At goal & now beyond... 5:2 officially rocks!

Missed the bit about the scales. That will come off in no time. I'm fasting today too, haven't eaten yet but will shortly.

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I've got a banging head! I've drunk 2 litres of water & it's not shifting, it's all round my sinuses too & I'm sure a big fat bag of chips would make it go away lol
I'm using periton as it aloud in pregnancy, I'm finding it more effective than my normal antihistamine as I can take more than 10mg if I need to 4-6, 4mg tablets every 4-6 hours .. I only need 2 or 3 daily now that I've been using them for a while now .. I'm lucky that it doesn't makes me sleepy tho
Doh! The point was maybe you need more than 10mg as I know lincs has loads of rape seed flowering at the mo .. I had awful allergies to the pollen when I lived up your way .. So perhaps try the periton ??
The oil sees rape is a killer you're right, especially around my house. My head doesn't seem quite as bad now but I'm sneezing loads now so I reckon it probably is my hay fever
The oil sees rape is a killer you're right, especially around my house. My head doesn't seem quite as bad now but I'm sneezing loads now so I reckon it probably is my hay fever

Yup it's killed me today grrrrr x
Back down to 11:9:5 this morning which was official weigh in last week so hopefully with a sensible day today & my fast tomorrow I'll have a loss this week before I go on my holidays at the weekend.....
Good up day today 1500 cals & Zumba & lots of steps. Am dreading tomorrow's down day a bit, not sure why.....