beccas diary

thats what i keeo doing as payday comes. got to start shopping for the nursery now though wallpaper and carpet etc. trying to keeo the room neutral but it hard as there not much out there.
its ll colours.
i haVe been Buying 0-3months clothes coz not sure wjat best to get
Yeah I'm going to stick to 0-3 months, and a couple of newborn in case, but if baby very small I'll get hubby to do an emergency shop lol, stocking up on Nappies, nappy sacks and wetwipes, was the best thing I did the first time they lasted pretty much all of my maternity leave, and I didn't have to worry about buying Nappies x
I would buy mainly 0-3 mths but you will need a few newborn sizes at first, my youngest was quite a big baby and 0-3 mths didn't fit her till she was about 6 wks so I would buy some newborn sleepsuits and body suits for hospital at least maybe some other bits too.
My first baby needed tiny sizes but I wouldn't buy them unless you knew your baby was going be very small or born early. Im going buy a few things in newborn and then mainly 0-3 mths.

As for nappies I would stock up on few packs of size ones not too many sizes 2 cos there actually only about 2lbs bigger than sizes one so they may out grow them in wk or 2, but buy plenty of size 3's they will last for ages. It is handy to buy some formula just incase you have trouble with breastfeeding and they don't usually give you formula in hospital now days I had a friend whos hubby had to drive around at night to look for open store to buy formula as hospital wouldn't give them any its also handy to use to top up breastfeeding if you don't have much milk.

Ive got a sterilizer, baby bath, a car seat in gr8 condition and moses basket so I don't think I will buy them new just all the other stuff got feeling im going end up buying 2 prams a normal pram for a baby and a cheap double i think will come in handy till my lo is walking more x

Also when buying clothes, shops come up different in sizes newborn is meant to be up to 9 or 10 lbs where as in next newborn is only up to 7.8lbs so be careful and check the weight as well as the size x
My son 8lbs 9oz and he wore tiny baby sizes for the first few weeks, iv not even bought any 0-3 yet cus I know he was around 6 weeks at least when he started fitting in it, iv bought all newborn, a few tiny baby and plan to get abit more, 0-3 would've absolutely drowned him when he was born and he wasnt small x
And I think going off The weights is silly too on baby clothes as they seem to just put anything on my LO fitted in upto 6lbs for weeks so it's deffo worth buying smaller sizes even if you do have a giant baby you can always take them back and swap them just saves you having to go out panic buying with a newborn xx
Also I notice with my two children they did lose alot of birth weight and hardly gained any weight for a few wks ,so its so worth having some smaller bits and you really do go through alot of clothes in first few wks also its a good idea to buy few white bits just incase they got sex wrong it happened to a friend of mine her oh had rush out to buy some blue as they brought all pink! x
My LO never lost just gained and he was about 11lbs when he started to fit in 0-3 he was about 6week at least iv got a pic of him at 3 weeks old in anew orb babygrow from asda and it's massive on him it looks ridiculous haha x
Rrr thankyou girls will defo go out and get some far bought a lot of 0-3months.
i didnt think about buying formula but nw you have said it cas it a v.good idea.thanks
in nappies so far bought two boxes of newborn size 1 and 2 boxes of newborn size 2.

feeling very emotional and stressed at the min everything and everyone is getting to me and jus keeo crying over nothing
anyone else like this?
jus feeling awful all time and forever saying sorry coz i av upset eVryone.

we had my mum and stepdad for tea tonight and my oh was getting on my nerves all time so kept shoutin at him infront of them and then feel like they have gone Home stressed out
beccaharrison89 said:
wat sizes did u stock up on hun ?

I have bought newborn nappies 4 to 11lbs, then were going to get a few boxes of the next size to cover from 11lb's up but try for it to cover as much as possible which is what I did last time, no nappies went to waste, then I got two boxes of the next size up. We had about 20 packs of wetwipes, best thing I did was stock up. Also got a few bottles sterilizerfluid/tablets too x
Cas3 said:
I would buy mainly 0-3 mths but you will need a few newborn sizes at first, my youngest was quite a big baby and 0-3 mths didn't fit her till she was about 6 wks so I would buy some newborn sleepsuits and body suits for hospital at least maybe some other bits too.
My first baby needed tiny sizes but I wouldn't buy them unless you knew your baby was going be very small or born early. Im going buy a few things in newborn and then mainly 0-3 mths.

As for nappies I would stock up on few packs of size ones not too many sizes 2 cos there actually only about 2lbs bigger than sizes one so they may out grow them in wk or 2, but buy plenty of size 3's they will last for ages. It is handy to buy some formula just incase you have trouble with breastfeeding and they don't usually give you formula in hospital now days I had a friend whos hubby had to drive around at night to look for open store to buy formula as hospital wouldn't give them any its also handy to use to top up breastfeeding if you don't have much milk.

Ive got a sterilizer, baby bath, a car seat in gr8 condition and moses basket so I don't think I will buy them new just all the other stuff got feeling im going end up buying 2 prams a normal pram for a baby and a cheap double i think will come in handy till my lo is walking more x

Also when buying clothes, shops come up different in sizes newborn is meant to be up to 9 or 10 lbs where as in next newborn is only up to 7.8lbs so be careful and check the weight as well as the size x

Ha, never thought of this, I'm torn between buying a normal pram and a double, I think I would use the double more for emergencies so I think I'll buy a pram and cheap double :)glad you posted that x
Ha, never thought of this, I'm torn between buying a normal pram and a double, I think I would use the double more for emergencies so I think I'll buy a pram and cheap double :)glad you posted that x

Yeah im the same I think im going get more use out of normal pram as at moment my lo is in out of a buggy, but there will times a double will coming in handy im going get a double from ebay they tend to sell alot factory seconds from mothercare and silver cross most of them have been brought and then buyers have changed their minds so there almost brand new still in the box etc I don't really want expense of buying two prams especially if I hardly use the double.

Becca hope your feeling better today, try and rest up when you can it can be hard working and being pregnant, im sure your oh and family understand x

You get loads of nappies in them boxes well worth stocking up and with wipes its amazing how many you go through.
I noticed that asda sleepsuits come up big I found that with my lo and she was 9.6 at birth but she did go down to about 8lb x
i trying to cas but feel exactly the same today.everything is getting to me and keeo taking it out on oh and he done notHing but good things. he mafe me sausage sandwich and cuppa for brekkie and i jus bin watchin tv as i off today and now cant stop moanin i bored and he does Nothin. he cant win
after another day of me having a go at oh and being a nasty piece of work oh took us for lil drive tonight and we went chippy and sat in car by sea and ate it.
weathee awful and really Bad fog but was so nice
dont no how he puts up with me
for the first time the other night i felt my baby movr slightly and it was about 9.30 at night since that every night between 9.30 and 10 i keep feeling her move.every few seconds i feel a bump.
and for thw first timw my oh has just felt her,norm when i tell him to feek she stops moving
feeling a bit better these last few days was so emotional last week and everything was getting to me.kept crying for nothing ha.
gt the end of this week to do in wrk then i in for two then off for weeks hol
really need it at mo felt like avnt stopped.
im a hairdresser and some days in the week i do 9-7 and on feet all day
ate really bad these last few days ive had maccies ,takeaway n meals out so need to try today and for next few days.

trying to plan out my day of eating but struggling as im starving already and got it in my head i not going to do well.

i keep thiNking a Nice big Bowl of shreddies would go down lovely for brekkie but my head telling me poached egg on toast or boiled eggs would be the better option