beccas diary

up and ready to go back to work after 9 days off.
thought i was reafy as by ens of week was getting fed up,bit wen alarm went off dis Morn i could of quite happily rolled over:(
long day workin 8.30-7 too.
hopefully keep up my good calorie counting as i feel i doing quite well with it
first day back at work wasnt too bad but sooo tired.
so far today ive had 1575cals
ive had
2 coffees
can cherry vimto
two choc weetabix with ss milk
dinner-pasta with tuna sweetcorn onion
shape yoghurt
kitkat cHunky orange
tea-more tuna pasta
You must have needed it though, specially when you've been off going back to work you'll need extra energy x
Haha not lazy make most of it! My LO got up at 8.30 but he came for a cuddle in my bed n fell back to sleep til 10.30 so I got a lie in, gunna go for a nap after lunch too haha x
just weighed myself at mil and the sCales say i 12.7,i not entirely sure what i was before bit i think i was 11.2 so i have put on 1 stone 5 pound. not impressed.
im 26weeks on sat. is this more than the average weight gain?
feels like it loads.ive never been near 12stone and i only 5.5 in height so that puts me quite overweight.
just keep thinkin av gt around 14wks lft and i keep hearing the further u gt on the more u put on:(
That doesn't sound a lot, I'm sure I've put on a stone by now and I know I complain, I don't think a stone is a lot but I know how I struggle with my weight and I'm worrying about the weight I'm going to put on on top of this but at the end of the day it's a normal part of pregnancy x
Becca my target weight when I've had LO is about 11.5-12 stone haha you will lose it again don't worry, you've been doing really well your body obviously needs to put that weight on for healthy pregnancy, you arnt just eating badly xx
Yday didn't calorie count as had mcdonalds for tea.
Only had bowl of homemade soup in the day but thought still would be quite bit over.

Today I've had
Chicken bacon and cheese pasta
Fruit salad box
Nots sure how many cals though.

Been in work today 9-7.
im ahairdresser and we dont get givin a break if we busy
i had a half hour gap at 3.30 so hadnt eaten all day up until then
back and feet r so sore after today and jus realising i caNt do such a long day without lil breaks