I'm so glad you posted boofaloo because that gave me food for thought.
Joy's owner rang tonight and they are meeting me down the stables after my lesson. That means they'll turn up early and watch me ride their horse, I'm nervous
They are considering loaning Joy out in the short to medium term with a view to selling in the long term. All of this is going to be subject to whether they think I'll do, if we can come to an arrangement that the riding school will be happy with and that we can come to an arrangement that we are both happy with.
As their daughter will probably still want use for 1/2 a day on Sunday and on school holidays the loan agreement isn't going to be straight forward. I think that I'll see if I can just pick up the livery and shoeing with them responsable for everything else such as vets, insurance and tack etc. It's going to take some working out and he know what he is going on about and I don't
Friday is going to be a big day for me. Hubby and daughter both have the day off so I have booked my daughter in for her first every lesson to see how she gets on, it will also be the first time that hubby gets to see me riding in a school and his first look at Joy.
To be honest as long as she has 'fluffy feet' then he'll be happy
I have also aranged to go with the assistant LLC councillor down to her yard on Thursday. It will be nice to be able to talk horses without the other person falling asleep in the middle of it

I'm looking forward to that but because I have to get back to pick my daughter up from school at 11.45am I won't have time to ride.