anyone intereseted in a walking challenge?

Monday: 14,493 steps :)
Tuesday: 11,864 steps
Monday = 8260 steps
Tuesday = 1325 steps [forgot to take it off when personal trainer came over!]
wednesday = at last count it said 4853, but it kept falling off all day cos of the skirt i was wearing so ended up taking it off :(
wednesday: 12,213 steps. i skipped the gym (tut) and went to see my mum to give her a present (a new pedometer!) and we went for one of our old walks that we used to do when i lived with my rents. twas nice :)

am going to the gym tonight instead.
Monday = 8260 steps
Tuesday = 1325 steps
wednesday = 4853
thursday = 11798 , went running with my trainer today so clocked up quite a few steps
Monday: 14,493 steps :)
Tuesday: 11,864 steps
Wednesday: 12,213 steps
Thursday: 15,724 steps - went to the gym AND a walk after dinner. go me.

Think i'm gonna have to raise my targets. All this walking is making me feel incredible though. i feel great during the day then sleep really well at night. gonna keep this up! :)
number one? how can you not have walked any steps at all on thursday? did you forget to put the pedometer on???

Monday = 8260 steps
Tuesday = 1325 steps
wednesday = 4853
thursday = 11798
Friday = 9683
No i never forgot. I only use the pedometer when i go out for a walk. On thursday i never went out because it was raining. I need a slap on the wrist!
maybe try wearing it all day?... see how many steps u do around the house generally in the day, even if u dont walk outside u cud still try and up ur steps
i think no matter how few steps u do in the day u can keep track of them, then everyday you can do a few more!

Im glad i could help number one
Can I join?!

I walk on average 13500/15000 steps a day in the week as I walk for 30 mins (two miles) on my lunch break and I walk about 5 miles home.

During weekends, I usually go for a long walk/jog on Sunday, which is about 5 miles, however with the awful weather today, I haven't been able to go on my usual walk as it's though a country park, which gets very muddy and slippy. I might try and go for a walk around the local roads later though...
welcome aboard karma, good to have ya!

Monday = 8260 steps
Tuesday = 1325 steps
wednesday = 4853
thursday = 11798
Friday = 9683
Saturday = 7688
yep, yep, welcome karma!

and numberone, i wear mine all day as well - i've done 944 so far just pottering about in the morning at home, walking to the car etc. even though i have a desk job, they all add up!!

Monday: 14,493
Tuesday: 11,864
Wednesday: 12,213
Thursday: 15,724
Friday: 11,839
Saturday: 14,731
Sunday: 14,856

Week 1 TOTAL: 95,720

WOO! wow, that total is great. am gona stick to 95,000 as a target from now on - then up it to my ultimate target of 100,000 when i've done it consistently for a month or so.

yay :)
entrez, entrez my dear. have you thought up any targets?

I think I'm going to keep a record for the first week and the set a target above that because I've not used a pedometer before. I bought one at the weekend in anticipation of joining....[sneaks a quick look at said pedometer]...oooh I'm on 7841 so far! Yay me! So I guess 10000 a day might be a good number for me, but I'll wait and see after this week.

You are doing so well rhuba - fancy doing 95000 steps!
Welcome Karma and Zoe, Great to have you here!

Monday 1864
Tuesday 9965 *Walked along the whole beach*
Wednesday 2554
Thursday 0 :copon:
Friday 2559
Saturday 2285
Sunday 2277

Total = 21504

Thats not so good but hey, better than nothing :p