OMG, 9lbs off today!!! I've met my target!! I'm soo happy!! Hope I manage the same for May target!!
RuthG - 15lbs 3lbs lost, 12lbs to go.
Crazyv - 7lbs
Lizwhite29 - 7lbs
Vixie -14lbs
Soci -10lbs, 14lbs off
Slim - 10lbs
Chrissyriley - 12lbs 9.4 lbs off, 3lbs to go
AndroidAmy - 7lbs
Tiggemma - 13lbs - 6lbs off 7 to go!
georgiasmum - 12lbs
Confuzzled - 14lbs - 7lbs off 7 to go
Amanda - 20lbs - 14lbs off 6lbs to go gained 3lbs last week 9lbs off this week - target met, 20lbs!!
2mnn - 5lbs
Poko - 12lbs - 5lbs off, 7lbs to go!