beccas diary

I've had, chicken kebab Thursday, Chinese Friday, pizza Saturday, didn't eat a lot of rubbish yesterday but didn't stick to plan :(
Today have had Weetabix, 2 alpen light bars, loads of grapes, 3 pints water, a plum, and I'm about to get a yogurt I'm so hungry lol don't worry chick it's harder when pregnant as you can't control what your body wants with will power x
can you have both weetaBix and alpen bars in one day on ee?
i got up at 9 as im off work today and been Hungry since i got up but only had a coffee so far as im putting brekkie off for bit as otherwise will be hungry again in an hour.
need to get some fruit in toMorriw but struggle to eat it in this weather
if you Are following sw today what will you have for lunch and tea?
Iv had loads of rubbish for the last week or so naughty! Not weighed either Cus been so busy, going to be writing food down til Friday then pointing again when iv weighed x
beccaharrison89 said:
can you have both weetaBix and alpen bars in one day on ee?
i got up at 9 as im off work today and been Hungry since i got up but only had a coffee so far as im putting brekkie off for bit as otherwise will be hungry again in an hour.
need to get some fruit in toMorriw but struggle to eat it in this weather
if you Are following sw today what will you have for lunch and tea?

Yes when your pregnant you get 2 he a's and two he b's. Lunch I've got grapefruit, muller yogurt, jacket potato, beans, kiwi, velvet crunch 4 syns, and melon and pineapple fruit salad - I doubt I'll get through all that for lunch but I'll use some for snacks, I also have a mini pepperami 2 syns, an apple and banana to snack on if I'm still hungry later. And a pasta pot if I'm starved but I doubt it. Tea is chicken stirfry, sweet and sour sauce 5 syns. You also get 15 syns when pregnant they recommend you use them all x
ooo maybw thats wer i have gone rong coz i didnt No u had all them hexs.
ive been struggling coz i have wanted weetabix in wrk for brekkie but bread later on and thought i couldnt have it so completely gone off plan
feeling very stressed and down.
me and my oh keep arguing about everything and he says all i do is moan.

we are Both off on a wed and tHis mrn i gt up at 10 and cleaned all downstairs then he gets up at 1 moaning hes tired after goiN to bed at 4.30 dis morn.
then he tells me i shouldnt of done the cleanin i should have left it for him wich is a joke coz the place was a mess.
then i said to him about carrying on with the stripping of the nursery as we started it twi weeks ago scraping the walls snd ge had a full week off last week and was suposed to fin and didn't
so he sed all i do is moan so i sed i will fin the room today and he can think twice uf he thought i was still gna go to his mums fir tea tonight so he called me a pig and a horror and sed i dnt deserve him.
so ive gt Myself ready and let myself intoy mums wer everyones at wrk and ill stay here for tea
Hope your not too stressed my DH been off for a week while we moved house he goes back to work tomorrow and I can't wait for abit of peace and not have to pick up after him all day lol x
beccaharrison89 said:
feeling very stressed and down.
me and my oh keep arguing about everything and he says all i do is moan.

we are Both off on a wed and tHis mrn i gt up at 10 and cleaned all downstairs then he gets up at 1 moaning hes tired after goiN to bed at 4.30 dis morn.
then he tells me i shouldnt of done the cleanin i should have left it for him wich is a joke coz the place was a mess.
then i said to him about carrying on with the stripping of the nursery as we started it twi weeks ago scraping the walls snd ge had a full week off last week and was suposed to fin and didn't
so he sed all i do is moan so i sed i will fin the room today and he can think twice uf he thought i was still gna go to his mums fir tea tonight so he called me a pig and a horror and sed i dnt deserve him.
so ive gt Myself ready and let myself intoy mums wer everyones at wrk and ill stay here for tea

Hey hun, when I was pregnant with my first me and my now hubby argued like mad, things would get very heated and we'd say really horrible things, I'd walk out or go to bed or refuse to go anywhere with him including his mum's and he'd also say really nasty stuff and call me moody etc. I know he didn't mean it but I'd end up in tears like I felt as if we were over and looking back it seems quite daft now but at the time it was the worst part of our relationship and it all boiled down to my hormones and stress with us both. Things get very tense when your pregnant and from an outsider it doesn't sound like nous oh is being very fair but I'm sure what he said was in the heat of the moment, just think of what you both are going through, soon you'll have a little bundle and it will hopefully bring you closer together, even if you think it's not possible. I'm pregnant with my second now, and me and hubby hardly ever have words let alone argue, he says I'm no where near moody or emotional this time :( try not to let it stress you out too much, I promise you'll look back and wonder why at the time it seemed so bad x
i am very stressed and i dont no wether to stay here overNight or go home latwr to sleep as i have never slept away from my oh
dont no what to do i have packed a bag which is in my car incase as i in wrk tmz 9-7
beccaharrison89 said:
i am very stressed and i dont no wether to stay here overNight or go home latwr to sleep as i have never slept away from my oh
dont no what to do i have packed a bag which is in my car incase as i in wrk tmz 9-7

Only you can decide what to do,maybe you should go home and talk things through, and if things are bad then just go and stay at your mum's and explain you just want to argue and then try working things out tomorro after work, hope you get it sorted x
he constantly has me in tears with the way he is being and things he says and u get myself so worked up
i kNow its Most prob the wrst thing coMing to my mums as she wnt b happy then but i just needed to get away.
im just worrying that he was so excited aout our baby But he not going to do what he says when time comes like the lying in etc
also he does smoke cannabis he always has done But its the first thing he does wen he gets up if he nt in work and first thing be does when he gets in from work
he keeps saying be wnt when babs Cmes along but jow can you just change a 15year habit overnight
I think you need to speak to him properly, maybe a night away will do you good and make him think about the way he treats you, arguing isn't good for you, you don't want to be getting stressed out, just spend a few hours thinking about it, do you think sometimes you might be overreacting Cus your hormonal, I know I take things alot worse now and when I sit and think I know DH might have said something stupid but not as bad as what I react to it xx
came home aFter work last night and we had a good talk,he said he was sorry and that he didnt realise how he was being until i told him.we talked for hours and gt it sorted.

yday i ate
pasta with chiCken bacon Bits and cheese
fish fingers on two wholemeal slices of bread
today so far ive ate

2 weetabix ss milk
5 cookies
cheese sandwich on two slices of wholemeal
planning for tea jacket with tuna cheese onion sweetcorn salad and coleslaw
Oh hope you feel better soon, it's harder to get rid of stuff like that too when your pregnant x
r thankuu,got up did mrn still feel rubbish so going to chill all day.back on work tomoz.
havent weighed myself for weeks now and really want too but scared to c how much ill have put on.