Gold Member
Hope you feel better soon tink xx
Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
Sent from my iPhone love n hugs Kel xx
You know willow, u just might be on to something there hun. My sister REALLY suffers with migraines (she has mega expensive drugs to help, but due to cost gets only 4 at a time) she said that she sometimes has a mild headache and the same symptoms as i have. I'll call her tomorrow and ask more, i suffered severe migraines as a teenager this would coincide with totm too.... It will go then? I feel proper retarded!lol
I'll be out of said wars soon. Driving me own self insane atm. Life will be back to normal after the op. Has to be as i have a deposit on a new baby wrap and i simply have to be well enough to use it asap ( i'm a babywearer, oakley usually travels in sling on my back) it's all covered in stars and is my motivation for getting out and about
1st 6lbs lost so far! 11st 7lbs (updated daily)
You know willow, u just might be on to something there hun. My sister REALLY suffers with migraines (she has mega expensive drugs to help, but due to cost gets only 4 at a time) she said that she sometimes has a mild headache and the same symptoms as i have. I'll call her tomorrow and ask more, i suffered severe migraines as a teenager this would coincide with totm too.... It will go then? I feel proper retarded!lol
I'll be out of said wars soon. Driving me own self insane atm. Life will be back to normal after the op. Has to be as i have a deposit on a new baby wrap and i simply have to be well enough to use it asap ( i'm a babywearer, oakley usually travels in sling on my back) it's all covered in stars and is my motivation for getting out and about
1st 6lbs lost so far! 11st 7lbs (updated daily)
Day 20, been 100% I feel proud of myself but I still go to bed hungry every day, I feel dizzy if I do too much and I get sugar crashes which make me a bit snappy and to add to that TOTM has arrived which should be fun as I have the added bonus of endometriosis - wish I could just spend the next week in bed feeling sorry for myself lol But I am at mums looking after mum and dad (they both need full time care and their other carer has gone on the sick so it is all down to me at the moment which means I can't go home at all - I live 2 hours away so not seen my hubby or cats for 9 days and I think she is going to take this week off too) Oh well such is life I guess.