in and had some celebrations as I wanted to use syns but wasn't that hungry, we're doing it a bit backwards, we've taken out all our favourites so that we eat the ones that always get left first... but as I'm not too bothered about them (but love the maltesers ones) I'm going to sneak into the kitchen in a minute and move all the maltesers from the other tin to my own chocolate tin.... well maybe not all of them but a few just so I know I can have them