Yes I took cyclazine (spelling?!) but it didn't work. I used to get up at 5am to take the tablets then go back to sleep, get up for 7 and hope they'd kicked in for work! Which they never did! The only time they worked were when I got signed off for a few months and had bedrest. The doctor said there's no point in taking them if you are not resting!! I honestly am undecided on whether to have another. It was so, so bad. Being sick was fine. It's the constant 24 hour nausea.
I remember thinking'if one more person tells me to have a ginger biscuit I'm going to kick off!' Lol obviously they were being nice but it's like, it's not morning sickness!!! X
Here to follow.
I had normal morning sickness with my pregnancies and that was bad enough... I really feel for those who have what you had xx
I had that too! They did work abit, well I mean it cut me down to throwing up just a few times a day! I agree it's the nausea thats the worst. I couldn't even sit up to get out of bed without throwing up. It goes put me off having another because it was horrific looking after one child with it never mind two and doing the school run etc! But hopefully we can have a plan in place x
Same mrs s. I would literally open my eyes and feel awful! It is just horrible. Because people have the attitude of 'its just morning sickness' you go into work and plough on, but the dr said to me 'if you carry on working you will end up in hospital!' Once I did that I found dealing with it much easier! There's nothing worse than being in a meeting and thinkin omg I'm gonna puke I'm gonna puke! Lol! I said to OH I would have to not work. Couldn't do all that again! Or be in a position to be able to afford being signed off for a few months meeehhhh!!! Xx
I suppose I'm lucky really because I'm a stay at home mummy I won't have that problem! There was a point when the doc wanted me to stay in and I had to convince him to let me go home on the promise my mum would take my LO to stay for a bit so I could rest, and my mum didn't get it and thought I was just being dramatic!!
Okaaayy didn't have the ww desert or the yogurt however I did have about 7 thorn tons Chocolates which I have taken from my bonus points so still not touched the weekly points and tomorrow is weigh in!!! X
Just catching up on everyone's threads and good luck for weigh in tomorrow!! Managing to not touch your weeklies is impressive![]()
Hi Lisa !!
Yeah any sickness is just horrid!!! It is just vile!!!
Did you have it for long?
Do you have a food diary? X
I have 3 kids and my first and last I just had all day nausea on and off....Ergh I hated it.
I have a diary in the ww simply filling section... Lost 2.5lbs on it this week.
Good luck for weigh in x
I have never tried the Simply Filling... do you prefer it to Porpoints or is it routine now? I always do PP but its more out of habit than anything!
This was my first week on simply filling/filling and healthy ( whatever they call it lol) and I really enjoyed it, it was nice not to think about points and if I had enough pp left for the day, it also made me eat much healthier than I usually would. It's good that you can switch between plans daily too x
Food wise it has not been good! We haven't really eaten proper meals and tended to graze more leading to some terrible choices. Just means i have to get back on track tomorrow![]()
I always advise others to plan their meals for the week but hardly do it myself so tonight i'm currently writing up our menu and planning our shopping list to make sure i'm organised and focused! That's the aim anyway... always easier said than done![]()
Ok weighed in this morning. -8lbs YAY!!!!X![]()
Oh my god!! Well done! That's a huge loss x