Gold Member
*Claire-Bear* said:Aaaaw bless! Liz i have a horrible relationship with my mum, shes shown no interest in my wedding whatsoever ...... i dunno if you were apart of my convo about all this ... but basically coz of her lack of consern i have had to tell her off about 5 times now ... and on one of the occasions that she really upset me was cancelling a visit to my wedding venue so she could be with my cousin .... etc etc ... so im not overly infused with her at the mo, infact shes never been involved much ..
Thats lovely your sis came to your fittingxxxx
Bless u hun, i remember u saying about ur mum before hun, its such a shame that ur mum goes off with ur cousin n not u, i find it v strange, i still hav my mum but at the time of my wedding (we got married in sri lanka) n my fittings etc my mum n me hadnt got on properly ever she used to c a married man n drink heavily n before i moved out hit me a bit so i didnt really want her around but now she has dementia, cant remember wot day it is but she has mellowed alot. Lol
I hope u can hav enuf of a relationship with ur mum to not let it spoil things but it looks like u hav gud friends around u to help.
On friends; Ah were a sad lot, i hav one best friend i met thru work n so called work colleagues, but their not friends, but other wise my other best friends r my sister n my hubby xx
Lol ;-)