Actually the choice was the cheapest will do!!
Ah a girl after my own heart.
so Pink wellies it was, I'm sure she would've prefered the multi coloured character ones but at the rate her feet grow we try to spend as little as possible.
I seem to remember we had a sort of wellie-go-round inour neighbourhood. They never get worn out & it's not like real shoes where i wouldn't want my childs foot in a shoe that's already been shaped my another .I think son had a pr of little mermaid ones briefly.I just allowed the mud to stick & hoped he didn't notice.
(£60 worth of clarks shoes since December
would lie to be able to tell you it gets better but I'd be lieing.they don't need re-shoeing as often but they do also need trainers,football boots etc.I have a separate bank account where i put the child benefit. It does/did nappies, shoes,& the occasional emergency.Anythingleft at the end of the year goes on ice-creams for the summer hols.
How sweet a little girly girl. Evie really doesn't care what she wears - her prefer ed outfit is nothing. (although when she is being a grumpy thing I tend to choose an outfit that looks ridiculous, take pictures and file them in the 'to embarrass you later file' )
So well into week 4 now, and still into the ssing routine so nothing to report dietwise! I did a sneeky peak on my mum's scales yesterday, good news another 3 lb off so hopefully I'll get another couple off before weigh in on Sat. I keep telling myself I need to prepare for the weightloss to slow down, it has come off far quicker than could've imagined.
good, & remember to keep them handy for that day when she brings her first boyfriend home.
A conversation I had with a acquaintance yesterday left me reeling (is that even a word? it sounds right,why do words do that to you) anyway, I was just explaining why I'm glugging so much water and then 5 minutes later (this was a conversation I was having on MSN messenger) acquaintance says that her husband says how ridiculous I am being embarking on this sort of diet, that it's a scam and I may as well drink water and take vitimin tablets and overall the diet will harm me in the long run! Weellll, I was flabbergasted at the ignorance and narrow mindedness, but more over at the blatant rudeness of it!
Actually that doesn't totally surprise me.Somewhere,either here or on the Cambridge diet site,I found a thread of people discussing the reactions that they had had after telling others that they were dongCD/LL etc. There were def.reactions quoted just like your 'friend' had.If I can find it I'll tell you. I've taken the cowards way so far & told no-one but be honest I wasn't sure he'd be over keen when . Didn't mention anything til I'd had my intro with CDC & come home with the shakes. Luckily he was aware of it & that it' been around for 25yrs-so that was ok.
I'm finding it harder and harder to find suitable clothes to wear! one pair of jeans most definatly will not fit me now or ever again and they are on the way to the charity shop. The slightly smaller pair are still being held up with a piece of washing line and I've given up with the broken zip pair until I can find a way to fix them (I'm no seemstress so this could be quite tricky)
I'm going to percever with what clothes I have, at the weekend I'm going to dig around for pre pregnancy clothes and see if I can make use of them yet. (probably not) but it will be nice to see them again.
You really expect me to give you sympathy because your clothes are all falling off? this colour is closer to the mark-Mine are loosening but still staying up.
Not sure about the washing line though, what's wrong wth good old bailer-twine.? Are you trying to get OH to buy you some new ones out of guilt? Sounds a good ploy if you are.
Well the tiny tear away has caused chaos this morning so I better make the most of her nap time and have a good clear up before it's time for round 2