Babytreetrunk... turning 25!!! This year is the year!!!!!

Hi Hun, don't know what's happened but hope your ok! Don't worry about slimming world just look after yourself. Thinking of you xxx
hi everyone, i'm here... thanks for all your support :)

still havent had a verdict so still no news... i feel like this is never going to end.

i went to weigh in this morning and i have gained 2lb.. i know why.. pizzas wine, you name it ive had it.

i was going to stay at class but as she was going around the group i had this overwhelming feeling that i was just going to burst into tears so i left. so i held it in, walked home and then sat and had a big cry.

everything just seems to be too much. i'm constantly in fear of someone breaking in or being followed and its horrible. everytime i hear a noise i just freeze I am constantly worried and i dont know how its going to go away. last night two lads sat behind me on the bus and i sat frozen thinking they were going to hurt me. its rediculous but i just cant get these thoughts out of my mind. I start my counselling today but i cant imagine it getting better for a while.

sorry for going on... i just need to get it out.. my friends can only listen to it so many times. im sat here stuffing my face while typing this. I just cant face healthy food right now or even cooking. Im back in work tomo and i just wish i had a week off to go home. I cant ask for it as ive just started.

hope everyone is well. ill try and get on everyones threads xxxx
Awww big hugs to you, must be so hard feeling this way. Hopefully the counsellor will give you techniques you can use in these situations like on the bus.

Don't worry about sw, just concentrate on you and what's right for you at this moment xx
:bighug:sorry to hear you are having a rough time hun, hope things get better for you, and if it helps then get it all out here, we are all here for you xx
Awww Brit, bless you :( hopefully the councillor will help and give you some ways to deal with the situations when you feel as if your being overwhelmed.. It must have been such a scary situation and of course it's terrified you.

I hope the verdict comes through soon. When will you next get the opportunity to go home and see your mum? xx
My mum is coming down in feb I think.. just got back home and feel slightly better... just shattered from all the crying

Got work early tomo so think it will be an early night.
I do think this counselling will work but all in good time.

Watching gavin and stacey... always laugh its comedy gold :) xx

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Oh luv! I feel for you.
Give your mum a ring, I'm sure she'd be able to put your mind a rest a little. Don't think your over reacting at the mo- it just that you've been reminded of the situ and your feeling a bit vulnerable . Don't stress bout it. The counsellor will help you to deal with it all I'm sure. Your friends are there for (as r we) and I'm sure they don't think you're going on. They're your friends after all - it's their job to be there through the good and bad.
Dont worry bout your weight , as long as you are ok that's the main thing.

Feel free to rant anytime.
:bighug:Big hugs luv xxxxx
Brittany I can only mirror what everyone else has said hunni. What about trying some relaxation tapes too? They really do help. I'm guessing work know a little about whats happened as thats why youve needed time off, could you have a word with your manager or HR and ask for a weekend off even without pay for domestic circumstances and go visit your mum?? Im sure they would show a little empathy with you xx

Keep smiling chick xx
Hey all :) feel better today food still isnt great but im not as drained :)

Still havent heard anything but im going to keep telling myself no news is good news :)

Because I have holidays to take im going to ask him if I could take some this week and get to go home for a few days but there are a lot of people on holiday so I doubt it but I can only ask cant I :)

Whats everyone doing this weekend?? Atm im in work tomorrow then going friends on sun but we will see xx

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Hey all!!!!!!!!! After 6 long horrible months im pleased to say its over and justice will be done woooooo

So tonight eating the crap from my cupboards and tomorrow starts a brand new year not just for dieting but for my health and happiness aswell

Thanks everyone for the support im am ready to get back on track and be the person I wanna be :)

As kimberley and rafiki would say... its time :)


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Hey all!!!!!!!!! After 6 long horrible months im pleased to say its over and justice will be done woooooo

So tonight eating the crap from my cupboards and tomorrow starts a brand new year not just for dieting but for my health and happiness aswell

Thanks everyone for the support im am ready to get back on track and be the person I wanna be :)

As kimberley and rafiki would say... its time :)


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Brilliant news Brittany - thank goodness thats over for you. Celebrate tonight my lovely enjoy you deserve it, and your so right tomorrow is another day.

I'm made up for you hun xx
Yaaaaaaayyyyy!!:D :D :D Great news!!

Eat, drink and enjoy!! Major celebrations for you. You deserve it .

You best have a hangover tomorrow ?!?;) Xx
Hiya !! Hope your head is banging otherwise I'm gonna have a very serious word with ya!!;) Xx