Ela ine
Likes to post, and eat.
Happy Friiiidaay too youu
arty001: (I don't know why I'm so pleased it's Friday, btw. I don't think I'm doing anything this weekend
either.. which makes me a bit lame
Anyway, as inspired as I am by you... I am writing my mini goals too! Well, they're not really mini - they're massive!
1 stone lost - (in comparisson to your 9, minus a bit, this makes mine look awful)Ah that shiny sticker keeps teasing me... I get to two pounds away and then I have a gain
, but next time..next week!?!?! Well, maybe next week - if not the week after
Get in to a size 16 - I cannot wait for this to happen! I think, think think I am now a solid 18. I 'have been an 18' for ages, but this was really me squishying in! I have clothes from 18 - 24! But now I've bought at least 4 items in an 18
Okay - that's enough goals for now.
Have a lovely lovely afternoon x
Anyway, as inspired as I am by you... I am writing my mini goals too! Well, they're not really mini - they're massive!
1 stone lost - (in comparisson to your 9, minus a bit, this makes mine look awful)Ah that shiny sticker keeps teasing me... I get to two pounds away and then I have a gain
Get in to a size 16 - I cannot wait for this to happen! I think, think think I am now a solid 18. I 'have been an 18' for ages, but this was really me squishying in! I have clothes from 18 - 24! But now I've bought at least 4 items in an 18
Okay - that's enough goals for now.
Have a lovely lovely afternoon x