Anyone in the 9s want to be in the 8's ??

I got the recipe off here for the muffins Donna & think it was called carrot cake made with scan bran. I'll get it for you when I'm on laptop as in bed at mo watching The Human Mannaquin! Had a couple earlier & they're scrummy.
The bread rolls however are another story......the dough didn't rise & they came out like little bullets lol! I had 2 of them as hadn't had my hexb's with some phili cheese & I now have indigestion......they're going to the birds tomorrow lol!

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I got the recipe off here for the muffins Donna & think it was called carrot cake made with scan bran. I'll get it for you when I'm on laptop as in bed at mo watching The Human Mannaquin! Had a couple earlier & they're scrummy.
The bread rolls however are another story......the dough didn't rise & they came out like little bullets lol! I had 2 of them as hadn't had my hexb's with some phili cheese & I now have indigestion......they're going to the birds tomorrow lol!

Sent from my GT-I9100 using MiniMins

Oh no that's a shame, although at least the muffins came out nice :) do you think they'd work with ryvita?

saying that scan bran is suppose to be good for weight loss, might have to buy some more next time I go to group
Night Jenna, hope you have a good nights sleep and aren't up too early. Little one keeps getting us up early lately, he wakes us up around 6 and we send him back down then he doesn't get us up until 8-ish but because I've had the broken sleep from getting up at 6 I'm always just as tired then anyway.

Have a busy day tomorrow, got to do my run and or crosstrainer, christmas shopping, have my hospital appointment to check on the old cyst and going to visit my nanna.... no rest for the wicked
donna88 said:
Also now I'm talking about engagements I wonder if telling him I wanted to stab him for his eating habits earlier was a good idea... he didn't seem to bothered to be honest and as soon as I said I wanted to he asked if it was because he kept eating.

I gave in and had some celebrations as I wanted to use syns but wasn't that hungry, we're doing it a bit backwards, we've taken out all our favourites so that we eat the ones that always get left first... but as I'm not too bothered about them (but love the maltesers ones) I'm going to sneak into the kitchen in a minute and move all the maltesers from the other tin to my own chocolate tin.... well maybe not all of them but a few just so I know I can have them

Love this story. Had me chuckling. Also made me feel a teeny weeny (remember the song by Timmy mallet...itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini?) Ha Ha I am changing the topic aren't i? Yes made me feel little bit better that I had thornton chocolates!! Something not registering with my brain this week. I think deep down I am scared of wi day and scared I won't lose anything, scared of letting myself down that I am eating to justify it? Am I talking rubbish? I am aren't i? It's not even wine night lol
Kim...those poor birds but good for you for tryin ;)

See you all in morn x
Love this story. Had me chuckling. Also made me feel a teeny weeny (remember the song by Timmy mallet...itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka dot bikini?) Ha Ha I am changing the topic aren't i? Yes made me feel little bit better that I had thornton chocolates!! Something not registering with my brain this week. I think deep down I am scared of wi day and scared I won't lose anything, scared of letting myself down that I am eating to justify it? Am I talking rubbish? I am aren't i? It's not even wine night lol
Kim...those poor birds but good for you for tryin ;)

See you all in morn x

I'm sure your WI will be fine don't worry about it

I felt so naughty moving all the maltesers over (I did take them all mwah ha ha) it actually made me giggle just thinking about it while he was sat playing on the x box (sad I know lol)
Morning ladies - wel stood on the scales and they say 8st 6.75lb which i thought "yey half a pound loss - it may have been more if i had eaten better" but still felt great........UNTIL i logged on here and saw my signature with my weight on it and its 1/2LB ON - made me laugh which is a good thing. Must say i am not too disappointed due to being rather rubbish this week as a whole but i honestly thought i was 8st 7 something (the quarters and three quarters are confusing me) so to see 8st 6 3/4 made me feel better haha
the way forward is to forget your weight from the previous week then you get a bruci bonus x
Morning ladies, aww Deb at least you weren't disappointed when you got on the scales and you laughed about it. Sounds like something I'd do, I got all excited thinking it was a month until my Santa run the other day until I realised I'd been writing in my diary so was looking a week ahead... whoops.

Can't really be bothered with anything today, but will let breakfast settle and then go do some exercise. Again got excited thinking we were going to get a load of Christmas presents bought today as boyfriend said BHS had 30% off everything, until I checked online (he was browsing but didn't notice) that it's actually up to 30% of selected products across the store... he just read across the store.

Then I have my stupid hospital appointment. Boyfriend and little one are going to lidl while I'm there so they'll hopefully pick up some nice fruit. Hate hospitals though :(
Loving the new avatar Donna, cant see you very well in it but you're looking very slim x

Yeh Deb, its only a little half a pound & you have increased your exercise so may be that x

Well, I feel like poo this morning....not sure if its the anti inflammatorys or those bread rolls from last night, but have an awful pain at the top of my stomach, feel nauseous & very bloated! Feel like a right drip as its all going wrong with the bod at the mo.....put me down!
And the good news......I put on the *beep beep* did that happen?! Im truely flummexed! Rings are tight as in I cant even take off my wedding ring , so I've obviously got some water retention going on for some reason, so Im going to make a real conscious effort to drink loads of fluids today. Summits up with the body, as it cant be 'fat weight' as I've been on plan for 28/28 days ......Oh well I'll plod on & not let it get me down! I know Im a slow loser, but this is extracting the urine lol!
OK, so this week Im going to try a little experiment & see what my weight is daily as Im very perturbed about this 1.5lb gain for no reason! I'll have to WI tomorrow night as am working tonight & wont get a correct reading after being up for 24 hours, so here goes.......

Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

P.S Does anyone else want to join me......
kim63 said:
OK, so this week Im going to try a little experiment & see what my weight is daily as Im very perturbed about this 1.5lb gain for no reason! I'll have to WI tomorrow night as am working tonight & wont get a correct reading after being up for 24 hours, so here goes.......

Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

P.S Does anyone else want to join me......

I wouldn't mind trying this with u
Friday: 9st 4.5lbs

Friday: 9st 2 lbs
Ooo can I join too?

Friday: 9st 11
Thanks Kim, I thought I'd put something up, it isn't very clear though is it.

I'd join but I don't have any scales and can't be bothered to keep getting the wii fit balance board out... plus if I started for a week don't think I could then stop, but it will be interesting to see how everyone's weight fluctuates.

Hope your feeling better soon Kim, it does sound like it could be water retention, hopefully plenty of fluids will do you loads of good.

Little one is in a right mood today, don't envy my boyfriend taking him out while I'm at the hospital... he doesn't want to come to my nanna's with me either, which will be a nice little break for me to be honest.
Bad naughty woman encouraging daily weights, but this is an experiment ladies & for this week only lol! Im curious about water retention as I've gotten it in abundance today & how it affects your weight, so each morning I will see how tight my wedding ring is & how it relates on the scales.
Yesterday I read somewhere that you should weigh yourself 3 hours after getting up! Not sure about that, as you would have had your breakfast & coffee by then & wont get a true weight. Mind you, as long as you weigh in the same place, same sort of time with clothes/no clothes, you will see the trend.
Im a butt naked, post wee type a gal!
I think your right as long as you stick with the same each day it will show any changes in weight which is what your looking for.

I'd so be a naked, before breakfast, after toilet first thing weigh-er if I weighed at home.
I used to weigh on a Saturday at 1pm. Random time because I work until 12.30 every other Saturday so made sense really. Even though its 1pm I would still pee and get naked haha xx