B_44s food diary

They were lovely. Thanks mrstore!

No weigh in tonight as I just cannot be bothered, it's pouring it down and I'm cold so I just want to go home and chill out and be all cosy lol. Will go tomorrow instead :)

Red day today

Breakfast: 2 scan bran (2 syns) with tuna, Special K chewy bar (healthy b)

Lunch: wetherspoons chicken skewers (2 syns for sauce)

Dinner: 2 quorn sausages, a few mushrooms, 2 poached eggs, turkey bacon rashers

Extras: wholemeal roll with 30g cheddar (healthy a and b), yoghurt, galaxy bubbles (9 syns)

Syns: 13

Dinner's not really my sort of thing but I'm fed up of stir fry on a red day lol
I will. I was so lazy yesterday evening I just couldn't be bothered to do anything lol. Hoping for a maintain tonight!

Green day today

Breakfast: spaghetti hoops, scrambled egg and half healthy a cheese

Lunch: apple snack bag, Special K chewy bar (healthy b), ryvita minis (healthy b)

Dinner: 5 bean chilli with rice and healthy a cheese

Extras: 15 syns on chocolate!
Oops forgot to answer your quorn question... They are ok, they have a bit of an odd flavour, not a horrible flavour, but just an odd one tho lol. I reckon they taste a tiny bit like Richmond pink sausages (altho I've only had them once). I find they are nicer if you cook them for longer so they're a bit crispier x
I lost half a pound which I am happy with after pizza and cheesecake Friday lol.

I had Simon rimmer chilli and pasta for dinner. The chilli is free and is in a sachet that you add water to and simmer for 20 mins. Was quite nice x


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Thanks all :) no naughtiness coming up this week so hoping for a nice loss

Green day today. I'm so hungry and I reckon it's coz I haven't eaten enough oops.

Breakfast: 2 scrambled eggs

Lunch: wholemeal roll (healthy b) with laughing cow (1 syn) and lettuce, apple, carrot sticks, yoghurt

Dinner: quorn Swedish meatballs in tomato sauce with pasta and brocolli and cheese (healthy a), garlic bread made using healthy b roll

Extras: one of the new greek muller toffee yoghurts which I'm really excited to try lol (half a syn), galaxy (12 and a half)

Syns: 14
I loved them too! They're delicious, a really nice creamy texture and much thicker than the normal ones. It's a shame they're so expensive tho, may just have to get them when they're on a special offer lol x
Ohh if the offers still on their ill have to stock up on them! Sooo yummy x

Dinner :)


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I went to the cinema last night and very proud of myself for resisting popcorn and fizzy drinks! Instead I had my galaxy and a latte using my healthy a.

Green day today as I'm really wanting carb/stodgy food at the mo

Breakfast: tin of mushy peas on top of two scan brans (2 syns)... Strangely nice lol

Late lunch/early dinner: left over quorn meatballs in tomato sauce with rice and a million Brussels sprouts topped with healthy a cheese

Extras: got 2/3 healthy extras to have so will see what I fancy! Toffee greek yoghurt (half a syn) and a bar of galaxy (12 and a half)

Syns: 15


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Random food day today and no superfree but I'm pleased as I really wanted to go off the rails and binge but I managed to stop myself, and I'm hoping I can for the rest of the evening too lol. Got my syns and another healthy b to have so should be ok.

Green day

Lunch: a few sweet potato chips

Dinner: mushy peas and rice with healthy a cheese, a healthy b wholemeal roll with a fry light egg and a Linda McCartney sausage.., was rather full up after lol

Extras: 2 syn hot chocolate using healthy + 2 syns, greek toffee muller light (half a syn), Special K chewy bar healthy b and galaxy (12 and a half)

Syns: 15


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Off to a fete today! Will resist the cakes lol

Extra easy today as at parents for dinner

Brunch (bought to me in bed!): 2 lm sausages, baked beans and 2 fry light eggs, Starbucks skinny vanilla latte (healthy a + 3 syns)

Dinner: Tuna fish cakes, potatoes and veg

Extras: Special K chewy delight bar (healthy b), galaxy honeycomb crisp (12 syns)

Syns: 15


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I was good lol despite there being some amazing looking cakes, yum yum

Struggling at the moment, I just want to eat loads of naughty things! I haven't yet and have stayed 100% on plan so I'm proud of that tho. Sorry if tmi but I think that time of the month is coming up so that's probably why.

Weigh in tomorrow and I'm looking at a stay the same or a small gain which is dissapointing seeing as tho I've been on plan but not the end of the world :)

Will post food diary in a bit x