sorry but the choc crunch ones *drool* are like, hmmm better than sex if ur on this diet!lol would i kick sy out of bed for an extra one? hell yeah!
well that cute little mr Oakley Storm is stiiiiilllll awake. next to me, toothy grinning so i can be mad at him, Taliesin is finally asleep as are the grils. phew! i have scrubbed the floors tonight on my hands and knees, cleaned the sofa's and am debating a bit of wii fit now. hmmmm. bought some ketostix in the end, (after blagging boots that my mil who has diabetes, needed to test her pee for some reason and had left hers at home) and they are only changing colour marginally. what colour should i be seeing? anyone know? i know they are about as useful as a fart in a jacuzzi but hey, wastes 15 seconds of my day....