beccas diary

today i have ate awful as been quiet in work.

ive had chicken bacon and cheese pasta
ski yoghurt
2 bottles of sugar free flav water
kitkat cHunky orange
prawn cocktail crisps
bowl of golden nuggets
waiting for oh to come in and we gna gt maccies
ano it late bt we off wrk tmz

had terrible day but wen start a bad day always fin Bad
i get back to a gd day tmz. jus need ti gt todays bad eating over.

i off work all week nxt week to and it ohs bday so we goin for meals with fam etc too. nt gna beat myself up about it .
jus goin to have good days wen i can anf i have a bad day then so be it
I think if you accept you've had a bad day and move on it makes you feel better about it instead of stressing about something you can't change x
last few weeks i have felt baby move and kick softly,toNight is the first night i can feel her move right across and im uncomfortable she kicking hard too.
feel slightly out of breath with it as if being winded and it making me feel like i need toilet
is this how it feels for everyone?
im 24 weeks
Yep exactly, I'm 23 weeks and my lo has been like that for couple of weeks now :) I'll get a sharp kick to the bladder and it makes me feel like I'm a mm from wetting myself - hasn't happened though lol x
I carries really low with my son, this time baby is really high up, I'll be amazed if this baby really is a boy pregnancy has been total total opposite in every way from my first haha