Gold Member
Oh I'm ok, had a good long bath so feel cleansed! Still not wanting to eat and usually need a crumpet by now, however my cows cous was quite a large portion. X
Becktoria79 said:Oh and Gemma only bacon medallions are free on sf! I cut all the fat off the edge of normal bacon to make mine. X
Becktoria79 said:Thanks Mets! Yes my cow had amassive portion of cous cous! X
Becktoria79 said:No you can have bacon, you just need to trim the fat off! I hate the fat anyhow. X
Becktoria79 said:Haha! I'm scared of getting drunk these days- hangovers are lethal! I've got lots of work I need to do for school this weekend, which is already spoiling my weekend, but can't afford hangover as must get it done!
Getting drunk would be more fun! X