Thank you girlies
Sorry I've been a bit awol this weekend, I had a major horrible hangover yesterday morning and once I felt better I ended up eating allll day long, loads of rubbish but I'm back on track today. Had a bit of a crappy night on Saturday, went out with my mates I went to Uni with and ended up having a massive argument with one of them

I have not had a disagreement with a friend since I was a bout 10, so I'm still feeling pretty upset about it. She got the face on with me and my other friend because we wanted to go home from town and she thought it was too early (early being 2am, which in my book isn't early) Then went on a massive hissy fit, like a child stomping her foot and spitting her dummy out.. saying that we are crap, never want to stay out late and get drunk and that we're all old before our time

so angry. She is a really horrible drunk which I think is part of her tantrum. She is just so selfish and thinks about herself all the time, she doesn't understand we have other priorities. I can't always stay out late cos I'm tired from work or skint as I'm saving for my future, my other friend has just got married and the other.. who didn't make it out as not too well, had a liver transplant a few years ago so really has to look after herself. But the girl in question has a pretty easy going job, is single and has had everything handed out on a plate to her by her parents (they pay her rent and give her money to spend every month

) 'Spoilt brat syndrome' springs to mind!!!!!
She ended up having a massive spiteful rant on facebook about us saying how she wants to find new friends, I'm so angry and upset it's untrue. She did apologise to me and my friend yesterday but says she still think she's in the right. She doesn't just want to catch up by going for a meal or bowling, or just to the pub, she's not happy if we don't stay out till 5 in the morning. get hammered and show off and flirt with men, then ending up in a ditch somewhere!!! Perhaps I am old before my time, I'm just not bothered about getting in that state. I do love a drink and enjoy going out but I don't want to always be staying out that late, especially with a selfish petulant child. I've bitten my tongue for a long time over the years when she's been a horrid drunk and some of her other friends have fallen out with her! My other friend is furious with her and my friend who didn't make it out is also very angry. I don't know what it is but recently as I'm getting older, I just don't let people walk all over me, and have started standing up for myself. I don't want to fall out with her cos she is a good friend when she's sober. but last night I realised how selfish she is! If she doesn't realise how selfish she is being and goes off like that again she is going to end up losing us as friends. Just don't know what to do

Omg sorry I didn't realise how much I'm ranting lol.... just it's been really getting to me, and it's been bothering me while I'm working! Just need to get off my chest lol. Feel like I'm being such a drama queen ranting about this, but I've never had a friend go off at me like that, she didn't care I was in tears at all. You really realise who your real friends are as you get older!!!!! Haha all this just wants to make me eat chocolate nooooo... Sorry for being such a drama queen, I'm not really!! Hope everyone is good xxxxxxxx